Enterprise Manager
4 TopicsEM Template SAP
Problem this snippet solves: Enterprise Manager configuration template for deploying SAP. Creates a virtual server referencing a pool with a basic monitor, a basic TCP profile, cookie insert and simple persistence profiles, a OneConnect profile, and a customized HTTP profile with compression & caching. Product/Version Details Tested on EM 1.4/LTM 9.4.0 How to use this snippet: Step 1 Enter an appropriate name and description for the template and set Template Source to "Text". Step 2 Enable the following options as desired: Require verification Specifies, when checked, that any changeset built using this template must be verified prior to deployment. Allow changesets to persist Specifies, when checked, that any changeset staged using this template will remain available in the changeset list for future deployment. and paste the template text below into the Text box. Note: The various profile settings in this template are those recommended in the F5 Deployment Guide for this application. Customize them further if required to support the application in your environment. If you'd like to rename variables & objects, you can use the "Advanced" option for Template Text entry to take advantage of the "Search & Replace" feature. Step 3 Populate the Variable Poperties for "each variable defined in the template" Variable Properties definitions: Variable Properties definitions: Default Value Optional default value for the variable. Description Optional description of the variable and its intended usage. Editable Enable if this value is meant to be editable in the resulting changeset. Visible Enable if this value is meant to be visible in the resulting changeset. Allowed values Optional list of values allowed for this variable when creating a changeset. Variables Defined in this Template Expected variable values/formats: Expected variable values/formats: @cookieprofile_name Single alpha-numeric string. Underscores OK (no whitespace) @destination <IP>:<port> of virtual server @httpprofile_name Single alpha-numeric string. Underscores OK (no whitespace) @members <IP>:<port> of real server(s) (whitespace-delimited list) @monitor_name Single alpha-numeric string. Underscores OK (no whitespace) @oneconnectprofile_name Single alpha-numeric string. Underscores OK (no whitespace) @pool_name Single alpha-numeric string. Underscores OK (no whitespace) @sourceperstprofile_name Single alpha-numeric string. Underscores OK (no whitespace) @tcpprofile_name Single alpha-numeric string. Underscores OK (no whitespace) @virtualserver_name Single alpha-numeric string. Underscores OK (no whitespace) Code : @replace @destination @replace @monitor_name @replace @pool_name @replace @httpprofile_name @replace @oneconnectprofile_name @replace @cookieprofile_name @replace @sourceperstprofile_name @replace @tcpprofile_name @replace @virtualserver_name @define @members #F5[Local Traffic / Monitor] #F5[$target_partition$] monitor @monitor_name { defaults from http interval 30 timeout 91 } #F5[Local Traffic / Pool] #F5[$target_partition$] pool @pool_name { lb method least conn monitor all sap_http members @members } #F5[Local Traffic / Profiles / HTTP] #F5[$target_partition$] profile http @httpprofile_name { defaults from http-wan-optimized-compression-caching compress content type include "text/" "application/(xml|x-javascript)" "application/vnd.ms-publisher" "application/pdf" "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint" "application/vnd.ms-excel" "application/msword" compress content type exclude none } #F5[Local Traffic / Profiles / OneConnect] #F5[$target_partition$] profile oneconnect @oneconnectprofile_name { defaults from oneconnect } #F5[Local Traffic / Profiles / Persistence] #F5[$target_partition$] profile persist @cookieprofile_name { defaults from cookie mode cookie } #F5[$target_partition$] profile persist @sourceperstprofile_name { defaults from source_addr mode source addr } #F5[Local Traffic / Profiles / TCP] #F5[$target_partition$] profile tcp @tcpprofile_name { defaults from tcp } #F5[Local Traffic / Virtual Server] #F5[$target_partition$] virtual @virtualserver_name { pool @pool_name fallback persist @sourceperstprofile_name destination @destination ip protocol tcp profiles @httpprofile_name @oneconnectprofile_name @tcpprofile_name persist @cookieprofile_name }229Views0likes0CommentsEM Template MS Sharepoint 2007 SSL
