35 TopicsiControl REST Cookbook - Virtual Server (ltm virtual)
This cookbook lists selected ready-to-use iControl REST curl commands for virtual-server related resources. Each recipe consists of the curl command, it's tmsh equivalent, and sample output. In this cookbook, the following curl options are used. Option Meaning ______________________________________________________________________________________ -s Suppress progress meter. Handy when you want to pipe the output. ______________________________________________________________________________________ -k Allows "insecure" SSL connections. ______________________________________________________________________________________ -u Specify user ID and password. For the start, you should use the "admin" account that you normally use to access the Configuration Utility. When you specify the password at the same time, concatenate with ":". e.g., admin:admin. ______________________________________________________________________________________ -X <method> Specify the HTTP method. When omitted, the default is GET. In the REST framework, POST means create (tmsh create), PATCH means overwriting the existing resource with the data sent (tmsh modify), and PATCH is for merging (ditto). ______________________________________________________________________________________ -H <Header> Specify the request header. When you send (POST, PATCH, PUT) data, you need to tell the server that the data is in JSON format. i.e., -H "Content-Type: application/json. ______________________________________________________________________________________ -d 'data' The JSON data to send. Note that you need to quote the entire json blob, and each "name":"value" pairs must be quoted. When you have nested quotes, make sure you escape (\) them. Get information of the virtual <vs> tmsh list ltm <vs> curl -sku admin:admin https://<host>/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/<vs> Sample Output { kind: 'tm:ltm:virtual:virtualstate', name: 'vs', fullPath: 'vs', generation: 1109, selfLink: 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/vs?ver=12.1.0', addressStatus: 'yes', autoLasthop: 'default', cmpEnabled: 'yes', connectionLimit: 0, description: 'TestData', destination: '/Common/', enabled: true, gtmScore: 0, ipProtocol: 'tcp', mask: '', mirror: 'disabled', mobileAppTunnel: 'disabled', nat64: 'disabled', pool: '/Common/vs-pool', poolReference: { link: 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~vs-pool?ver=12.1.0' }, rateLimit: 'disabled', rateLimitDstMask: 0, rateLimitMode: 'object', rateLimitSrcMask: 0, serviceDownImmediateAction: 'none', source: '', sourceAddressTranslation: { type: 'automap' }, sourcePort: 'preserve', synCookieStatus: 'not-activated', translateAddress: 'enabled', translatePort: 'enabled', vlansDisabled: true, vsIndex: 4, rules: [ '/Common/irule' ], rulesReference: [ { link: 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/rule/~Common~iRuleTest?ver=12.1.0' } ], policiesReference: { link: 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~Common~vs/policies?ver=12.1.0', isSubcollection: true }, profilesReference: { link: 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~Common~vs/profiles?ver=12.1.0', isSubcollection: true } } Get only specfic field of the virtual <vs> The naming convension for the parameters is slightly different from the ones on tmsh, so look for the familiar names in the GET response above. The example below queris the Default Pool (pool). tmsh list ltm <vs> pool curl -sku admin:admin https://<host>/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/<vs>?options=pool Sample Output { kind: 'tm:ltm:virtual:virtualstate', name: 'vs', fullPath: 'vs', generation: 1, selfLink: 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/vs?options=pool&ver=12.1.1', pool: '/Common/vs-pool', poolReference: { link: 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~vs-pool?ver=12.1.1' } } Get all the information of the virtual <vs> Unlike the tmsh equivalent, iControl REST GET does not return the configuration information of the attached policies and profiles. To see them, use expandSubcollections tmsh list ltm <vs> curl -sku admin:admin https://<host>/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/<vs>?expandSubcollections=true Sample Output { "addressStatus": "yes", "autoLasthop": "default", "cmpEnabled": "yes", "connectionLimit": 0, "destination": "/Common/", "enabled": true, "fullPath": "vs", "generation": 291, "gtmScore": 0, "ipProtocol": "tcp", "kind": "tm:ltm:virtual:virtualstate", "mask": "", "mirror": "disabled", "mobileAppTunnel": "disabled", "name": "vs", "nat64": "disabled", "policiesReference": { "isSubcollection": true, "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~Common~vs/policies?ver=13.1.0" }, "pool": "/Common/CentOS-all80", "poolReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~CentOS-all80?ver=13.1.0" }, "profilesReference": { "isSubcollection": true, "items": [ { "context": "all", "fullPath": "/Common/http", "generation": 291, "kind": "tm:ltm:virtual:profiles:profilesstate", "name": "http", "nameReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/profile/http/~Common~http?ver=13.1.0" }, "partition": "Common", "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~Common~vs/profiles/~Common~http?ver=13.1.0" }, { "context": "all", "fullPath": "/Common/tcp", "generation": 287, "kind": "tm:ltm:virtual:profiles:profilesstate", "name": "tcp", "nameReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/profile/tcp/~Common~tcp?ver=13.1.0" }, "partition": "Common", "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~Common~vs/profiles/~Common~tcp?ver=13.1.0" } ], "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~Common~vs/profiles?ver=13.1.0" }, "rateLimit": "disabled", "rateLimitDstMask": 0, "rateLimitMode": "object", "rateLimitSrcMask": 0, "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/vs?expandSubcollections=true&ver=13.1.0", "serviceDownImmediateAction": "none", "source": "", "sourceAddressTranslation": { "type": "automap" }, "sourcePort": "preserve", "synCookieStatus": "not-activated", "translateAddress": "enabled", "translatePort": "enabled", "vlansDisabled": true, "vsIndex": 2 } Get stats of the virtual <vs> tmsh show ltm <vs> curl -sku admin:admin https://<host>/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/<vs>/stats Sample Output { kind: 'tm:ltm:virtual:virtualstats', generation: 1109, selfLink: 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/vs/stats?ver=12.1.0', entries: { 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/vs/~Common~vs/stats': { nestedStats: { kind: 'tm:ltm:virtual:virtualstats', selfLink: 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/vs/~Common~vs/stats?ver=12.1.0', entries: { 'clientside.bitsIn': { value: 12880 }, 'clientside.bitsOut': { value: 34592 }, 'clientside.curConns': { value: 0 }, 'clientside.evictedConns': { value: 0 }, 'clientside.maxConns': { value: 2 }, 'clientside.pktsIn': { value: 26 }, 'clientside.pktsOut': { value: 26 }, 'clientside.slowKilled': { value: 0 }, 'clientside.totConns': { value: 6 }, cmpEnableMode: { description: 'all-cpus' }, cmpEnabled: { description: 'enabled' }, csMaxConnDur: { value: 37 }, csMeanConnDur: { value: 29 }, csMinConnDur: { value: 17 }, destination: { description: '' }, 'ephemeral.bitsIn': { value: 0 }, 'ephemeral.bitsOut': { value: 0 }, 'ephemeral.curConns': { value: 0 }, 'ephemeral.evictedConns': { value: 0 }, 'ephemeral.maxConns': { value: 0 }, 'ephemeral.pktsIn': { value: 0 }, 'ephemeral.pktsOut': { value: 0 }, 'ephemeral.slowKilled': { value: 0 }, 'ephemeral.totConns': { value: 0 }, fiveMinAvgUsageRatio: { value: 0 }, fiveSecAvgUsageRatio: { value: 0 }, tmName: { description: '/Common/vs' }, oneMinAvgUsageRatio: { value: 0 }, 'status.availabilityState': { description: 'available' }, 'status.enabledState': { description: 'enabled' }, 'status.statusReason': { description: 'The virtual server is available' }, syncookieStatus: { description: 'not-activated' }, 'syncookie.accepts': { value: 0 }, 'syncookie.hwAccepts': { value: 0 }, 'syncookie.hwSyncookies': { value: 0 }, 'syncookie.hwsyncookieInstance': { value: 0 }, 'syncookie.rejects': { value: 0 }, 'syncookie.swsyncookieInstance': { value: 0 }, 'syncookie.syncacheCurr': { value: 0 }, 'syncookie.syncacheOver': { value: 0 }, 'syncookie.syncookies': { value: 0 }, totRequests: { value: 4 } } } } } } Change one of the configuration options of the virtual <vs> The command below changes the Description field of the virtual ("description" in tmsh and iControl REST). tmsh modify ltm virtual <vs> description "Hello World!" curl -sku admin:admin https://<host>/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/<vs> \ -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"description": "Hello World!"