DNS iRule NAPTR rewrite
1 TopicF5 DNS - iRule to rewrite NAPTR response
Hello, I'm almost new to F5 DNS, and I'm trying to find how to rewrite an NAPTR response from a backend DNS server and send it bacl to the calling client. The DNS server would answer this : test.apn NAPTR 10 100 "A" "x-test-pgw:x-s5-gtp:x-gn" "" topoff.pgw-s5s8.pgw-PM-01.node.epc.mnc033.mcc222.test.org. And the F5 would rewrite that answer to this double entry, and send it back to the client : test.apn NAPTR 10 60 "A" "x-test-pgw:x-s5-gtp:x-gn" "" topoff.pgw-s5s8.pgw-PM-01.node.epc.mnc033.mcc222.test.org. test.apn NAPTR 10 40 "A" "x-test-pgw:x-s5-gtp:x-gn" "" topoff.pgw-s5s8.pgw-PM-02.node.epc.mnc033.mcc222.test.org. Do you think that would work ? Any guidance would be highly appreciated 🙂 I found this old post as a reference : https://community.f5.com/t5/technical-forum/gtm-naptr-irule/m-p/18996#M2690 Thanks !! Gerald415Views0likes2Comments