Problem this snippet solves: Creates an HTTP virtual server referencing an iRule which redirects all requests to HTTPS, a default SNAT automap, and an HTTPS virtual server referencing a pool with a basic monitor, a basic TCP profile, a cookie insert persistence profile, a customized HTTP profile with compression & caching, and a generic clientssl profile. Product/Version Details Tested on EM 1.4.1/LTM 9.4.0 Based on F5 Deployment Guide Deploying F5 with Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007 How to use this snippet: Replace the destination variable value in the "@define @..._virtual" lines with the desired address of the virtual server. Replace the members variable value in the "@define @members" line with the list of actual pool members providing the service. Optional: Customize the monitor profile settings to provide the level of monitoring appropriate for your environment. Optional: Customize the clientSSL profile settings to include the appropriate SSL certificate for the service. Optional: Customize the HTTP profile settings as required to support the service in your environment. Optional: Customize the persistence profile settings as required to support the service in your environment. Optional: Customize the TCP profile settings as required to support the service in your environment. Code : @name "Sharepoint07-SSL-config" @description "Sharepoint 7 SSL Configuration" @published yes @require_verify yes @allow_persist yes @define @members description "SPS Pool Members" editable visible default "" @define @sps_virtual description "SPS HTTP Virtual" editable visible default "" @define @sps_https_virtual description "SPS HTTPS Virtual" editable visible default "" #F5[Local Traffic / SNAT] #F5[$target_partition$] snat DefaultSNAT { automap origins default inet } #F5[Local Traffic / Monitor] #F5[$target_partition$] monitor SPSHTTP_monitor { defaults from http interval 30 timeout 91 } #F5[Local Traffic / Profiles / ClientSSL] #F5[$target_partition$] profile clientssl SPS_clientssl { defaults from clientssl } #F5[Local Traffic / Profiles / HTTP] #F5[$target_partition$] profile http SPS_HTTP_opt { defaults from http-wan-optimized-compression-caching compress keep accept encoding enable redirect rewrite matching compress content type include "text/" "application/(xml|x-javascript)" "application/pdf" "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint" "application/vnd.ms-excel" "application/msword" "application/vnd.ms-publisher" compress content type exclude none ramcache uri exclude none ramcache uri include "/_layouts/images/*" ramcache uri pinned none } #F5[Local Traffic / Profiles / Persist] #F5[$target_partition$] profile persist SPSCookie { defaults from cookie mode cookie } #F5[Local Traffic / Profiles / TCP] #F5[$target_partition$] profile tcp SPS_TCP_opt { defaults from tcp-lan-optimized } #F5[Local Traffic / Pool] #F5[$target_partition$] pool SPSServers { lb method least conn monitor all SPSHTTP_monitor members @members } #F5[Local Traffic / Rule] #F5[$target_partition$] rule SPS_httptohttps { when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::redirect https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri] } } #F5[Local Traffic / Virtual Server] #F5[$target_partition$] virtual SPS_virtual { destination @sps_virtual ip protocol tcp rules SPS_httptohttps } #F5[Local Traffic / Virtual Server] #F5[$target_partition$] virtual SPS_httpsvirtual { pool SPSServers destination @sps_https_virtual ip protocol tcp profiles SPS_HTTP_opt SPS_TCP_opt SPS_clientssl persist SPSCookie }216Views0likes0CommentsEM Template MS Exchange 2007 CA IMAP4