}' Sample Output { kind: 'tm:ltm:virtual:virtualstate', name: 'vs', ... description: 'Hello World!', <==== Changed. ... } Disable the virtual <vs> The command syntax is same as above: To change the state of a virtual from "enabled" to "disabled", send "disabled":true. For enabling the virtual, use "enabled":true. Note that the Boolean type true/false does not require quotations. tmsh modify ltm virtual <vs> disabled curl -sku admin:admin https://<host>/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/<vs> \ -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"disabled": true}' \ Sample Output { kind: 'tm:ltm:virtual:virtualstate', name: 'vs', fullPath: 'vs', ... disabled: true, <== Changed ... } Add another iRule to <vs> When the virtual has iRules already attached, you need to send the existing ones too along with the additional one. For example, to add /Common/testRule1 to the virtual with /Common/testRule1, specify both in an array (square brackets). Note that the /Common/testRule2 iRule object should be already created. tmsh modify ltm virtual <vs> rules {testRule1 testRule2} curl -sku admin:admin https://<host>/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/<vs> \ -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"rules": ["/Common/testRule1", "/Common/testRule2"] }' Sample Output { kind: 'tm:ltm:virtual:virtualstate', name: 'vs', fullPath: 'vs', ... rules: [ '/Common/test1', '/Common/test2' ], <== Changed rulesReference: [ { link: 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/rule/~Common~test1?ver=12.1.1' }, { link: 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/rule/~Common~test2?ver=12.1.1' } ], ... } Create a new virtual <vs> You can create a skeleton virtual by specifying only Destination Address and Mask. The remaining parameters such as profiles are set to default. You can later modify the parameters by PATCH-ing. tmsh create ltm virtual <vs> destination <ip:port> mask <ip> curl -sku admin:admin -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"name": "vs", "destination":"", "mask":""}' \ https://<host>/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual Sample Output { kind: 'tm:ltm:virtual:virtualstate', name: 'vs', partition: 'Common', fullPath: '/Common/vs', ... destination: '/Common/', <== Created ... mask: '', <== Created ... } Create a new virtual <vs> with a lot of parameters You can specify all the essential parameters upon creation. This example creates a new virtual with pool, default persistence profile, profiles, iRule, and source address translation. The call fails if any of the parameters conflicts. For example, you cannot specify "Cookie Persistence" without specifying appropriate profiles. If you do not specify any profile, it falls back to the default fastL4 , which is not compatible with Cookie Persistence. tmsh create ltm virtual <vs> destination <ip:port> mask <ip> pool <pool> persist replace-all-with { cookie } profiles add { tcp http clientssl } rules { <rule> } source-address-translation { type automap } curl -sku admin:admin https://<host>/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name": "vs", \ "destination": "", \ "mask": "", \ "pool": "CentOS-all80", \ "persist": [ {"name": "cookie"} ], \ "profilesReference": {"items": [ {"context": "all", "name": "http"}, {"context": "all", "name": "tcp"}, {"context": "clientside", "name": "clientssl"}] }, \ "rules": [ "ShowVersion" ], \ "sourceAddressTranslation": {"type": "automap"} }' Sample Output { "addressStatus": "yes", "autoLasthop": "default", "cmpEnabled": "yes", "connectionLimit": 0, "destination": "/Common/", "enabled": true, "fullPath": "/Common/test", "generation": 592, "gtmScore": 0, "ipProtocol": "tcp", "kind": "tm:ltm:virtual:virtualstate", "mask": "", "mirror": "disabled", "mobileAppTunnel": "disabled", "name": "vs", "nat64": "disabled", "partition": "Common", "persist": [ { "name": "cookie", "nameReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/persistence/cookie/~Common~cookie?ver=13.1.0" }, "partition": "Common", "tmDefault": "yes" } ], "policiesReference": { "isSubcollection": true, "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~Common~test/policies?ver=13.1.0" }, "pool": "/Common/CentOS-all80", "poolReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~CentOS-all80?ver=13.1.0" }, "profilesReference": { "isSubcollection": true, "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~Common~test/profiles?ver=13.1.0" }, "rateLimit": "disabled", "rateLimitDstMask": 0, "rateLimitMode": "object", "rateLimitSrcMask": 0, "rules": [ "/Common/ShowVersion" ], "rulesReference": [ { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/rule/~Common~ShowVersion?ver=13.1.0" } ], "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~Common~test?ver=13.1.0", "serviceDownImmediateAction": "none", "source": "", "sourceAddressTranslation": { "type": "automap" }, "sourcePort": "preserve", "synCookieStatus": "not-activated", "translateAddress": "enabled", "translatePort": "enabled", "vlansDisabled": true, "vsIndex": 52 } Delete a virtual <vs> tmsh delete ltm virtual <vs> curl -sku admin:admin<vs> -X DELETE Sample Output No output (just 200 OK and no response body) References curl.1 the man page curl Releases and Downloads ... including the port for Windows Jason Rahm's "Demystifying iControl REST" series (DevCentral) -- This is Part I of 7 at the time of this article. iControl REST API reference (DevCentral) iControl® REST API User Guide (DevCentral) -- Link is for 12.1. Search for the older versions.17KViews3likes13CommentsWorking with subsets of data-group records via iControl REST
The BIG-IP iControl REST interface method for data-groups does not define the records as a subcollection (like pool members.) This is problematic for many because the records are just a list attribute in the data-group object. This means that if you want to add, modify, or delete a single record in a data-group, you have replace the entire list. A short while back I was on a call with iRule extraordinaire John Alam, and he was showing me a management tool he was working on where he could change individual records in a data-group via REST. I was intrigued so we dug into the details and I was floored at how simple the solution to this problem is! UPDATE: Chris L mentioned in the comments below that working with subsets IS possible without the tmsh script, as he learned in this thread in the Q&A section. The normal endpoint (/mgmt/tm/ltm/data-group/internal/yourDGname) works just fine, but instead of trying to change a subset of the records attribute, which only results in the replace-all-with behavior, you can use the options query parameter and then pass the normal tmsh command records data as arguments. An example of this request would be to PATCH with an empty json payload ({}) to url https://{{host}}/mgmt/tm/ltm/data-group/internal/mydg?options=records%20modify%20%7B%20k3%20%7Bdata%20v3%20%7D%20%7D (without the encoding, that query value format is “records modify { k3 { data v3 } }”). As this article is still a good learning exercise on how to use tmsh scripts with iControl REST, I’ll keep the article as is, but an updated script for the specific problem we’re solving can be found in this gist on Github. Enter the tmsh script! Even though the iControl REST doesn’t treat data-group records as individual objects, the tmsh cli does. So if you can create a tmsh script to manage the local manipulation of the records, pass your record data into that script, and execute it from REST, well, that’s where the gold is, people. Let’s start with the tmsh script, written by John Alam but modified very slightly by me. cli script dgmgmt { proc script::init {} { } proc script::run {} { set record_data [lindex $tmsh::argv 3] switch [lindex $tmsh::argv 1] { "add-record" { tmsh::modify ltm data-group internal [lindex $tmsh::argv 2] type string records add $record_data puts "Record [lindex $tmsh::argv 3] added." } "modify-record" { tmsh::modify ltm data-group internal [lindex $tmsh::argv 2] type string records modify $record_data puts "Record changed [lindex $tmsh::argv 3]." } "delete-record" { tmsh::modify ltm data-group internal [lindex $tmsh::argv 2] type string records delete $record_data puts "Record [lindex $tmsh::argv 3] deleted." } "save" { tmsh::save