Closing Connections automatically
1 TopicPriority group activation and automatically closing connections when higher priorty group goes UP.
Hello we have a configuration where in one pool there are 6 nodes with 2 priority groups of 3 nodes each. 3 nodes with piriority group 1 (backup) 3 nodes with priority group 10 (primary). Priority group activates when there are less than 2 active members on primary group. So far It works like it should. But we would also need to: 1) close all connections to the backup PG when the primary PG becomes available again, 2) it would be great to create a delay/timer of 2-3 min from the time primary PG goes up and time of closing all the connections in the backup PG. We have achieved something similar using HA proxy using below configuration, but we would like to have this functonality on F5 LTM: server rabbit1a <ip addres>:5671 check send-proxy inter 3s fall 3 rise 2 on-marked-up shutdown-backup-sessions server rabbit2a <ip addres>:5671 check send-proxy inter 3s fall 3 rise 2 on-marked-up shutdown-backup-sessions server rabbit3a <ip addres>:5671 check send-proxy inter 3s fall 3 rise 2 on-marked-up shutdown-backup-sessions server rabbit1b <ip addres>:5671 check send-proxy backup server rabbit2b <ip addres>:5671 check send-proxy backup server rabbit3b <ip addres>:5671 check send-proxy backup Is it possible on F5? I guess its not something that we can achive from pure GUI so we would need to use iRules? What events/actions would be usefull in this case?1.6KViews0likes12Comments