Problem this snippet solves: Creates a virtual server referencing a pool with a basic monitor, a basic tcp profile, and a generic clientssl profile. Product/Version Details Tested on EM 1.4.1/LTM 9.4.0 Based on F5 Deployment Guide Deploying F5 with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 How to use this snippet: Replace the destination variable value in the "@define @destination" line with the desired address of the virtual server. Replace the members variable value in the "@define @members" line with the list of actual pool members providing the service. Optional: Customize the monitor profile settings to provide the level of monitoring appropriate for your environment. Optional: Customize the clientSSL profile settings to include the appropriate SSL certificate for the service. Optional: Customize the TCP profile settings as required to support the service in your environment. Code : @name "exchange07-ClientAccess_imap4-SSL" @description "Exchange 7 Client Access imap4 SSL" @published yes @require_verify no @allow_persist no @define @members description "IMAP4 Pool Members" editable visible default "" @define @destination description "IMAP4 Virtual" editable visible default "" #F5[Local Traffic / Monitor] #F5[$target_partition$] monitor exch_imap4 { defaults from tcp interval 30 timeout 91 } #F5[Local Traffic / Pool] #F5[$target_partition$] pool exch_imap4 { lb method least conn monitor all exch_imap4 members @members } #F5[Local Traffic / Profiles / ClientSSL] #F5[$target_partition$] profile clientssl imap4_clientSSL { defaults from clientssl } #F5[Local Traffic / Profiles / TCP] #F5[$target_partition$] profile tcp exch_tcp { defaults from tcp } #F5[Local Traffic / Virtual Server] #F5[$target_partition$] virtual exch_imap4 { pool exch_imap4 destination @destination ip protocol tcp profiles exch_tcp imap4_clientSSL }181Views0likes0CommentsEM Template MS Exchange 2007 CA Active Sync
Problem this snippet solves: Creates a virtual server referencing a pool with a basic monitor, a basic TCP profile, a cookie insert persistence profile, a customized HTTP profile with compression & caching, and a generic clientSSL profile. Product/Version Details Tested on EM 1.4.1/LTM 9.4.0 Based on F5 Deployment Guide Deploying F5 with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 How to use this snippet: Creating a Template Create a new template using the Configuration Template Text below. Optional: Modify default pool member IP:port values Optional: Modify object names to match your naming convention (making sure to maintain existing cross references) Optional: Customize the monitor profile settings to provide the level of monitoring appropriate for your environment. Optional: Customize the clientSSL profile settings to include the appropriate SSL certificate for the service. Optional: Customize the HTTP profile settings as required to support the service in your environment. Optional: Customize the persistence profile settings as required to support the service in your environment. Optional: Customize the TCP profile settings as required to support the service in your environment. Creating a Changeset Use this template to create a changeset, substituting values for: Destination - IP:port of virtual server Pool members - IP:port of real servers Code : @define @members description "ActiveSync Pool Members" editable visible default "" @define @destination description "ActiveSync Virtual" editable visible default "" #F5[Local Traffic / Monitor] #F5[$target_partition$] monitor exch_activesync_http { defaults from http interval 30 timeout 91 } #F5[Local Traffic / Pool] #F5[$target_partition$] pool exch_activesync_pool { lb method least conn monitor all exch_activesync_http members @members } #F5[Local Traffic / Profiles / ClientSSL] #F5[$target_partition$] profile clientssl exch_activesync_clientssl { defaults from clientssl } #F5[Local Traffic / Profiles / HTTP] #F5[$target_partition$] profile http exch_activesync_http { defaults from http-wan-optimized-compression-caching compress keep accept encoding enable redirect rewrite matching compress content type include "text/" "application/(xml|x-javascript)" "application/pdf" "application/vnd.ms-publisher" "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint" "application/vnd.ms-excel" "application/msword" compress content type exclude none } #F5[Local Traffic / Profiles / Persist] #F5[$target_partition$] profile persist exch_activesync_cookie { defaults from cookie mode cookie } #F5[Local Traffic / Profiles / TCP] #F5[$target_partition$] profile tcp exch_activesync_tcp { defaults from tcp } #F5[Local Traffic / Virtual Server] #F5[$target_partition$] virtual exch_activesync_virtual { pool exch_activesync_pool destination ip protocol tcp profiles exch_activesync_clientssl exch_activesync_http exch_activesync_tcp persist exch_activesync_cookie }221Views0likes0Comments