191 TopicsBigIP Report Old
Problem this snippet solves: This codeshare has been deprecated due to a hosting platform corruption. I have movedcode and conversation to a new record (on the same original URL) can be Overview This is a script which will generate a report of the BigIP LTM configuration on all your load balancers making it easy to find information and get a comprehensive overview of virtual servers and pools connected to them. This information is used to relay information to our NOC and developers to give them insight in where things are located and to be able to plan patching and deploys. I also use it myself as a quick way get information or gather data used as a foundation for RFC's, ie get a list of all external virtual servers without compression profiles. The script has been running on 13 pairs of load balancers, indexing over 1200 virtual servers for several years now and the report is widely used across the company and by many companies and governments across the world. It's easy to setup and use and only requires guest permissions on your devices. Demo/Preview Please note that it takes time to make these so sometimes they're a bit outdated and they only cover one HA pair. However, they still serve the purpose of showing what you can expect from the report. Interactive demo Screen shots The main report: The device overview: Certificate details: How to use this snippet: This codeshare has been deprecated due to a hosting platform corruption. I have movedcode and conversation to a new record (on the same original URL) Installation instructions BigipReport REST This is the only branch we're updating since middle of 2020 and it supports 12.x and upwards (maybe even 11.6). Download: Documentation, installation instructions and troubleshooting: Docker support This will be the recommended way of running bigipreport in the near future. It's still undergoing testing but it's looking really good so far. BigipReport (Legacy) Older version of the report that only runs on Windows and is depending on a Powershell plugin originally written by Joe Pruitt (F5). BigipReport (Stable): BigipReport (BETA): iControl Snapin: Documentation and installation instructions: Upgrade instructions Protect the report using APM and active directory Written by DevCentral member Shann_P: Got issues/problems/feedback? Still have issues? Drop a comment below. We usually reply quite fast. Any bugs found, issues detected or ideas contributed makes the report better for everyone, so it's always appreciated. --- Also trying out a Discord channel now. You're welcome to hang out with us there: Code : 85931,86647,90730 Tested this on version: 13.026KViews16likes974CommentsPowerShell module for the F5 LTM REST API
Problem this snippet solves: To report an issue with the F5-LTM or F5-BIGIP modules, please use the Issues sections of the GitHub repos (here and here) instead of commenting here. Thanks! This PowerShell module uses the iControlREST API to manipulate and query pools, pool members, virtual servers, and iRules. It aims to support version 11.5.1 and higher, and to conform to the schedule for technical support of versions, though this may eventually prove to become difficult. The module currently includes some functionality that, strictly speaking, is outside the scope of the LTM module. Hence, there is an active effort to wrap this LTM module into a larger BIG-IP module, and relocate that functionality elsewhere within that parent module, as well as expand the scope of functionality to include BIG-IP DNS (formerly GTM) and possibly other areas. Both the LTM module and the parent BIG-IP module are projects on github. Please use these projects to report any issues you discover. Thanks! The module contains the following functions. Add-iRuleToVirtualServer Add-iRuleToVirtualServer Add-PoolMember Add-PoolMonitor Disable-PoolMember Disable-VirtualServer Enable-PoolMember Enable-VirtualServer Get-CurrentConnectionCount (deprecated; use Get-PoolMemberStats | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'serverside.curConns') Get-F5Session (will be deprecated in future versions. use New-F5Session) Get-F5Status Get-HealthMonitor Get-HealthMonitorType Get-iRule Get-iRuleCollection (deprecated; use Get-iRule) Get-Node Get-BIGIPPartition Get-Pool Get-PoolList (deprecated; use Get-Pool) Get-PoolMember Get-PoolMemberCollection (deprecated; use Get-PoolMember) Get-PoolMemberCollectionStatus Get-PoolMemberDescription (deprecated; use Get-PoolMember) Get-PoolMemberIP (deprecated; use Get-PoolMember) Get-PoolMembers (deprecated; use Get-PoolMember) Get-PoolMemberStats Get-PoolMemberStatus (deprecated; use Get-PoolMember) Get-PoolMonitor Get-PoolsForMember Get-StatusShape Get-VirtualServer Get-VirtualServeriRuleCollection (deprecated; use Get-VirtualServer | Where rules | Select -ExpandProperty rules) Get-VirtualServerList (deprecated; use Get-VirtualServer) Invoke-RestMethodOverride New-F5Session New-HealthMonitor New-Node New-Pool New-VirtualServer Remove-HealthMonitor Remove-iRule Remove-iRuleFromVirtualServer Remove-Pool Remove-PoolMember Remove-PoolMonitor Remove-ProfileRamCache Remove-Node Remove-VirtualServer Set-iRule Set-PoolLoadBalancingMode (deprecated; use Set-Pool) Set-PoolMemberDescription Set-Pool Set-VirtualServer Sync-DeviceToGroup Test-F5Session Test-Functionality Test-HealthMonitor Test-Node Test-Pool Test-VirtualServer How to use this snippet: To use the module, click 'Download Zip', extract the files, and place them in a folder named F5-LTM beneath your PowerShell modules folder. By default, this is %USERPROFILE%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules. The WindowsPowerShell and Modules folders may need to be created. You will most likely need to unblock the files after extracting them. Use the Unblock-File PS cmdlet to accomplish this. The Validation.cs class file (based on code posted by Brian Scholer) allows for using the REST API with LTM devices with self-signed SSL