admin status change
1 Topictmsh script modify pool member status
Hi, I am trying to modify pool member admin status via tmsh script using such command: tmsh::modify /ltm pool lamp_opi_pl members modify {lamp12_nd:http {session user-disabled}} but every time script is executed I've got such errors: pool-status.tcl: script failed to complete: can't eval proc: "script::run" members: required brace is missing "{" while executing "tmsh::modify /ltm pool "lamp_opi_pl" members modify {"lamp12_nd:http" {session user-disabled}}" (procedure "script::run" line 35) invoked from within "script::run" line:1 script did not successfully complete, status:1 What is wrong with my command? Is that not possible to change admin status for pool member in script? Piotr504Views0likes3Comments