Ansible Module
3 TopicsAnsible modules for F5OS
Hello everyone, Any ansible modules available to configure F5OS hypervisor?, i am looking to automate the baseline configuration when we have a new F5OS based box, when i say baseline configuration it includes setting the hostnames, login banner, dns server, ntp, snmp, creating new tenants etc... are they any plans from F5 to release ansible modules for F5OS like what F5 team releases modules for BIG-IP??. if there are no plans what would be the general recommendation to go with either ansible shell module (or) ansible expect module to configure the F5OS box?? thank you, kumar86Views0likes1CommentForce peer to standby using Ansible!?
So, I have read over a number of articles found online regarding determining which nodes are active and attempt to perform the "force to standby" action, thus, in turn, causes the HA peer to become active. (Same as clicking on the button by the same name in the GUI). So, I have successfully generated a variable that contains the node that needs to sent to standby. That part works thus far. However, when I then go to use "f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_node" ansible module to perform the failover, it tells me that the task resulted in a "change", but the node does not go offline and its peer does not become active. - name: Force the failover of the B unit peer... f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_node: state: offline fqdn: "{{ }}" name: "{{ }}" provider: server: "{{ }}" server_port: 443 validate_certs: false no_f5_teem: false user: admin password: "{{ admin_acct_password }}" delegate_to: localhost Output: TASK [debug] ********************************************************************** ok: [] => { "host_to_failover": { "name": "", "state": "active" } } TASK [Force the failover of the B unit peer...] *************************************** changed: [] Some confusion about parameters: See: ansible module > bigip_node It requires a "name" parameter, even though I am not adding a "node", so I just populate it with the hostname I was to "force to standby". It also asks for It asks for an fqdn/address. I guess this is the node I want to perform the "force to standby" on? So I also populate that with the hostname I was to "force to standby". There is also the "server" within the "provider", and does that have any affect on requesting this action? I tried putting the node to failover here, as well as its peer, but it does not make any difference. Nothing I do, actually causes a "failover" to the "A peer" from the "B peer". HELP!? What is the best way (example please?) to "force to standby" a node, to cause a failover, and the HA peer to become the active peer?110Views0likes1CommentAnsible playbook error
Hi, Need help in Ansible playbook. Trying to run a basic playbook to fetch facts and command, but it keeps popping error. Can please anyone help. Playbook 1 - name: Collect bigip_device_facts: gather_subset: - interfaces - vlans provider: server: x.x.x.x user: <username> password: <password> Error [WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit localhost does not match 'all' ERROR! 'bigip_device_facts' is not a valid attribute for a Play The error appears to have been in '/ansible-01/playbook.yml': line 1, column 3, but may be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem. The offending line appears to be: - name: Collect ^ here Playbook 2 - name: run show version bigip_command: commands: show sys version provider: server: x.x.x.x user: <username> password: <password> Error [WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit localhost does not match 'all' ERROR! 'bigip_command' is not a valid attribute for a Play The error appears to have been in '/ansible-01/playbook1.yml': line 1, column 3, but may be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem. The offending line appears to be: - name: run show version ^ here Thanks, Aditya1.2KViews0likes1Comment