certificates. Nearly all of the functions require an F5 session object as a parameter, which contains the base URL for the F5 LTM and a credential object for a user with privileges to manipulate the F5 LTM via the REST API. Use the New-F5session function to create this object. This function expects the following parameters: The name or IP address of the F5 LTM device A credential object for a user with rights to use the REST API An optional TokenLifespan value for extending the life of the authentication token past the default 20 minutes You can create a credential object using Get-Credential and entering the username and password at the prompts, or programmatically like this: $secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString "PlainTextPassword" -AsPlainText -Force $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential "username", $secpasswd Thanks to Kotesh Bandhamravuri and his blog entry for this snippet. There is a function called Test-Functionality that takes an F5Session object, a new pool name, a new virtual server, an IP address for the virtual server, and a computer name as a pool member, and validates nearly all the functions in the module. I've also contributed this code sample for how to gather some basic info about your LTM with this PS module. The module has been tested on: 11.5.1 Build 8.0.175 Hotfix 8 and later 11.6.0 Build 5.0.429 Hotfix 4 and later 12.0 / 12.1 13.0 Code : Tested this on version: 11.519KViews2likes150CommentsBIG-IP Report
Problem this snippet solves: Overview This is a script which will generate a report of the BIG-IP LTM configuration on all your load balancers making it easy to find information and get a comprehensive overview of virtual servers and pools connected to them. This information is used to relay information to NOC and developers to give them insight in where things are located and to be able to plan patching and deploys. I also use it myself as a quick way get information or gather data used as a foundation for RFC's, ie get a list of all external virtual servers without compression profiles. The script has been running on 13 pairs of load balancers, indexing over 1200 virtual servers for several years now and the report is widely used across the company and by many companies and governments across the world. It's easy to setup and use and only requires auditor (read-only) permissions on your devices. Demo/Preview Interactive demo Screen shots The main report: The device overview: Certificate details: How to use this snippet: Installation instructions BigipReport REST This is the only branch we're updating since middle of 2020 and it supports 12.x and upwards (maybe even 11.6). Downloads: Documentation, installation instructions and troubleshooting: Docker support Kubernetes support BIG-IP Report (Legacy) Older version of the report that only runs on Windows and is depending on a Powershell plugin originally written by Joe Pruitt (F5) BIG-IP Report (only download this if you have v10 devices): iControl Snapin Documentation and Installation Instructions Upgrade instructions Protect the report using APM and active directory Written by DevCentral member Shann_P: Got issues/problems/feedback? Still have issues? Drop a comment below. We usually reply quite fast. Any bugs found, issues detected or ideas contributed makes the report better for everyone, so it's always appreciated. --- Join us on Discord: Code : BigIP Report Tested this on version: 12, 13, 14, 15, 1613KViews20likes96CommentsUse F5 LTM as HTTP Proxy
Problem this snippet solves: LTM product can be used as a HTTP Proxy for servers and PC. This code explains minimum requirements to configure proxy feature without SWG module (configurations from Explicit Forward Proxy documentation without documentation ) and without explicit proxy iApp. How to use this snippet: All these commands must be run in bash shell. Create HTTP PROXY VIRTUAL SERVER Configure variables used in next commands Variable HTTPBaseName is used to create : Resolver object : RESOLVER_${HTTPBaseName} HTTP profile : http_${HTTPBaseName} virtual server : VS_${HTTPBaseName} HTTPBaseName="HTTP_FORWARD_PROXY" VS_IP="" VS_PORT="8080" create DNS resolver with your DNS server ( is for demo using cloudflare) tmsh create net dns-resolver RESOLVER_${HTTPBaseName} { forward-zones replace-all-with { . { nameservers replace-all-with { { } } } } route-domain 0 } create HTTP profile type explicit, using DNS resolver. The parameter default-connect-handling allow enables HTTPS connections without SSL inspection tmsh create ltm profile http http_${HTTPBaseName} { defaults-from http-explicit explicit-proxy { default-connect-handling allow dns-resolver RESOLVER_${HTTPBaseName} } proxy-type explicit } create HTTP proxy Virtual server tmsh create ltm virtual VS_${HTTPBaseName} { destination ${VS_IP}:${VS_PORT} ip-protocol tcp mask profiles replace-all-with { http_${HTTPBaseName} { } tcp } source source-address-translation { type automap } translate-address enabled translate-port enabled} ENABLE SSL FORWARD PROXY This section is not required to forward HTTPS requests but only to enable SSL inspection on HTTPS requests. Note : Following configuration requires SSL, Forward Proxy License. Configure variables used in next commands Variable SSLBaseName is used to create : certificate / key pair : ${SSLBaseName} Client SSL profile : clientssl_${SSLBaseName} Server SSL profile : serverssl_${SSLBaseName} virtual server : VS_${SSLBaseName} SSLBaseName="SSL_FORWARD_PROXY" dirname="/var/tmp" CASubject="/C=FR/O=DEMO\ COMPANY/CN=SSL\ FORWARD\ PROXY\ CA" Create self-signed certificate for CA purpose (not available in WebUI) Self-signed certificates created in WebUI doesn't have CA capability required for SSL FORWARD PROXY. openssl genrsa -out ${dirname}/${SSLBaseName}.key 4094 openssl req -sha512 -new -x509 -days 3650 -key ${dirname}/${SSLBaseName}.key -out ${dirname}/${SSLBaseName}.crt -subj "${CASubject}" Import certificates in TMOS tmsh