sys config puts "Config saved." } } } proc script::help {} { } proc script::tabc {} { } total-signing-status not-all-signed } This script is installed on the BIG-IP and is a regular object in the BIG-IP configuration, stored in the bigip_script.conf file. There are four arguments passed. The first (arg 0) is always the script name. The other args we pass to the script are: arg 1 - action. Are we adding, modifying, or deleting records? arg 2 - data-group name arg 3 - data-group records to be changed The commands are pretty straight forward. Notice, however, that the record data at the tail end of each of those commands is just the data passed to the script, so the required tmsh format is left to the remote side of this transaction. Since I’m writing that side of the solution, that’s ok, but if I were to put my best practices hat on, the record formatting work should really be done in the tmsh script, so that all I have to do on the remote side is pass the key/value data. Executing the script! Now that we have a shiny new tmsh script for the BIG-IP, we have two issues. We need to install that script on the BIG-IP in order to use it We need to be able to run that script remotely, and pass data to it This is where you grab your programming language of choice and go at it! For me, that would be python. And I’ll be using the BIGREST SDK to interact with BIG-IP. Let’s start with the program flow: if __name__ == "__main__": args = build_parser() b = instantiate_bigip(, args.user) if not b.exist("/mgmt/tm/cli/script/dgmgmt"): print( "\n\tThe data-group management tmsh script is not yet on your system, installing..." ) deploy_tmsh_script(b) sleep(2) if not b.exist(f"/mgmt/tm/ltm/data-group/internal/{args.datagroup}"): print( f"\n\tThe {args.datagroup} data-group doesn't exist. Please specify an existing data-group.\n" ) sys.exit() cli_arguments = format_records(args.action, args.datagroup, args.dgvalues) dg_update(b, cli_arguments) dg_listing(b, args.datagroup) This is a cli script, so we need to create a parser to handle the arguments. After collecting the data, we instantiate BIG-IP. Next, we check for the existence of the tmsh script on BIG-IP and install it if it is not present. We then format the record data and proceed to supply that output as arguments when we make the REST call to run the tmsh script. Finally, we print the results. This last step is probably not something you'd want to do for large data sets, but it's included here for validation. Now, let's look at each step of the flow. The imports and tmsh script # Imports used in this script from bigrest.bigip import BIGIP from time import sleep import argparse import getpass import sys # The tmsh script DGMGMT_SCRIPT = 'proc script::init {} {\n}\n\nproc script::run {} {\nset record_data [lindex $tmsh::argv 3]\n\n' \ 'switch [lindex $tmsh::argv 1] {\n "add-record" {\n tmsh::modify ltm data-group internal ' \ '[lindex $tmsh::argv 2] type string records add $record_data\n ' \ 'puts "Record [lindex $tmsh::argv 3] added."\n }\n "modify-record" {\n ' \ 'tmsh::modify ltm data-group internal [lindex $tmsh::argv 2] type string records modify' \ ' $record_data\n puts "Record changed [lindex $tmsh::argv 3]."\n }\n "delete-record" {\n' \ ' tmsh::modify ltm data-group internal [lindex $tmsh::argv 2] type string records delete' \ ' $record_data\n puts "Record [lindex $tmsh::argv 3] deleted."\n }\n "save" {\n ' \ ' tmsh::save sys config\n puts "Config saved."\n }\n}\n}\n' \ 'proc script::help {} {\n}\n\nproc script::tabc {} {\n}\n' These are defined at the top of the script and are necessary to the appropriate functions defined in the below sections. You could move the script into a file and load it, but it's small enough that it doesn't clutter the script and makes it easier not to have to manage multiple files. The parser def build_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("host", help="BIG-IP IP/FQDN") parser.add_argument("user", help="BIG-IP Username") parser.add_argument( "action", help="add | modify | delete", choices=["add", "modify", "delete"] ) parser.add_argument("datagroup", help="Data-Group name you wish to change") parser.add_argument( "dgvalues", help='Key or KV Pairs, in this format: "k1,k2,k3=v3,k4=v4,k5"' ) return parser.parse_args() This is probably the least interesting part, but I'm including it here to be thorough. The one thing to note is the cli format to supply the key/value pairs for the data-group records. I could have also added an alternate option to load a file instead, but I'll leave that as an exercise for future development. If you supply no arguments or the optional -h/--help, you'll get the help message. % python -h usage: [-h] host user {add,modify,delete} datagroup dgvalues positional arguments: host BIG-IP IP/FQDN user BIG-IP Username {add,modify,delete} add | modify | delete datagroup Data-Group name you wish to change dgvalues Key or KV Pairs, in this format: "k1,k2,k3=v3,k4=v4,k5" optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit Instantiation def instantiate_bigip(host, user): pw = getpass.getpass(prompt=f"\n\tWell hello {user}, please enter your password: ") try: obj = BIGIP(host, user, pw) except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to connect to {} due to {type(e).__name__}:\n") print(f"{e}") sys.exit() return obj I don't like typing out my passwords on the cli so I use getpass here to ask for it after I kick off the script. You'll likely want to add an argument for the password if you automate this script with any of your tooling. This function makes a request to BIG-IP and builds a local python object to be used for future requests. Uploading the tmsh script def deploy_tmsh_script(bigip): try: cli_script = {"name": "dgmgmt", "apiAnonymous": DGMGMT_SCRIPT} bigip.create("/mgmt/tm/cli/script", cli_script) except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to create the tmsh script due to {type(e).__name__}:\n") print(f"{e}") sys.exit() Because tmsh scripts are BIG-IP objects, we don't have to interact with the file system. It's just a simple object creation like creating a pool. I have taken the liberty to hardcode the script name to limit the number of arguments required to pass on the cli, but that can be updated if you so desire by either changing the name in the script, or adding arguments. Formatting the records def format_records(action, name, records): recs = "" for record in records.split(","): x = record.split("=") record_key = x[0] if len(x) == 1 and action != 'modify': recs += f"{record_key} " elif len(x) == 1 and action == 'modify': recs += f'{record_key} {{ data \\\"\\\" }} ' elif len(x) == 2: record_value = x[1] recs += f'{record_key} {{ data \\\"{record_value}\\\" }} ' else: raise ValueError("Max record items is 2: key or key/value pair.") return f"{action}-record {name} '{{ {recs} }}'" This is the function I spent the most time ironing out. As I pointed out earlier, it would be better handled in the tmsh script, but since that work was already completed by John, I focused on the python side of things. The few things that I fleshed out in testing that I didn't consider while making it work the first time: Escaping all the special characters that make iControl REST unhappy. Handling whitespace in the data value. This requires quotes around the data value. Modifying a key by removing an existing value. This requires you to provide an empty data reference. Executing the script def dg_update(bigip, cli_args): try: dg_mods = {"command": "run", "name": "/Common/dgmgmt", "utilCmdArgs": cli_args} bigip.command("/mgmt/tm/cli/script", dg_mods) except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to modify the data-group due to {type(e).__name__}:\n") print(f"{e}") sys.exit() With all the formatting out of the way, the update is actually anticlimactic. iControl REST requires a json payload for the command, which is running the cli script. The cli arguments for that script are passed in the utilCmdArgs attribute. Validating the results def dg_listing(bigip, dgname): dg = b.load(f'/mgmt/tm/ltm/data-group/internal/{dgname}') print(f'\n\t{args.datagroup}\'s updated record set: ') for i in['records']: print(f'\t\tkey: {i["name"]}, value: {i["data"]}') print('\n\n') And finally, we bask in the validity of our updates! Like the update function, this one doesn't have much to do. It grabs the data-group contents from BIG-IP and prints out each of the key/value pairs. As I indicated earlier, this may not be desirable on large data sets. You could modify the function by passing the keys you changed and compare that to the full results returned from BIG-IP and only print the updates, but I'll leave that as another exercise for future development. This is a cool workaround to the non-subcollection problem with data-groups that I wish I'd thought of years ago! The full script is in the codeshare. I hope you got something out of this article, drop a comment below and let me know!1.6KViews0likes2CommentsiControl REST Cookbook - Virtual Server Profile (LTM Virtual Profiles)
