1 TopicF5 routing tcp traffic to WebLogic Managed servers
Hi, I have cluster WebLogic server (ver hosting JMS server with distributed queues and topic. 1) When jms client connects to these WebLogic manage servers over t3://WL1:7001,WL2:7001, it works as expected that rules out any issues with WebLogic.. 2) Now, when I try adding F5 (as external load balancer with virtual service and virtual port # same as backend WebLogic servers) and run jms client using t3://f5jms:7001, it works as expected... 3) However, when the virtual server port is changed to something else (other than what is used by backend WL server), client throws following error, t3://f5jms:8001 Connection reset; No available router to destination.; nested exception is: java.rmi.ConnectException: No available router to destination. [Root exception is t3://XXXXXXXXX:8002: Destination XXXXXX, 8002 unreachable.; nested exception is: Connection reset; No available router to destination.; nested exception is: java.rmi.ConnectException: No available router to destination.] I don't see any error message in WL server logs or anything related to the traffic.. I took tcpdump on host where WL server is hosted, see traffic coming to WebLogic server from SNAT ip (F5), however I don't see any ACK back from WebLogic to SNAT, finally SNAT gives up and RST is issued.. I tried searching on the forum, closest I could get is (few years old question), where person posting question clearly stated that ""if you want to connecto to a wlst or a jms connection factory, the VS port must be the same of the weblogic server where the jms connection factory and the queue was create, or where you connect to wlst cli"", does it mean that VS port needs to match what is used on WebLogic servers and curious if it is possible to have VS port and backend WL port different by means of passing any JVM argument etc?1.2KViews0likes0Comments