install sys crypto key ${SSLBaseName}.key from-local-file ${dirname}/${SSLBaseName}.key; tmsh install sys crypto cert ${SSLBaseName}.crt from-local-file ${dirname}/${SSLBaseName}.crt; After CA Certificate is imported, browse in WebUI, retrieve it and import it in client browsers trusted CA Create SSL profiles for SSL FORWARD PROXY tmsh create ltm profile client-ssl clientssl_${SSLBaseName} { cert-lookup-by-ipaddr-port disabled defaults-from clientssl mode enabled proxy-ca-cert ${SSLBaseName}.crt proxy-ca-key ${SSLBaseName}.key ssl-forward-proxy enabled } tmsh create ltm profile server-ssl serverssl_${SSLBaseName} { defaults-from serverssl ssl-forward-proxy enabled } create SSL FORWARD PROXY Virtual server tmsh create ltm virtual VS_${SSLBaseName} { destination ip-protocol tcp profiles replace-all-with { clientssl_${SSLBaseName} { context clientside } serverssl_${SSLBaseName} { context serverside } http { } tcp { } } source translate-address disabled translate-port disabled vlans replace-all-with { http-tunnel } vlans-enabled } Change HTTP EXPLICIT PROXY Default Connect Handling to Deny tmsh modify ltm profile http http_${HTTPBaseName} explicit-proxy { default-connect-handling deny } Note : These commands were tested in both 12.1 and 13.1 versions. Code : No Code11KViews1like24CommentsCORS implementation
Problem this snippet solves: Pretty self-explanatory - we had to implement CORS (Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing) where we had multiple domains, all of which had to be able to make AJAX calls to API's in our '' subdomain. Additionally, we had some partners who also need to be able to call our API's. In some cases, we had to pass cookies in the request. In the past, various developers had created backend Java code to return the CORS response headers, but almost invariably they did an incomplete job - either returning an invalid value or not returning all the required headers or writing the code such that it wasn't portable across applications. Therefore, I decided to write some 'common' CORS handling code, which would have the benefit of doing 'proper' origin checking and would also immediately return the OPTIONS preflight response directly from F5, thus improving performance. After much hacking around, here is what I came up with. We used a class to define multiple top-level domains as 'allowed' origins - this would contain both your domains and also those of any partners whom you want to allow to make CORS requests to your site. If you just have multiple subdomains on a single domain (e.g.,,, you could simply use [HTTP::header Origin] ends_with "" - it's a little simpler. I'm always returning the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true response header for 'valid' non-OPTIONS (e.g. GET/POST) CORS requests, even if it's not required (i.e. even if the withCredentials flag was not set in the request) - unfortunately, there is no way to know whether it is needed simply by looking at the request, so it's the only way to ensure client errors don't occur. I'm passing the value of the Access-Control-Request-Method request header in the Access-Control-Allow-Methods response header (e.g. a single value of 'GET' or 'POST' or whatever) - in most implementations, you'll see people returning somethign like a string like Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, but there's really no significant benefit to doing this - much simpler to only return what is passed. In either case, it will be cached by the browser because of the Access-Control-Max-Age response header. Note that because you will be returning a specific Access-Control-Allow-Origin value, rather than '*', you should also return the Vary: Origin response header. This may have issues with browser caching or if you use a CDN like Akamai or Cloudflare - you should consult any CDN product documentation. There are multiple good sources for explaining the Vary header - Google is your friend. If anyone has any comments, please add them, good or bad! I would love to know if someone finds this snippet useful... Code : # Domains that are allowed to make cross-domain calls to class allowed_origins { "" "" "" } when HTTP_REQUEST { unset -nocomplain cors_origin if { [class match [HTTP::header Origin] ends_with allowed_origins] } { if { ( [HTTP::method] equals "OPTIONS" ) and ( [HTTP::header exists "Access-Control-Request-Method"] ) } { # CORS preflight request - return response immediately HTTP::respond 200 "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" [HTTP::header "Origin"] \ "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" [HTTP::header "Access-Control-Request-Method"] \ "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" [HTTP::header "Access-Control-Request-Headers"] \ "Access-Control-Max-Age" "86400" \ "Vary" "Origin" } else { # CORS GET/POST requests - set cors_origin variable set cors_origin [HTTP::header "Origin"] } } } when HTTP_RESPONSE { # CORS GET/POST response - check cors_origin variable set in request if { [info exists cors_origin] } { HTTP::header insert "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" $cors_origin HTTP::header insert "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" "true" HTTP::header insert "Vary" "Origin" } } Tested this on version: 11.09KViews2likes20CommentsProxy Protocol Initiator
Problem this snippet solves: iRule Support for BIG-IP sending Proxy header to serverside pool member. (BIG-IP as Proxy Protocol Initiator) Implements v1 of PROXY protocol at: How to use this snippet: Add iRule to Virtual Server. Back-end server should accept Proxy header. Code : when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set proxyheader "PROXY " if {[IP::version] eq 4} { append proxyheader "TCP4 " } else { append proxyheader "TCP6 " } append proxyheader "[IP::remote_addr] [IP::local_addr] [TCP::remote_port] [TCP::local_port]\r\n" } when SERVER_CONNECTED { TCP::respond $proxyheader } ### Alternate Optimized Version ### when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set proxyheader "PROXY TCP[IP::version] [IP::remote_addr] [IP::local_addr] [TCP::remote_port] [TCP::local_port]\r\n" } when SERVER_CONNECTED { TCP::respond $proxyheader } Tested this on version: 11.67.3KViews0likes17CommentsMicrosoft Skype for Business Server 2015