This cookbook lists selected ready-to-use iControl REST curl commands for virtual server profile related resources (the tmsh command xxx ltm virtual <vs> profiles not xxx ltm profile ). Each recipe consists of the curl command, it's tmsh equivallent, and sample output (default hidden: toggle "Expand to see sample output" (may not work on some browsers)). Please refer to iControl REST Cookbook - Virtual Server (ltm virtual) for the list of curl options. Get the profiles of the virtual <vss> list ltm virtual <vss> profiles curl -sku admin:admin https://<host>/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/<vss>/profiles Expand to see sample output (may not work on some browsers) { "items": [ { "context": "all", "fullPath": "/Common/http", "generation": 405, "kind": "tm:ltm:virtual:profiles:profilesstate", "name": "http", "partition": "Common", "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/vss/profiles/~Common~http?ver=13.1.0" }, { "context": "all", "fullPath": "/Common/tcp", "generation": 405, "kind": "tm:ltm:virtual:profiles:profilesstate", "name": "tcp", "partition": "Common", "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/vss/profiles/~Common~tcp?ver=13.1.0" } ], "kind": "tm:ltm:virtual:profiles:profilescollectionstate", "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/vss/profiles?ver=13.1.0" } Show only the specific profile <profile> of the virtual <vss> list ltm virtual <vss> profiles { <profile> } curl -sku admin:admin https://<host>/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/<vss>/profiles/<profile> Expand to see sample output (may not work on some browsers) { "context": "all", "fullPath": "http", "generation": 454, "kind": "tm:ltm:virtual:profiles:profilesstate", "name": "http", "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/vss/profiles/http?ver=13.1.0" } Add the profile <profile> to the virtual <vss> modify ltm virtual <vss> profiles add { <profile> } curl -sku admin:admin https://<host>/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/<vss>/profiles \ -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"name":"<profile>"}' Expand to see sample output (may not work on some browsers) { "context": "clientside", "fullPath": "clientssl", "generation": 409, "kind": "tm:ltm:virtual:profiles:profilesstate", "name": "clientssl", "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/vss/profiles/clientssl?ver=13.1.0" } You will get an error if the specified profile is not compatible with the existing ones. For example, you cannot add clientssl to a virtual with fastL4 (if you have created a virtual without explicitly specifying the profiles, it defaults to fastL4). Expand to see sample output (may not work on some browsers) { "code":400, "message":"01070734:3: Configuration error: Found disallowed profile on /Common/vss: Not Any Of (FastL4 Profile, FastHTTP Profile)", "errorStack":[],"apiError":3 } Replace all the existing profiles of the virtual <vss> Unlike the above, the endpoint is not .../<vss>/profiles but .../<vss>. The method is PATCH because you are overwriting the existing components of the virtual. The data is nested deeply: Each profile is represented as an object {key:value, ...}; the profiles are stored in a list []; and the profiles list is the value for the key 'items' in the 'profilesReference'. modify ltm virtual <vss> profiles replace-all-with { clientssl http } curl -sku admin:admin https://<host>/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/<vss> \ -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"profilesReference":{"items":[{"name":"clientssl"}, {"name":"http"}]}}' Expand to see sample output (may not work on some browsers) { "addressStatus": "yes", "autoLasthop": "default", "cmpEnabled": "yes", "connectionLimit": 0, "destination": "/Common/", "enabled": true, "fullPath": "vss", "generation": 422, "gtmScore": 0, "ipProtocol": "tcp", "kind": "tm:ltm:virtual:virtualstate", "mask": "", "mirror": "disabled", "mobileAppTunnel": "disabled", "name": "vss", "nat64": "disabled", "policiesReference": { "isSubcollection": true, "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~Common~vss/policies?ver=13.1.0" }, "pool": "/Common/CentOS-all80", "poolReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~CentOS-all80?ver=13.1.0" }, "profilesReference": { "isSubcollection": true, "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~Common~vss/profiles?ver=13.1.0" }, "rateLimit": "disabled", "rateLimitDstMask": 0, "rateLimitMode": "object", "rateLimitSrcMask": 0, "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/vss?ver=13.1.0", "serviceDownImmediateAction": "none", "source": "", "sourceAddressTranslation": { "type": "automap" }, "sourcePort": "preserve", "synCookieStatus": "not-activated", "translateAddress": "enabled", "translatePort": "enabled", "vlansDisabled": true, "vsIndex": 44 } You can add more fields to the request. e.g., context and partition. {"name":"clientssl", "context":"clientside", "partition":"Common"} Changing the protocol and profile of the virtual <vss> To change either protocol or profile, you need to change both in one shot because some profiles are not compatible with some protocols ( ip-protocol in tmsh; e.g., Any, TCP or UDP). modify ltm virtual <vss> ip-protocol udp profiles replace-all-with { fastL4 } curl -sku admin:admin https://<host>/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/<vss> \ -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"ipProtocol":"udp", "profilesReference":{"items":[{"name":"fastL4"}]}}' Expand to see sample output (may not work on some browsers) { "addressStatus": "yes", "autoLasthop": "default", "cmpEnabled": "yes", "connectionLimit": 0, "destination": "/Common/", "enabled": true, "fullPath": "vss", "generation": 448, "gtmScore": 0, "ipProtocol": "udp", "kind": "tm:ltm:virtual:virtualstate", "mask": "", "mirror": "disabled", "mobileAppTunnel": "disabled", "name": "vss", "nat64": "disabled", "policiesReference": { "isSubcollection": true, "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~Common~vss/policies?ver=13.1.0" }, "pool": "/Common/CentOS-all80", "poolReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~CentOS-all80?ver=13.1.0" }, "profilesReference": { "isSubcollection": true, "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~Common~vss/profiles?ver=13.1.0" }, "rateLimit": "disabled", "rateLimitDstMask": 0, "rateLimitMode": "object", "rateLimitSrcMask": 0, "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/vss?ver=13.1.0", "serviceDownImmediateAction": "none", "source": "", "sourceAddressTranslation": { "type": "automap" }, "sourcePort": "preserve", "synCookieStatus": "not-activated", "translateAddress": "enabled", "translatePort": "enabled", "vlansDisabled": true, "vsIndex": 44 } Deleting the profile <profile> from the virtual <vss> modify ltm virtual <vss> delete { <profile> } curl -sku admin:admin https://<host>/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/<vss>/profiles/<profile> -X DELETE Expand to see sample output (may not work on some browsers) No output Remove all the profiles from the virtual <vss> There is no 'all' keyword in iControl REST. Use an empty object to indicate 'no data'. In this case, the profiles are represented as a list, so use the empty list []. modify ltm virtual <vss> delete { all } curl -sku admin:admin https://<host>/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/<vss> \ -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"profiles":[]}}' Note that the call will leave one profile because a virtual should have at least one profile.4KViews2likes0CommentsDevCentral Top 5: Oct 6, 2014
