5 TopicsAAM: how to cache home page? (when path = /)
I'm trying to figure out how to cache pages if the request doesn't contain a file name (e.g. I assumed that the MIME-type of the Object Type (under Policies) would classify HTML-pages as such, but it looks like this doesn't cover requests without a matching file extension. What am I missing?798Views0likes12CommentsHow to use AAM accelerate the application/x-font-ttf file?
Hello Everyone I found my website have a application/x-font-ttf file is very large,The ttf file have 12MB and Load time is 86 seconds. How to used Application Acceleration Manager (AAM) moudle accelerate the ttf file? Many thanks D.Lou609Views0likes1CommentBig IP LTM 11.6 caching support
Dear All, I am wondering what kind to caching functionality LTM provides without additional licenses like WA. Within the virtual server configuration I can select a certain Web Acceleration Profile like optimized-caching. Is this function supported within the LTM? What kind of caching functionality does the LTM provide? Best regards, Marvin371Views0likes4CommentsRedirect All TCP Traffic - Cloudbridge
Hi, I have one cluster of BIG-IP version 10.2.1 and I need to create the Irule for the bypass all the traffic to the 3 virtual servers, because I have the problem when the packet through the BIG-IP and the TCP Options is deleted. can someone help me? Thanks a lot Edson239Views0likes1Comment