Problem this snippet solves: New release candidate iApp template and deployment guide for Microsoft Skype for Business Server 2015 (formerly Lync Server 2010/2013). For more information and complete guidance on configuring the iApp template, see the associated deployment guide: f5.microsoft_skype_server_2015.v1.0.0rc9: posted to in 11/2017 RC-9 was posted to (as will most new versions of this template). It contained the following changes: new BIG-IP AFM IP Intelligence threat categories to support BIG-IP v13.1 and support for route domain 0 from non-Common partitions. f5.microsoft_skype_server_2015.v1.0.0rc7: posted 09/21/2016 RC-7 provides additional SIP domain support within reverse proxy, a monitor schema change for reverse proxy to make use of the 200 OK response when querying lyncdiscover/lyncdiscoverinternal, support for the director service standalone use case(separate LTM from Front End service), added support to ask for the IP phone update url to allow connections through reverse proxy and added a port 80 Virtual Server in addition to the existing 443 Virtual Server for reverse proxy. RC 5 and 6 were never released to the public, this includes changes as a part of those RC's f5.microsoft_skype_server_2015.v1.0.0rc4: posted 02/16/2016 RC-4 Fixes a security log profile error when deploying on versions of BIG-IP earlier than 11.4, where AFM is not available. f5.microsoft_skype_server_2015.v1.0.0rc3: posted 01/22/2016 RC-3 attaches a supplemental ICMP monitor to the Edge internal UDP virtual server. See for more information. f5.microsoft_skype_server_2015.v1.0.0rc2: posted 01/11/2016 RC-2 contains only a small correction to the iRule produced by the iApp template. The iApp will now always force the FQDN written to lowercase in the iRule, even if the user enters CAPITAL letters. f5.microsoft_skype_server_2015.v1.0.0rc1: posted 07/06/2015 New iApp template for Skype for Business. Code : 707826.6KViews0likes84CommentsProxy Protocol Receiver
Problem this snippet solves: iRule for BIG-IP to receive PROXY protocol (v1 and v2) header in TCP Payload and remove it before forwarding remaining TCP Payload to server side pool member. How to use this snippet: Enable iRule on virtual server where upstream proxy will be sending PROXY header. Testing done using proxied IPv6 and IPv4 HTTP connections from HAProxy using Proxy Protocol v1 and v2. Use of client or server SSL profiles slated for testing and validation since ELB promotes use of Proxy Protocol as a solution for customers that don't want to have ELB terminate HTTPS traffic but do want servers to see original IP addresses. Code : #PROXY Protocol Receiver iRule # c.jenison at (Chad Jenison) # v2.0 - Added support for PROXY Protocol v2, control for v1,v2 or lack of proxy via static:: variables set in RULE_INIT # v2.1 - Fix for skipping bytes in v2 code when RULE_INIT { set static::allowProxyV1 0 set static::allowProxyV2 1 set static::allowNoProxy 0 } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { TCP::collect } when CLIENT_DATA { binary scan [TCP::payload 12] H* v2_protocol_sig if {$static::allowProxyV1 && [TCP::payload 0 5] eq "PROXY"} { set proxy_string [TCP::payload] set proxy_string_length [expr {[string first "\r" [TCP::payload]] + 2}] scan $proxy_string {PROXY TCP%s%s%s%s%s} tcpver srcaddr dstaddr srcport dstport log "Proxy Protocol v1 conn from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] for an IPv$tcpver stream from Src: $srcaddr:$srcport to Dst: $dstaddr:$dstport" TCP::payload replace 0 $proxy_string_length "" } elseif {$static::allowProxyV2 && $v2_protocol_sig eq "0d0a0d0a000d0a515549540a"}{ binary scan [TCP::payload] @12H* v2_proxyheaderremainder binary scan [TCP::payload] @12H2H* v2_verCommand v2_remainder if {$v2_verCommand == 21}{ binary scan [TCP::payload] @13H2 v2_addressFamilyTransportProtocol if {$v2_addressFamilyTransportProtocol == 11} { binary scan [TCP::payload] @16ccccccccSS v2_sourceAddress1 v2_sourceAddress2 v2_sourceAddress3 v2_sourceAddress4 v2_destAddress1 v2_destAddress2 v2_destAddress3 v2_destAddress4 v2_sourcePort1 v2_destPort1 set v2_sourceAddress "[expr {$v2_sourceAddress1 & 0xff}].[expr {$v2_sourceAddress2 & 0xff}].[expr {$v2_sourceAddress3 & 0xff}].[expr {$v2_sourceAddress4 & 0xff}]" set v2_destAddress "[expr {$v2_destAddress1 & 0xff}].[expr {$v2_destAddress2 & 0xff}].[expr {$v2_destAddress3 & 0xff}].[expr {$v2_destAddress4 & 0xff}]" set v2_sourcePort [expr {$v2_sourcePort1 & 0xffff}] set v2_destPort [expr {$v2_destPort1 & 0xffff}] log "Proxy Protocol v2 conn from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] for an IPv4 Stream from Src: $v2_sourceAddress:$v2_sourcePort to Dst: $v2_destAddress:$v2_destPort" binary scan [TCP::payload] @14S address_size set skip_bytes [expr 16 + $address_size] TCP::payload replace 0 $skip_bytes "" } elseif {$v2_addressFamilyTransportProtocol == 21} { binary scan [TCP::payload] @16H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4 v2_v6sourceAddress1 v2_v6sourceAddress2 v2_v6sourceAddress3 v2_v6sourceAddress4 v2_v6sourceAddress5 v2_v6sourceAddress6 v2_v6sourceAddress7 v2_v6sourceAddress8 binary scan [TCP::payload] @32H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4 v2_v6destAddress1 v2_v6destAddress2 v2_v6destAddress3 v2_v6destAddress4 v2_v6destAddress5 v2_v6destAddress6 v2_v6destAddress7 v2_v6destAddress8 binary scan [TCP::payload] @48SS v2_v6sourcePort1 v2_v6destPort1 set v2_v6sourcePort [expr {$v2_v6sourcePort1 & 0xffff}] set v2_v6destPort [expr {$v2_v6destPort1 & 0xffff}] set v2_v6sourceAddress "$v2_v6sourceAddress1:$v2_v6sourceAddress2:$v2_v6sourceAddress3:$v2_v6sourceAddress4:$v2_v6sourceAddress5:$v2_v6sourceAddress6:$v2_v6sourceAddress7:$v2_v6sourceAddress8" set