These past two weeks have proven to be more than eventful with the "shock"ing discovery of a critical bash vulnerability that stole the security headlines for several days. Times like these might have you repeating the words of the infamous Ben Jabituya, "I don't know about you, but I am planning to scream and run." Fortunately for all of us, there's no need to scream and run...there's only a need to sit back and read about the most awesome articles that anyone, anywhere has to offer. Check out this edition of the DevCentral Top 5!! CVE-2014-6271 Shellshocked As I stated in the opening paragraph, all our collective worlds got rocked when the Shellshock vulnerability was announced. This vulnerability allows a remote attacker to execute instructions on your computer using a feature of the bash shell. Enter Jeff Costlow; one of the most intelligent guys you'll ever meet when it comes to security. Literally the same day Shellshock was released, Jeff wrote this article to explain all the details of the vulnerability and also outlined ways your BIG-IP could be exploited. In addition, he gave some great advice on how to mitigate the vulnerability using several options available from F5...iRules, LineRate, ASM (with custom signatures), and best practices (like, don't expose your management interface to the Internet). Jeff also participated in a Shellshock guru panel where several F5 security experts talked about the vulnerability, how it works, why it's bad, and how to mitigate it using F5 technology. Sorry, Johnny Five. Yes Disassemble! Jason Rahm takes us back to yesteryear with a metaphor from one of our favorite movies from the 1980s. In that movie, Johnny 5 has a big fear of being disassembled (and rightfully so, I guess). Well, Jason keeps Johnny 5 safe from disassembly, but doesn't afford that same luxury for Tcl code. As you all know, Tcl forms the foundation of several code environments on the BIG-IP (iRules, iCall, iApp, tmsh). Many of us want to know what the Tcl interpreter is actually doing from an instruction standpoint, and Jason shows us that the way to analyze the bytecode is to disassemble it. The command that will show how the interpreter works its magic is tcl::unsupported::disassemble. In one of the most technically-hardcore articles ever written on DevCentral, Jason digs deep into two different solution sets and reminds us that it's always a good idea to fine-tune your code. Less is more. Less objects. Less stack depth. Less instantiation. Reviewing bytecode is good for that, and it's possible with the native Tcl code. APM Security: Protecting Internal Resources Using ACLs Bart Sikkes wrote up a great security solution for the APM in Portal Access mode. The APM in Portal Access mode gives instant access to internal resources for authorized users, but it might also give access to other users if you aren't careful. Bart sets up a test environment using three internal resources: OWA, intranet website, and source code programming website. Two of these should be accessible through the APM but the third should not. Bart walks through some great examples of how someone might find a work around to access the protected internal resource. He also provides a great solution using APM ACLs that will ensure users only access the intended resources. Introducing LineRate Lightning series (and Snippet #1 - HTTP referer blocking) Everyone loves the iRules 20 Lines or Less series, right? LineRate is no exception. The only thing is that the LineRate proxy uses a Node.js scripting engine embedded into the HTTP data path, so it can't directly use iRule scripts. So, the LineRate guys created a new series on DevCentral called "LineRate Lightning" and these articles will contain snippets of code that aim to be quick, powerful, and even a little bit flashy. The inaugural LineRate Lightning post includes a simple snippet of code that does HTTP referrer blocking based on a whitelist of permitted referrers. Simply add the referring domains that you'd like to permit in the domain_whitelist list and change vs_http to match the name of your virtual server. Pretty cool and simple solution, huh?!? Check back often and regularly to read this series that so beautifully complements the iRule 20 LoL! Shellshock mitigation with BIG-IP iRules Some call him the inventor of iControl, some call him the creator of the iRule editor, some call him the most interesting man in the world, I simply call him "Joe the Show." Joe Pruitt fired up two separate iRule solutions to mitigate the Shellshock vulnerability the day after it was released by NIST. This is just another example of the power and flexibility of F5 technology. Who else in the world provides so many options to secure critical infrastructure in such a short amount of time? Joe wrote and tested these Shellshock-mitigating iRules and then posted them on DevCentral for all the world to use. He reminds us that we should set up a plan to ultimately patch the bash shell on all our systems. While you are creating and implementing the patch plan, you can use the iRule solution to protect your servers against attacks.306Views0likes0CommentsYou Want Action on a Threshold Violation? Use iCall!
iCall has been around since the 11.4 release, yet there seems to be a prevailing gap in awareness of this amazing functionality in BIG-IP. A blog I wrote last year covers the overview of the iCall system, but in brief, it provides event-based automation. The events can be periodic (like cron functionality,) perpetual (watching for something like a file to appear in a directory,) or triggered by an alert (like a pool member failure.) Late last week I was at the mother ship (F5 Corporate in Seattle) and found this question in Q&A (paraphrased): What is a good method for toggling interface 1.1 if active pool members in a pool falls below 70%? My mind went immediately to iCall, as this is a perfect use case. It binds an event (a pool's active members falling below a threshold) to a task (disable an interface.) I didn't have time to flesh out the solution last week, but I dropped some (errant) code in the thread to point the original poster (Lee) down the right path. Flash forward to this week, and I was intrigued enough about the solution I thought I'd take a crack at making it work. Building Out the Solution Given that Lee set a threshold of 70% of active pool members, I figured a test pool of four members would be a good candidate since failing one member would be just over the threshold at 75% whereas failing a second member would take me to 50%. I suppose a pool of three members would have been equally fine, but I like to see that some failure doesn't force an accidental event. So I fired up my test BIG-IP device and a linux vm with several interface aliases and built a pool with four members. ltm pool pool4 { members { { address session monitor-enabled state up } { address session monitor-enabled state up } { address session monitor-enabled state up } { address session monitor-enabled state up } } monitor http } Next, I needed to build the iCall script. An iCall script is just a tmsh script stored in a specific section of the configuration. It's tcl just like tmsh. But what does the script need to do? Well, a few things: Define the pool of interest Set the total number of pool members Set the number of available members Do math Enable/Disable the interface based on the result of that math Steps 1, 4, & 5 are pretty self explanatory. In tmsh scripting, setting an interface (and most other tmsh-based commands) look nearly identical to the shell command. #tmsh tmsh modify /net interface 1.1 disabled #tmsh script tmsh::modify /net interface 1.1 disabled Where it gets tricky is figuring out how to get pool member data. This is where the tmsh::get_status and tmsh::get_field_value commands come into play. Everything is object based in tmsh, and it can be a little overwhelming to figure out how to address the objects. If you were to just run the commands below in a script, the resulting output (in /var/tmp/scriptd.out) shows you the nomenclature of the addressable objects in that data. set pn "/Common/pool4" set pooldata [tmsh::get_status /ltm pool $pn detail] puts $data #data set ltm pool pool4 { active-member-cnt 4 connq-all.age-edm 0 connq-all.age-ema 0 connq-all.age-head 0 connq-all.age-max 0 connq-all.depth 0 connq-all.serviced 0 connq.age-edm 0 connq.age-ema 0 connq.age-head 0 connq.age-max 0 connq.depth 0 connq.serviced 0 cur-sessions 0 members { { addr connq.age-edm 0 connq.age-ema 0 connq.age-head 0 connq.age-max 0 connq.depth 0 connq.serviced 0 cur-sessions 0 monitor-rule http (pool monitor) monitor-status up node-name nodes { { addr cur-sessions 0 monitor-rule none monitor-status unchecked ...continued... So I get to the pool member data by first getting the pool data. And the data needed for pool member availability is the availability-state and the enabled-state from the pool member data (incomplete view of data shown below, but the necessary information is