TLS Verison
1 TopicLog the TLS version of a client connecting to a TCP VIP with no HTTP or client-ssl Profile
Hello, I have a TCP VIP on port 995 with no HTTP Profile or client-ssl profile. There are several clients that makes SSL connections to this VIP. I need to know the client SSL/TLS version. I tried to apply the below irule and it threw me the following error.. when CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE { if { [info exists logged] && $logged == 1 }{ #Do nothing. Already logged for this connection } else { set logged 1 log "WAARDE TLS1.0 check, from [IP::remote_addr] to vip [IP::local_addr] Cipher [SSL::cipher name]:[SSL::cipher version]:[SSL::cipher bits] " } } 01070394:3: CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE event in rule (/Common/TLS-Version-2) requires an associated CLIENTSSL profile on the virtual server (/Common/vs_exchange-2016_pop3_MWDC). I really need an irule to help me log the incoming client TLS versions Please help. Thanks :)349Views0likes2Comments