v2_v6destAddress "$v2_v6destAddress1:$v2_v6destAddress2:$v2_v6destAddress3:$v2_v6destAddress4:$v2_v6destAddress5:$v2_v6destAddress6:$v2_v6destAddress7:$v2_v6destAddress8" log "Proxy Protocol v2 conn from from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] for an IPv6 Stream from Src: $v2_v6sourceAddress:$v2_v6sourcePort to Dst: $v2_v6destAddress:$v2_v6destPort" binary scan [TCP::payload] @14S address_size set skip_bytes [expr 16 + $address_size] TCP::payload replace 0 $skip_bytes "" } else { log "v2_proxy conn from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] - possible unknown/malformed transportProtocol or addressFamily" reject } } elseif {$v2_verCommand == 20}{ log "Proxy Protocol v2 and LOCAL command from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]; skipping" binary scan [TCP::payload] @14S address_size set skip_bytes [expr 16 + $address_size] TCP::payload replace 0 $skip_bytes "" binary scan [TCP::payload] H* local_remainder } else { log "Proxy Protocol Protocol Signature Detected from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] but protocol version and command not legal; connection reset" reject } } elseif {$static::allowNoProxy} { log "Connection from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] allowed despite lack of PROXY protocol header" } else { reject log "Connection rejected from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] due to lack of PROXY protocol header" } TCP::release } Tested this on version: 12.05.2KViews0likes9CommentsWeblogic JSessionID Persistence
Problem this snippet solves: Contributed by: unRuleY, Summarized by: deb Note: The previous version of this iRule contained escaped newlines following the session command, which in versions 10.0 - 10.2.0 causes TMM to core as documented in CR135937 / SOL11427. This was fixed in 10.2.1. See this related Codeshare example for details on how to take advantage of session replication on the WebLogic servers with targeted node failover in an iRule. Provides persistence on the jsessionid value found in either the URI or a cookie. When a request is received, the iRule first looks for a "jsessionid" cookie, and if not found, for a "jsessionid" parameter in the requested URI. If either is found, a persistence record is created if it doesn't already exist, or followed if it does. If neither is found, the request is load balanced according to the load balancing method applied to the virtual server and persisted based on the client's IP address. In order to ensure the second and subsequent requests follow the first, LTM must create a persistence record indicating the pool member to which the first request was load balanced. If the server is setting the jsessionid in a cookie, the persistence key value may be extracted from the server response to create the persistence record. If the server is setting the jsessionid in the URLs, source address persistence with a short timeout is recommended to track the original destination until the jsessionid is sent. How to use this snippet: To ensure a new persistence record is followed when a request is re-load balanced in a client-side Keep-Alive connection, apply a OneConnect profile to the virtual server. The iRule assumes the jsessionid is in upper case when used as a cookie name. If this isn't the case, please update the example. To persist on jsessionid, create the iRule below and create a custom Universal persistence profile, with Match Across Services enabled, that uses the iRule. Then use this custom Universal persistence profile as the Default Persistence profile on your Virtual Server. Applying a Fallback Persistence profile of type Source Address Affinity with a host mask and a short timeout (the default source_addr persistence profile will do the trick) to your Virtual Server is also recommended. Attention, if you are running firmware 11.0 - 11.2.1 and enabled "Match Across Services"! There is a bug inside. SOL14061 This iRule requires LTM v10. or higher. Code : when HTTP_REQUEST { # Log details for the request set log_prefix "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]" log local0. "$log_prefix: Request to [HTTP::uri] with cookie: [HTTP::cookie value JSESSIONID]" # Check if there is a JSESSIONID cookie if { [HTTP::cookie "JSESSIONID"] ne "" }{ # Persist off of the cookie value with a timeout of 1 hour (3600 seconds) persist uie [string tolower [HTTP::cookie "JSESSIONID"]] 3600 # Log that we're using the cookie value for persistence and the persistence key if it exists. log local0. "$log_prefix: Used persistence record from cookie. Existing key? [persist lookup uie [string tolower [HTTP::cookie "JSESSIONID"]]]" } else { # Parse the jsessionid from the path. The jsessionid, when included in the URI, is in the path, # not the query string: /path/to/file.ext;jsessionid=1234?param=value set jsess [findstr [string tolower [HTTP::path]] "jsessionid=" 11] # Use the jsessionid from the path for persisting with a timeout of 1 hour (3600 seconds) if { $jsess != "" } { persist uie $jsess 3600 # Log that we're using the path jessionid for persistence and the persistence key if it exists. log local0. "$log_prefix: Used persistence record from path: [persist lookup uie $jsess]" } } } when HTTP_RESPONSE { # Check if there is a jsessionid cookie in the response if { [HTTP::cookie "JSESSIONID"] ne "" }{ # Persist off of the cookie value with a timeout of 1 hour (3600 seconds) persist add uie [string tolower [HTTP::cookie "JSESSIONID"]] 3600 log local0. "$log_prefix: Added persistence record from cookie: [persist lookup uie [string tolower [HTTP::cookie "JSESSIONID"]]]" } }5KViews1like7CommentsUltimate irule debug - Capture and investigate