there.) members { addr monitor-rule http (pool monitor) monitor-status up node-name nodes { { addr cur-sessions 0 monitor-rule none monitor-status unchecked name session-status enabled status.availability-state unknown status.enabled-state enabled status.status-reason tot-requests 0 } } pool-name pool4 port 80 session-status enabled status.availability-state available status.enabled-state enabled status.status-reason Pool member is available } Now that the data set is known, the script can be completed. Note that to get to particular state information bolded above, I just set those attributes against the member in the tmsh::get_field_value commands bolded below. The math part is simple, though to get floating point, the .0 is added to the $usable count variable in the expression. Logging statements and puts commands (sending data to /var/tmp/scriptd.out for debugging) added to the script for demonstration purposes. sys icall script poolCheck.v1.0.0 { app-service none definition { set pn "/Common/pool4" set total 0 set usable 0 foreach obj [tmsh::get_status /ltm pool $pn detail] { puts $obj foreach member [tmsh::get_field_value $obj members] { puts $member incr total if { [tmsh::get_field_value $member status.availability-state] == "available" && \ [tmsh::get_field_value $member status.enabled-state] == "enabled" } { incr usable } } } if { [expr $usable.0 / $total] < 0.7 } { tmsh::log "Not enough pool members in pool $pn, interface 1.3 disabled" tmsh::modify /net interface 1.3 disabled } else { tmsh::log "Enough pool members in pool $pn, interface 1.3 enabled" tmsh::modify /net interface 1.3 enabled } } description none events none } Now that the script is complete, I just need to create the handler. A triggered handler could be created to run the script every time a pool member alert happens (as configured in /config/user_alert.conf,) but for demo purposes I used a periodic handler with a 60 second interval. sys icall handler periodic poolCheck.v1.0.0 { first-occurrence 2014-09-16:11:00:00 interval 60 script poolCheck.v1.0.0 } Configuration complete, moving on to test! Testing the Solution To test, I activated the vm instance in my lab and validated that my BIG-IP interfaces and pool members were up. Then, I shut down one apache virtual ahead of the first period at 11:26, and since I had 75% availability the interface remained enabled. Next, I shut down the second apache virtual, dropping availability to 50%. At 11:27, the BIG-IP interface was deactivated. Finally, I re-enabled the apache virtuals and at the next period the BIG-IP interface was reactivated. Log files and ping test to that interface shown below. # Log Files Sep 16 11:25:43 Pool /Common/pool4 member /Common/ monitor status down. Sep 16 11:26:00 Enough pool members in pool /Common/pool4, interface 1.3 enabled Sep 16 11:26:26 Pool /Common/pool4 member /Common/ monitor status down. Sep 16 11:27:00 Not enough pool members in pool /Common/pool4, interface 1.3 disabled Sep 16 11:27:32 Pool /Common/pool4 member /Common/ monitor status up. Sep 16 11:27:36 Pool /Common/pool4 member /Common/ monitor status up. Sep 16 11:28:01 Enough pool members in pool /Common/pool4, interface 1.3 enabled # Ping Test to Interface 1.3 Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=255 Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=255 Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=255 Request timed out. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Reply from bytes=32 time=1000ms TTL=255 Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=255 Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=255 Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=255 Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=255 Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=255 Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=255 One note from this solution, don't rely on the GUI or CLI status of the interface (known tested versions in 11.5.x+. Bug 471860 catalogs the reporting issue on BIG-IP for the interface status. At boot time, if the interface is up it reports as ENABLED, but if you disable and then re-enable, it reports as DISABLED even though it will be up and passing traffic. Dig into iCall! iCall (and tmsh more generally) is tremendously powerful, take a look at several other use cases already in the iCall codeshare! This solution has been added to the codeshare as well.1.5KViews0likes3CommentsConfiguring Decision Logging for the F5 BIG-IP Global Traffic Manager
I was working on a GTM solution and with my limited lab I wanted to make sure that the decisions that F5 BIG-IP Global Traffic Manager made at the wideIP and pool level were as evident in the logs as they were consistent in my test results. It turns out there are some fancy little checkboxes in the wideIP configuration that you can check to enable such logs. You might notice, however, that upon enabling these checkboxes the logs are nowhere to be found. This is because there are other necessary steps. You need to configure a few objects to get those logs flowing. Log Publisher The first object is the log publisher. For as much detail as flows in the decision logging, I’d highly recommend using an HSL profile to log to a remote server, but for the purposes of testing I used the local syslog. This can also be done with tmsh. sys log-config publisher gtm_decision_logging { destinations { local-syslog { } } } DNS Logging Profile Next, create a DNS logging profile, make sure to select the Log Publisher you created in the previous step. For testing purpose I enabled the log responses and query ID as well, but those are disabled by default. This also can be created in tmsh. ltm profile dns-logging gtm_decision_logging { enable-response-logging yes include-query-id yes log-publisher gtm_decision_logging } Custom DNS Profile Now create a custom DNS profile. The only custom properties necessary are at the bottom of the profile where you enable logging and select the logging profile. This can also be configured in tmsh. ltm profile dns gtm_decision_logging { app-service none defaults-from dns enable-logging yes log-profile gtm_decision_logging } Apply the DNS Profile Now that all the objects are created, you can reference the DNS profile in the listener. in tmsh, you can modify the listener by adding the profile or if one already exists, replacing it. modify gtm listener gtmlistener profiles replace-all-with { udp_gtm_dns gtm_decision_logging } Log Details Once you have all the objects configured and the DNS profile referenced in your listener, the logging should be hitting /var/log/ltm now. For this first query, the emea pool is selected, but there is no probe data for my primary load balancing method, and the none alternate method skips to the fallback, which uses the configured fallback IP to respond to the client. 2015-06-03 08:54:21 ltm1.dc.test qid 11139 from view none: query: IN A + ( 2015-06-03 08:54:21 ltm1.dc.test qid 11139 from [ A] [round robin selected pool (emea)] [pool member check succeeded (vip3: - pool member state is available (green)] [QoS skipped pool member (vip3: - path has unmeasured RTT] [pool member check succeeded (vip4: - pool member state is available (green)] [QoS skipped pool member (vip4: - path has unmeasured RTT] [failed to select pool member by preferred load balancing method] [Using none load balancing method] [failed to select pool member by alternate load balancing method] [selected configured fallback IP] 2015-06-03 08:54:21 ltm1.dc.test qid 11139 to [NOERROR qr,aa,rd] response: 30 IN A; In this second request, the emea pool is again selected, but now there is probe data, so the pool member is selected as appropriate. 2015-06-03 08:55:43 ltm1.dc.test qid 6201 from view none: query: IN A + ( 2015-06-03 08:55:43 ltm1.dc.test qid 6201 from [ A] [round robin selected pool (emea)] [pool member check succeeded (vip3: - pool member state is available (green)] [QoS selected pool member (vip3: - QoS score (2082756232) is higher] [pool member check succeeded (vip4: - pool member state is available (green)] [QoS skipped pool member (vip4: from two pool members with equal scores] [QoS selected pool member (vip3:] 2015-06-03 08:55:43 ltm1.dc.test qid 6201 to [NOERROR qr,aa,rd] response: 30 IN A; In this final request, the americas pool is selected, but there is no valid topology score for the pool members, so query is refused. 