1 TopicExample OWASP Top 10-compliant declarative WAF policy
Problem this snippet solves: This is an example of a basic declarative BIG-IP WAF policy that is OWASP Top 10-compliant. This policy can be used as a starting point for a production-ready version. A companion Dev Central article discussing this policy in depth can be found here. How to use this snippet: This policy can be deployed through an AS3 declaration to the BIG-IP. Code : { "policy": { "name": "Complete_OWASP_Top_Ten", "description": "A basic, OWASP Top 10 protection items v1.0", "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_RAPID_DEPLOYMENT" }, "enforcementMode":"transparent", "protocolIndependent": true, "caseInsensitive": true, "general": { "trustXff": true }, "signature-settings":{ "signatureStaging": false, "minimumAccuracyForAutoAddedSignatures": "high" }, "blocking-settings": { "violations": [ { "alarm": true, "block": true, "description": "ASM Cookie Hijacking", "learn": false, "name": "VIOL_ASM_COOKIE_HIJACKING" }, { "alarm": true, "block": true, "description": "Access from disallowed User/Session/IP/Device ID", "name": "VIOL_SESSION_AWARENESS" }, { "alarm": true, "block": true, "description": "Modified ASM cookie", "learn": true, "name": "VIOL_ASM_COOKIE_MODIFIED" }, { "name": "VIOL_LOGIN_URL_BYPASSED", "alarm": true, "block": true, "learn": false }, { "alarm": true, "block": true, "description": "XML data does not comply with format settings", "learn": true, "name": "VIOL_XML_FORMAT" }, { "name": "VIOL_FILETYPE", "alarm": true, "block": true, "learn": true }, { "name": "VIOL_URL", "alarm": true, "block": true, "learn": true }, { "name": "VIOL_URL_METACHAR", "alarm": true, "block": true, "learn": true }, { "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_METACHAR", "alarm": true, "block": true, "learn": true }, { "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_NAME_METACHAR", "alarm": true, "block": true, "learn": true } ], "evasions": [ { "description": "Bad unescape", "enabled": true, "learn": true }, { "description": "Apache whitespace", "enabled": true, "learn": true }, { "description": "Bare byte decoding", "enabled": true, "learn": true }, { "description": "IIS Unicode codepoints", "enabled": true, "learn": true }, { "description": "IIS backslashes", "enabled": true, "learn": true }, { "description": "%u decoding", "enabled": true, "learn": true }, { "description": "Multiple decoding", "enabled": true, "learn": true, "maxDecodingPasses": 3 }, { "description": "Directory traversals", "enabled": true, "learn": true } ] }, "session-tracking": { "sessionTrackingConfiguration": { "enableTrackingSessionHijackingByDeviceId": true } }, "urls": [ { "name": "/trading/auth.php", "method": "POST", "protocol": "https", "type": "explicit" }, { "name": "/internal/test.php", "method": "GET", "protocol": "https", "type": "explicit", "isAllowed": false }, { "name": "/trading/rest/portfolio.php", "method": "GET", "protocol": "https", "type": "explicit", "urlContentProfiles": [ { "headerName": "Content-Type", "headerValue": "text/html", "type": "json", "contentProfile": { "name": "portfolio" } }, { "headerName": "*", "headerValue": "*", "type": "do-nothing" } ] } ], "login-pages": [ { "accessValidation": { "headerContains": "302 Found" }, "authenticationType": "form", "passwordParameterName": "password", "usernameParameterName": "username", "url": { "name": "/trading/auth.php", "method": "POST", "protocol": "https", "type": "explicit" } } ], "login-enforcement": { "authenticatedUrls": [ "/trading/index.php" ] }, "brute-force-attack-preventions": [ { "bruteForceProtectionForAllLoginPages": true, "leakedCredentialsCriteria": { "action": "alarm-and-blocking-page", "enabled": true } } ], "csrf-protection": { "enabled": true }, "csrf-urls": [ { "enforcementAction": "verify-csrf-token", "method": "GET", "url": "/trading/index.php" } ], "data-guard": { "enabled": true }, "xml-profiles": [ { "name": "Default", "defenseAttributes": { "allowDTDs": false, "allowExternalReferences": false } } ], "json-profiles": [ { "name": "portfolio" } ], "policy-builder-server-technologies": { "enableServerTechnologiesDetection": true } } } Tested this on version: 16.01.6KViews4likes4Comments