Problem this snippet solves: I decided to share this Irule for different reasons. When I help our community on devcentral, I regularly see people making recurring requests: How do I do to capture the queries header. How do I do to capture the response header. How do I check the information in the POST Request. How do I check response data (body). What cypher/protocol I use (SSL/TLS). I set up client certificate authentication but I do not know if it works and if I pass my certificate auth. I want to retrieve information from my authentication certificate (subject, issuer, …). My authenticating by certificate does not work and I get an error of what I have to do. I have latencies when dealing with my request. where does the latency come from (F5, server,..). I set up sso (kerberos delegation, json post, Form sso). I do not feel that my request is sent to the backend (or the kerberos token). Does F5 add information or modify the request/response. Which pool member has been selected My VS don’t answer (where does the problem come from) … instead of having an Irule for each request why not consolidate everything and provide a compact Irule. this Irule can help you greatly during your investigations and allows you to capture these different items: How to use this snippet: you have a function that allows you to activate the desired logs (1 to activate and 0 to disable) as describe below: array set app_arrway_referer { client_dest_ip_port 1 client_cert 1 http_request 1 http_request_release 1 http_request_payload 0 http_lb_selected 1 http_response 0 http_response_release 0 http_response_payload 0 http_time_process 0 } the posted logs will be preceded by a UID which will allow you to follow from the beginning to the end of the process of your request / answer. you can for example make a grep on the log to follow the complete process (request / answer). the UID is generated in the following way: `set uid [string range [AES::key 256] 15 23] client_dest_ip_port: this section will allow you to see source IP/Port and destination IP/Port. <CLIENT_ACCEPTED>: ----------- client_dest_ip_port ----------- <CLIENT_ACCEPTED>: uid: 382951fe9 - Client IP Src: <CLIENT_ACCEPTED>: uid: 382951fe9 - Client IP Dest: <CLIENT_ACCEPTED>: ----------- client_dest_ip_port ----------- client_cert: this section will allow you to check the result code for peer certificate verification ( and also if you have provide a certificate auth). moreover you will be able to recover the information of your authentication certficat (issuer, subject, …). if your authentication certificate that you provid is not valid an error message will be returned (ex: certificate chain too long, invalid CA certificate, …). all errors are listed in the link below: <HTTP_REQUEST>: ----------- client_cert ----------- <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - cert number: 0 <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - subject: OU=myOu, CN=youssef <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - Issuer Info: DC=com, DC=domain, CN=MobIssuer <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - cert serial: 22:00:30:5c:de:dd:ec:23:6e:b5:e6:77:bj:01:00:00:22:3c:dc <HTTP_REQUEST>: ----------- client_cert ----------- OR <HTTP_REQUEST>: ----------- client_cert ----------- <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - No client certificate provided <HTTP_REQUEST>: ----------- client_cert ----------- http_request: This section allow you to retrieve the complete client HTTP request headers (that is, the method, URI, version, and all headers). I also added the protocol, the ciphers and the name of the vs used. <HTTP_REQUEST>: ----------- http_request ----------- <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - protocol: https <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - cipher name: ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - cipher version: TLSv1.2 <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - VS Name: /Common/vs-myapp-443 <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - Request: POST <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - Host: <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - Connection: keep-alive <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - Content-Length: 290 <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01 <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.106 Safari/537.36 <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - Referer: <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch, br <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8 <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - Cookie: RLT=SKjpfdkFDKjkufd976HJhldds=; secureauth=true; STT="LKJSDKJpjslkdjslkjKJSHjfdskjhoLHkjh78dshjhd980szKJH"; ASP.SessionId=dsliulpoiukj908798dsjkh <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - X-Forwarded-For: <HTTP_REQUEST>: ----------- http_request ----------- http_request_release: This section triggered when the system is about to release HTTP data on the serverside of the connection. This event is triggered after modules process the HTTP request. So it will allow you to check request after F5 process. suppose that you have put APM with SSO kerberos, you will be able to see the kerberos token insert by F5. Or XFF insert by HTTP profile… <HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE>: ----------- http_request_release ----------- <HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - VS Name: /Common/vs-myapp-443 <HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Request: GET <HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Host: <HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Connection: keep-alive <HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01 <HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest <HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.106 Safari/537.36 <HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Referer: <HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch, br <HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8 <HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Cookie: RLT=SKjpfdkFDKjkufd976HJhldds=; secureauth=true; STT="LKJSDKJpjslkdjslkjKJSHjfdskjhoLHkjh78dshjhd980szKJH"; ASP.SessionId=dsliulpoiukj908798dsjkh <HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - X-Forwarded-For: <HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE>: ----------- http_request_release ----------- http_request_payload: This section will allow you to retrieve the HTTP request body. <HTTP_REQUEST>: ----------- http_request_payload ----------- <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - Content-Length header null in request If GET or POST withtout content) <HTTP_REQUEST>: ----------- http_request_payload ----------- or <HTTP_REQUEST>: ----------- http_request_payload ----------- <HTTP_REQUEST>: uid: 382951fe9 - post payload: { id: 24, retrive: 'identity', service: 'IT'} <HTTP_REQUEST>: ----------- http_request_payload ----------- http_lb_selected This section will allow you to you to see which pool member has been selected. Once the pool memeber has been selected, you will not see this logs again until another load balancing decision will be made. If you want to see the selected pool memeber for each request you can see this information in "http_response". <HTTP_REQUEST>: ----------- http_lb_selected ----------- <LB_SELECTED>: uid: 382951fe9 - pool member IP: /Common/pool-name 443 <HTTP_REQUEST>: ----------- http_lb_selected ----------- http_response: This section will allow you to retrieve the response status and header lines from the server response. You can also see which pool member has been selected. <HTTP_RESPONSE>: ----------- http_response ----------- <HTTP_RESPONSE>: uid: 382951fe9 - status: 200 <HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - pool member IP: /Common/pool-name 443 <HTTP_RESPONSE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Cache-Control: no-cache <HTTP_RESPONSE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Pragma: no-cache <HTTP_RESPONSE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 <HTTP_RESPONSE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Expires: -1 <HTTP_RESPONSE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5 <HTTP_RESPONSE>: uid: 382951fe9 - X-Powered-By: ASP.NET <HTTP_RESPONSE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2018 06:46:59 GMT <HTTP_RESPONSE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Content-Length: 302 <HTTP_RESPONSE>: ----------- http_response ----------- http_response_release: This section triggered when the system is about to release HTTP data on the clientside of the connection. This event is triggered after modules process the HTTP response. you can make sure that the answer has not been altering after the f5 process. You can also see which pool member has been selected. <HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE>: ----------- http_response_release ----------- <HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - status: 200 <HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - pool member IP: /Common/pool-name 443 <HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Cache-Control: no-cache <HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Pragma: no-cache <HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 <HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Expires: -1 <HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5 <HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - X-Powered-By: ASP.NET <HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2018 06:46:59 GMT <HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Content-Length: 302 <HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=16070400; includeSubDomains <HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE>: ----------- http_response_release ----------- http_response_payload: This section will allow you to Collects an amount of HTTP body data that you specify. <HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA>: ----------- http_response_payload ----------- <HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA>: uid: 382951fe9 - Response (Body) payload: { "username" : "youssef", "genre" : "unknown", "validation-factors" : { "validationFactors" : [ { "name" : "remote_address", "value" : "" } ] }} <HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA>: ----------- http_response_payload ----------- http_time_process: this part will allow you to put back information which can be useful to you to target the latency problematic. it is clear that it is not precise and that f5 offers other tools for that. but you will be able to quickly see which elements take the most time to be processed. you will be able to see how long f5 takes to process the request, the response and how long the backend server takes time to respond. <HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE>: ----------- http_time_process ----------- <HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Time to request (F5 request time) = 5 (ms) <HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Time to response (F5 response time) = 0 (ms) <HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE>: uid: 382951fe9 - Time to server (server backend process time) = 4 (ms) <HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE>: ----------- http_time_process ----------- Code : when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { # set a unique id for transaction set uid [string range [AES::key 256] 15 23] # set what's you want to retrieve 0 or 1 array set app_arrway_referer { client_dest_ip_port 1 client_cert 1 http_request 1 http_request_release 1 http_request_payload 1 http_lb_selected 1 http_response 1 http_response_release 1 http_response_payload 1 http_time_process 1 } if {$app_arrway_referer(client_dest_ip_port)} { log local0. " ----------- client_dest_ip_port ----------- " clientside { log local0. "uid: $uid - Client IP Src: [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]" } log local0. "uid: $uid - Client IP Dest:[IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port]" log local0. " ----------- client_dest_ip_port ----------- " log