1 Topicdelegate _xmpp-client._tcp.domain.com to GTM and let the GTM to resolve to (A) record hosted on BIND.
I am trying to get iRule to work for servicing SRV records for _sipinternaltls._tcp.domain.com and _xmpp-client._tcp.domain.com, which are delegated to the GTM from the dns server running BIND. ERROR: 01070151:3: Rule [/Common/srvtest1_irule] error: /Common/srvtest1_irule:9: error: [undefined procedure: DNS::answer][DNS::answer insert "[DNS::question name]. $ttl IN [DNS::question type] 1 0 5223 xmpp1.domain.net."] /Common/srvtest1_irule:14: error: [undefined procedure: DNS::additional][DNS::additional insert "xmpp1.domain.net. $ttl IN A"] /Common/srvtest1_irule:17: error: [undefined procedure: DNS::return][DNS::return]300Views0likes1Comment