2015-06-03 08:55:53 ltm1.dc.test qid 23580 from view none: query: IN A + ( 2015-06-03 08:55:53 ltm1.dc.test qid 23580 from [ A] [round robin selected pool (americas)] [pool member check succeeded (vip1: - pool member state is available (green)] [QoS selected pool member (vip1: - QoS score (0) is higher] [pool member check succeeded (vip2: - pool member state is available (green)] [QoS skipped pool member (vip2: from two pool members with equal scores] [QoS selected pool member (vip1:] [topology load balancing method failed to select pool member (vip1: - topology score is 0] [failed to select pool member by preferred load balancing method] [selected configured option Return To DNS] 2015-06-03 08:55:53 ltm1.dc.test qid 23580 to [REFUSED qr,rd] response: empty Yeah, yeah, skip all that and give me the good stuff If you want to test it quickly, you can save the config below to a file (/var/tmp/gtmlogging.txt in this example) and then merge it in. Finally, modify the wideIP and listener and you’re good to go! ### ### configuration: /var/tmp/gtmlogging.txt ### sys log-config publisher gtm_decision_logging { destinations { local-syslog { } } } ltm profile dns-logging gtm_decision_logging { enable-response-logging yes include-query-id yes log-publisher gtm_decision_logging } ltm profile dns gtm_decision_logging { app-service none defaults-from dns enable-logging yes log-profile gtm_decision_logging } ### ### Merge Command ### tmsh load sys config merge file /var/tmp/gtmlogging.txt ### ### Modify wideIP and Listener ### tmsh modify gtm wideip load-balancing-decision-log-verbosity { pool-member-selection pool-member-traversal pool-selection pool-traversal } tmsh modify gtm listener gtmlistener profiles replace-all-with { udp_gtm_dns gtm_decision_logging } tmsh save sys config2KViews1like3CommentsF5 Automated Backups - The Right Way
Hi all, Often I've been scouring the devcentral fora and codeshares to find that one piece of handywork that will drastically simplify my automated backup needs on F5 devices. Based on the works of Jason Rahm in his post "Third Time's the Charm: BIG-IP Backups Simplified with iCall" on the 26th of June 2013, I went ahead and created my own iApp that pretty much provides the answers for all my backup-needs. Here's a feature list of this iApp: It allows you to choose between both UCS or SCF as backup-types. (whilst providing ample warnings about SCF not being a very good restore-option due to the incompleteness in some cases) It allows you to provide a passphrase for the UCS archives (the standard GUI also does this, so the iApp should too) It allows you to not include the private keys (same thing: standard GUI does it, so the iApp does it too) It allows you to set a Backup Schedule for every X minutes/hours/days/weeks/months or a custom selection of days in the week It allows you to set the exact time, minute of the hour, day of the week or day of the month when the backup should be performed (depending on the usefulness with regards to the schedule type) It allows you to transfer the backup files to external devices using 4 different protocols, next to providing local storage on the device itself SCP (username/private key without password) SFTP (username/private key without password) FTP (username/password) SMB (using smbclient, with username/password) Local Storage (/var/local/ucs or /var/local/scf) It stores all passwords and private keys in a secure fashion: encrypted by the master key of the unit (f5mku), rendering it safe to store the backups, including the credentials off-box It has a configurable automatic pruning function for the Local Storage option, so the disk doesn't fill up (i.e. keep last X backup files) It allows you to configure the filename using the date/time wildcards from the tcl [clock] command, as well as providing a variable to include the hostname It requires only the WebGUI to establish the configuration you desire It allows you to disable the processes for automated backup, without you having to remove the Application Service or losing any previously entered settings For the external shellscripts it automatically generates, the credentials are stored in encrypted form (using the master key) It allows you to no longer be required to make modifications on the linux command line to get your automated backups running after an RMA or restore operation It cleans up after itself, which means there are no extraneous shellscripts or status files lingering around after the scripts execute I wasn't able to upload the iApp template to this article, so I threw it on pastebin: Enjoy! Thomas Schockaert9.3KViews0likes79CommentsiCall Triggers - Invalidating Cache from iRules
iCall is BIG-IP's all new (as of BIG-IP version 11.4) event-based automation system for the control plane. Previously, I wrote up the iCall system overview, as well as an article on the use of a periodic handler for automating backups. This article will feature the use of the triggered iCall handler to allow a user to submit a http request to invalidate the cache served up for an application managed by the Application Acceleration Manager. Starting at the End Before we get to the solution, I'd like to address the use case for invalidating cache. In many cases, the team responsible for an application's health is not the network services team which is the typical point of access to the BIG-IP. For large organizations with process overhead in generating tickets, invalidating cache can take time. A lot of time. So the request has come in quite frequently..."How can I invalidate cache remotely?" Or even more often, "Can I invalidate cache from an iRule?" Others have approached this via script, and it has been absolutely possible previously with iRules, albeit through very ugly and very-not-recommended ways. In the end, you just need to issue one TMSH command to invalidate the cache for a particular application: tmsh::modify wam application content-expiration-time now So how do we get signal from iRules to instruct BIG-IP to run a TMSH command? This is where iCall trigger handlers come in. Before we hope back to the beginning and discuss the iRule, the process looks like this: Back to the Beginning The iStats interface was introduced in BIG-IP version 11 as a way to make data accessible to both the control and data planes. I'll use this to pass the data to the control plane. In this case, the only data I need to pass is to set a key. To set an iStats key, you need to specify : Class Object Measure type (counter, gauge, or string) Measure name I'm not measuring anything, so I'll use a string starting with "WA policy string" and followed by the name of the policy. You can be explicit or allow the users to pass it in a query parameter as I'm doing in this iRule below: when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::path] eq "/invalidate" } { set wa_policy [URI::query [HTTP::uri] policy] if { $wa_policy ne "" } { ISTATS::set "WA policy string $wa_policy" 1 HTTP::respond 200 content "App $wa_policy cache invalidated." } else { HTTP::respond 200 content "Please specify a policy /invalidate?policy=policy_name" } } } Setting the key this way will allow you to create as many triggers as you have policies. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to make that step more dynamic. Setting the Trigger With iStats-based triggers, you need linkage to bind the iStats key to an event-name, wacache in my case. You can also set thresholds and durations, but again since I am not measuring anything, that isn't necessary. sys icall istats-trigger wacache_trigger_istats { event-name wacache istats-key "WA policy string wa_policy_name" } Creating the Script The script is very simple. Clear the cache with the TMSH command, then remove the iStats key. sys icall script wacache_script { app-service none definition { tmsh::modify wam application dc.wa_hero content-expiration-time now exec istats remove "WA policy string wa_policy_name" } description none events none } Creating the Handler The handler is the glue that binds the event I created in the iStats trigger. When the handler sees an event named wacache, it'll execute the wacache_script iCall script. sys icall handler triggered wacache_trigger_handler { script wacache_script subscriptions { messages { event-name wacache } } } Notes on Testing Add this command to your arsenal - tmsh generate sys icall event <event-name> context none</event-name> where event-name in my case is wacache. This allows you to troubleshoot the handler and script without worrying about the trigger. And this one - tmsh modify sys db log.evrouted.level value Debug. Just note that the default is Notice when you're all done troubleshooting.1.6KViews0likes6Commentsimport f5!
