3 TopicsConsulta Irule pool status
Good afternoon, friends. I am trying to create an iRule that can be used on any Virtual Server (without having to create one for each pool or node) that can analyze the state of the pool members and display an image according to their status. Case 1: If someone sets the nodes to a disabled or forced offline state, display a maintenance image. Case 2: If a node goes down due to a monitor failure (e.g., it stops responding on port 80), display a technical issues image. I want to upload all the images as iFiles within the F5. So far, I have this, but I am not able to get it working :( ######################################################################### Versión en Español: Buenas tardes amigos, estoy tratando de generar una irule que se pueda usar en cualquier VS (sin tener que crear una por cada pool o nodo existente) que pueda analizar el estado de los miembros de un pool y mostrar un imagen según su estado. Caso 1: si alguien coloca los nodos en estado disable o force offilne muestre una imagen de mantenimiento. Caso 2: si el nodo se cae por la falla del algún monitor (Ej: deja de responder el puerto 80) muestre una imagen de problemas técnicos. todas las imágenes las quiero cargar como ifile dentro del F5.. Hasta ahora tengo esto pero no lo estoy pudiendo hacer andar :( ######################################################################### when LB_FAILED { # Obtén el nombre del pool asociado con el Virtual Server actual set pool_name [LB::server pool] if { [active_members $pool_name] < 1 } { # Verifica el estado del pool dinámicamente if { [LB::status pool $pool_name] eq "user disabled" || [LB::status pool $pool_name] eq "forced offline"} { # Si los nodos están en disable o force offline manualmente set ifile_name "/Common/mantenimiento_image" ;# Nombre del iFile para mantenimiento } else { # Si los nodos están caídos por un fallo detectado por el monitor set ifile_name "/Common/problemas_tecnicos_image" ;# Nombre del iFile para problemas técnicos } # Leer el contenido del iFile y responder al cliente con la imagen set ifile_content [ifile get $ifile_name] HTTP::respond 200 content $ifile_content "Content-Type" "image/jpeg" } } Si alguien me puede ayudar se lo agradecería mucho.49Views0likes3Commentshow set connection rate limit on specific uri with iRule ?
hello I use this iRule when RULE_INIT { #Allow 3 Requests every 1 Second set static::maxRate 5 set static::windowSecs 1 } when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[HTTP::host] equals "" and [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] contains "/favicon.ico"} { reject } elseif {[HTTP::host] equals "" and [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] contains "/openapi/v0/identity/register" } { set uri_limitervar [HTTP::uri] set get_count [table key -count -subtable $uri_limitervar] if { $get_count < $static::maxRate } { incr get_count 1 table set -subtable $uri_limitervar $get_count $uri_limitervar indefinite $static::windowSecs } else { HTTP::respond 503 content "<html><h2>You have exceeded the maximum number of requests per minute allowed... Try again later.</h2></html>" #Drop the Connection afterwards drop } } elseif {[HTTP::host] equals "" and [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] contains "/openapi" } { HTTP::header replace "Host" "" HTTP::header insert X-Forwarded-For [IP::remote_addr] HTTP::header insert X-Geo-Country-Code [whereis [IP::client_addr] country ] HTTP::header insert X-Geo-Country-Area [whereis [IP::client_addr] state ] # SSL::disable serverside pool Prd-NGNX_443 } } but after 10 or 5 minute all connection for this uri will drop. and now what is the problem?41Views0likes0CommentsWss traffic not going through when html profile in use
Hi Team Hope everyone is doing well. I have a setup of F5 asm n f5 ltm and application uses wss protocol after initial login. I am using html profile n stream profile to manipulate the html contents of html page. And when using ltm alone with just wss profile and asm, everything is working but when I add the html profile where I have chose to remove some of the tags and stream to replace some of the strings, but we do want to apply asm on the wss content as well, so dnt want to remove http profile when wss upgrade header is seen. And I did try applying html profile to the login page alone by fetching the uri from request and checking it in response but for some reason, after login where wss protocol upgrade takes place, the application doesn't work.273Views0likes0Comments