local0. " " } } when HTTP_REQUEST { set http_request_time [clock clicks -milliseconds] # Triggered when the system receives a certificate message from the client. The message may contain zero or more certificates. if {$app_arrway_referer(client_cert)} { log local0. " ----------- client_cert ----------- " # SSL::cert count - Returns the total number of certificates that the peer has offered. if {[SSL::cert count] > 0}{ # Check if there was no error in validating the client cert against LTM's server cert if { [SSL::verify_result] == 0 }{ for {set i 0} {$i < [SSL::cert count]} {incr i}{ log local0. "uid: $uid - cert number: $i" log local0. "uid: $uid - subject: [X509::subject [SSL::cert $i]]" log local0. "uid: $uid - Issuer Info: [X509::issuer [SSL::cert $i]]" log local0. "uid: $uid - cert serial: [X509::serial_number [SSL::cert $i]]" } } else { # (OpenSSL verify result codes) log local0. "uid: $uid - Cert Info: [X509::verify_cert_error_string [SSL::verify_result]]" } } else { log local0. "uid: $uid - No client certificate provided" } log local0. " ----------- client_cert ----------- " log local0. " " } if {$app_arrway_referer(http_request)} { log local0. " ----------- http_request ----------- " if { [PROFILE::exists clientssl] == 1 } { log local0. "uid: $uid - protocol: https" log local0. "uid: $uid - cipher name: [SSL::cipher name]" log local0. "uid: $uid - cipher version: [SSL::cipher version]" } log local0. "uid: $uid - VS Name: [virtual]" log local0. "uid: $uid - Request: [HTTP::method] [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]" foreach aHeader [HTTP::header names] { log local0. "uid: $uid - $aHeader: [HTTP::header value $aHeader]" } log local0. " ----------- http_request ----------- " log local0. " " } set collect_length_request [HTTP::header value "Content-Length"] set contentlength 1 if {$app_arrway_referer(http_request_payload)} { if { [catch { if { $collect_length_request > 0 && $collect_length_request < 1048577 } { set collect_length $collect_length_request } else { set collect_length 1048576 } if { $collect_length > 0 } { HTTP::collect $collect_length_request set contentlength 1 } }] } { # no DATA in POST Request log local0. " ----------- http_request_payload ----------- " log local0. "uid: $uid - Content-Length header null in request" log local0. " ----------- http_request_payload ----------- " log local0. " " set contentlength 0 } } } when HTTP_REQUEST_DATA { if {$app_arrway_referer(http_request_payload)} { log local0. " ----------- http_request_payload ----------- " if {$contentlength} { set postpayload [HTTP::payload] log local0. "uid: $uid - post payload: $postpayload" #HTTP::release } log local0. " ----------- http_request_payload ----------- " log local0. " " } } when HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE { if {$app_arrway_referer(http_request_release)} { log local0. " ----------- http_request_release ----------- " if { [PROFILE::exists clientssl] == 1 } { log local0. "uid: $uid - cipher protocol: https" log local0. "uid: $uid - cipher name: [SSL::cipher name]" log local0. "uid: $uid - cipher version: [SSL::cipher version]" } log local0. "uid: $uid - VS Name: [virtual]" log local0. "uid: $uid - Request: [HTTP::method] [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]" foreach aHeader [HTTP::header names] { log local0. "uid: $uid - $aHeader: [HTTP::header value $aHeader]" } log local0. " ----------- http_request_release ----------- " log local0. " " } set http_request_time_release [clock clicks -milliseconds] } when LB_SELECTED { if {$app_arrway_referer(http_lb_selected)} { log local0. " ----------- http_lb_selected ----------- " log local0. "uid: $uid - pool member IP: [LB::server]" log local0. " ----------- http_lb_selected ----------- " log local0. " " } } when HTTP_RESPONSE { set http_response_time [clock clicks -milliseconds] set content_length [HTTP::header "Content-Length"] if {$app_arrway_referer(http_response)} { log local0. " ----------- http_response ----------- " log local0. "uid: $uid - status: [HTTP::status]" log local0. "uid: $uid - pool member IP: [LB::server]" foreach aHeader [HTTP::header names] { log local0. "uid: $uid - $aHeader: [HTTP::header value $aHeader]" } log local0. " ----------- http_response ----------- " log local0. " " } if {$app_arrway_referer(http_response_payload)} { if { $content_length > 0 && $content_length < 1048577 } { set collect_length $content_length } else { set collect_length 1048576 } if { $collect_length > 0 } { HTTP::collect $collect_length } } } when HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA { if {$app_arrway_referer(http_response_payload)} { log local0. " ----------- http_response_payload ----------- " set payload [HTTP::payload] log local0. "uid: $uid - Response (Body) payload: $payload" log local0. " ----------- http_response_payload ----------- " log local0. " " } } when HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE { set http_response_time_release [clock clicks -milliseconds] if {$app_arrway_referer(http_response_release)} { log local0. " ----------- http_response_release ----------- " log local0. "uid: $uid - status: [HTTP::status]" log local0. "uid: $uid - pool member IP: [LB::server]" foreach aHeader [HTTP::header names] { log local0. "uid: $uid - $aHeader: [HTTP::header value $aHeader]" } log local0. " ----------- http_response_release ----------- " log local0. " " } if {$app_arrway_referer(http_time_process)} { log local0. " ----------- http_time_process ----------- " log "uid: $uid - Time to request (F5 request time) = [expr $http_request_time - $http_request_time_release] (ms)" log "uid: $uid - Time to response (F5 response time) = [expr $http_response_time - $http_response_time_release] (ms)" log "uid: $uid - Time to server (server backend process time) = [expr $http_request_time_release - $http_response_time] (ms)" log local0. " ----------- http_time_process ----------- " log local0. " " } } Tested this on version: 13.04.8KViews6likes11Comments