We are super excited to announce a preview of the F5 SDK, a set of client tools which facilitate consuming some of our popular APIs/Services, and currently consists of the following: f5-sdk-python - a new python client library f5-cli - a remote CLI that is built-off the f5-sdk-python Getting existential, as the old saying goes, the most valuable commodity in the world is time. Our short time here on earth is finite, the average lifespan is only around 70-71 years (according to Wikipedia), and if we’re not doing everything we can to try to save you every sliver of time possible, we’re not doing one of our fiduciary duties as a technology company. As software developers know, code is the ultimate embodiment of saving time (after all, a “for loop” is nothing but a modern marvel that repeats something dutifully to save time). So, as a convenience to developers and system integrators, vendors / platforms provide Software Development Kits (SDKs) to help them save even more time on that last mile. Developers/Integrators also hate having to re-invent the wheel (which often translates to code “not related” to their business logic) and look to leverage something that already exists. In hardware, you may leverage drivers. In software, you import libraries/modules. In this case, these SDK client libraries provide objects in their own language to help abstract you from low level implementation details like having to know the service’s exact URLs, authentication mechanisms, transport required (ex. REST, SOAP, GRPC), file download/uploads, etc. and let you focus on your business logic. Here at F5, we rely on SDKs like the Broadcom SDK, Octeon SDK, Intel DPDK (for hardware), Cloud SDKs (for software), etc. and the age-old value of offering an SDK hasn’t gone anywhere. SDKs are getting released and making headlines every day. ex. We’ve actually had an unofficial SDK for a while with a project called the f5-common-python. It was a “common” library for the core underlying component in one our integrations (LBaaS driver for Openstack) but, when looking at it from a more current end-user’s perspective, there were some significant enough changes we wanted to implement that mandated a fresh start. Nevertheless, it gathered a fair amount of traction and the value of a generic reusable client library was a great pattern we wanted to officially expand upon. And now what’s this CLI? I thought it was all about the API now and clients didn't matter? Yes, the main value is obviously in the API itself since that is what scales and where you deliver your main value proposition. However, there is still a client user experience (UX) to your APIs and doing everything you can to optimize / enhance the overall client experience is key to firing on all cylinders. SDKs/CLIs are like the client browser UX to your service … but for programmatic access and automation. From articles like below, you can see some of the traditional values of having a CLI component. "CLI is arguably better for ad hoc tasks or quick exploratory operations since it is more human-readable." Source: The familiar CLI UX is a common entry point for everyone, whether it is developers testing/exploring your API or network/system admins automating common tasks. And don’t you already have a CLI called TMSH? Well, this is a little different. Everyone today knows how useful *remote* CLIs like AWS’s aws-cli, Azure’s az, Google's gcloud, Openstack’s osc, Kubernete’s kubectl, etc. are in consuming and developing against a service or platform. Instead of SSH’ing to a single device, remote CLIs use transports/protocols like HTTP or GRPC to talk to a service’s remote APIs. The f5-cli, inspired by popular public cloud shells (which are all built on python SDKs) will focus on providing the same ease and convenience to some our most popular APIs/Services and aims to be demand/use case driven (high usage APIs vs. exposing the entire portfolio of APIs). For example, the Automation Tool Chain APIs. For some of you that may have not heard about them yet, those are some of the powerful declarative APIs that allow you to provision entire configurations in a single API call / JSON payload. Application Services 3 (AS3) = Virtual Services Declarative Onboarding (DO) = System related config like licensing, provisioning, networking, clustering, etc. Telemetry Streaming (TS) – Analytics, Logging That would normally require 10s to 100s of imperative API calls. As with any API(s), however, there is some amount of overhead (authentication, async transaction handling, best practices, etc.) in consuming them that can be optimized and captured via client libraries. Probably the most common use case: "I want to create a Virtual Service" (using AS3). Putting the CLI in debug, you can see some of the low level details the SDK is handling: Managing Authentication (dependencies on other APIs) Managing Tasks for Async Operations Retry Attempt logic Even convenience functions like installing the required extension package (an RPM) if not already installed > export F5_SDK_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG > f5 bigip extension service create --component as3 --install-component --declaration as3.json user1@desktop: f5-cli $ f5 bigip extension service create --component as3 --declaration as3.json --install-component 2020-03-10 00:17:49,779 - f5sdk.bigip.mgmt_client - DEBUG: Performing ready check using port 8443 2020-03-10 00:17:49,810 - f5sdk.bigip.mgmt_client - DEBUG: Logging in using user + password 2020-03-10 00:17:49,810 - f5sdk.bigip.mgmt_client - DEBUG: Getting authentication token 2020-03-10 00:17:49,814 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/authn/login 2020-03-10 00:17:50,009 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:17:50,010 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: PATCH /mgmt/shared/authz/tokens/EEPEH4IXVKX7TVP27NECH76VQJ 2020-03-10 00:17:50,131 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:17:50,134 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/iapp/package-management-tasks 2020-03-10 00:17:50,252 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 202 Accepted 2020-03-10 00:17:50,253 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: GET /mgmt/shared/iapp/package-management-tasks/11fc9258-a2c2-495b-8687-2e427fd64091 2020-03-10 00:17:50,363 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:17:59,798 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/f5-appsvcs-3.17.1-1.noarch.rpm 2020-03-10 00:18:01,605 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:18:01,608 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/f5-appsvcs-3.17.1-1.noarch.rpm 2020-03-10 00:18:03,814 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:18:03,815 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/f5-appsvcs-3.17.1-1.noarch.rpm 2020-03-10 00:18:05,678 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:18:05,680 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/f5-appsvcs-3.17.1-1.noarch.rpm 2020-03-10 00:18:07,905 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:18:07,908 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/f5-appsvcs-3.17.1-1.noarch.rpm 2020-03-10 00:18:09,642 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:18:09,644 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/f5-appsvcs-3.17.1-1.noarch.rpm 2020-03-10 00:18:11,707 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:18:11,709 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/f5-appsvcs-3.17.1-1.noarch.rpm 2020-03-10 00:18:13,915 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:18:13,918 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/f5-appsvcs-3.17.1-1.noarch.rpm 2020-03-10 00:18:16,050 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:18:16,052 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/f5-appsvcs-3.17.1-1.noarch.rpm 2020-03-10 00:18:18,042 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:18:18,044 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/f5-appsvcs-3.17.1-1.noarch.rpm 2020-03-10 00:18:20,623 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:18:20,625 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/f5-appsvcs-3.17.1-1.noarch.rpm 2020-03-10 00:18:22,823 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:18:22,826 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/f5-appsvcs-3.17.1-1.noarch.rpm 2020-03-10 00:18:24,864 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:18:24,866 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/f5-appsvcs-3.17.1-1.noarch.rpm 2020-03-10 00:18:26,624 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:18:26,625 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/f5-appsvcs-3.17.1-1.noarch.rpm 2020-03-10 00:18:28,922 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:18:28,924 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/f5-appsvcs-3.17.1-1.noarch.rpm 2020-03-10 00:18:31,068 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:18:31,070 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/f5-appsvcs-3.17.1-1.noarch.rpm 2020-03-10 00:18:31,503 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:18:31,508 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/iapp/package-management-tasks 2020-03-10 00:18:32,618 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 202 Accepted 2020-03-10 00:18:32,618 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: GET /mgmt/shared/iapp/package-management-tasks/a7c839c3-b340-4497-a520-437a237aef30 2020-03-10 00:18:32,727 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:18:33,733 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: GET /mgmt/shared/iapp/package-management-tasks/a7c839c3-b340-4497-a520-437a237aef30 2020-03-10 00:18:33,865 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:18:33,866 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: GET /mgmt/shared/appsvcs/declare 2020-03-10 00:18:37,066 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: GET /mgmt/shared/appsvcs/declare 2020-03-10 00:18:37,877 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/iapp/package-management-tasks 2020-03-10 00:18:37,998 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 202 Accepted 2020-03-10 00:18:37,999 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: GET /mgmt/shared/iapp/package-management-tasks/093dfa5a-eb52-4002-a3d8-88d3edf4ad71 2020-03-10 00:18:38,116 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK 2020-03-10 00:18:38,125 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: Making HTTP request: POST /mgmt/shared/appsvcs/declare 2020-03-10 00:18:56,120 - f5sdk.utils.http_utils - DEBUG: HTTP response: 200 OK { "declaration": { "Sample_app_sec_Tenant": { "HTTPS_Service": { "Pool1": { "class": "Pool", "members": [ { "serverAddresses": [ "" ], "servicePort": 80 } ], "monitors": [ "http" ] }, "WAFPolicy": { "class": "WAF_Policy", "ignoreChanges": true, "url": "" }, "class": "Application", "serviceMain": { "class": "Service_HTTPS", "policyWAF": { "use": "WAFPolicy" }, "pool": "Pool1", "redirect80": false, "serverTLS": { "bigip": "/Common/clientssl" }, "snat": "auto", "virtualAddresses": [ "" ] }, "template": "https" }, "class": "Tenant" }, "class": "ADC", "controls": { "archiveTimestamp": "2020-03-10T00:18:55.759Z" }, "id": "autogen_3a78cbd8-7aa4-4fb6-8db9-3e458f583513", "label": "ASM_VS1", "remark": "ASM_VS1", "schemaVersion": "3.0.0", "updateMode": "selective" }, "results": [ { "code": 200, "host": "localhost", "lineCount": 28, "message": "success", "runTime": 16658, "tenant": "Sample_app_sec_Tenant" } ] } That’s actually quite a bit of work offloaded to accelerate getting you up and going on an API. As our portfolio expands to offer more and more products and services, this will hopefully save our users some extra time. DISCLAIMER: it’s in public preview and we have many enhancements already planned F5 SDK Documentation: Github repo: F5 CLI Documentation: Github repo: Please take look soon and provide any feedback by filing an issue on Github repos.740Views3likes1Comment