2 TopicsOnboarding API to web protection policy
Dear F5ers, I hope you all doing well. Please accept my apology for my question if it does look stupid since Iam new to the F5 area. Kindly note that i took the administration role on F5 appliance which was managed by a partner for a long time and the below is my questions. There is a Security Policy which is used for protecting a web app which will be destination for the mobile application such as below. Mobile App--->F5 Virtual Server which has an ASM policy on it (Policy Template is comprehensive). please note that the policy status as below now, also please note that we have two virtual servers with two different policy one for testbed environment and the other one for production environment. Enforcement Mode: Blocking Policy Building Learning Mode: Automatic Auto-Apply Policy: Realtime And the product team try to onboard some new services which will use a new API with different scheme and i want to know what is the best practice to do in this situation since the product team will do testing all time. shall i remove the blocking mode in testbed environment and leave the policy learning on automatic or move it to manual? Shall i ask them to provide the json scheme ? what shall i do after that after creating the json profile? will the json scheme will be learned automatically or no its something that need to be add manually? in which situation the f5 administrator need to add the new json profile with new json scheme ? shall i need to ask for swagger files or i don't need to do so ?also where to apply it? does the comprehensive security template work as the api protection also ?if no how we can achieve this? is it possible to have 2 separate ASM policy attached to one virtual server? I need your kind assistance to provide detailed answer as per your expertise so i can know what are the best excises to do that. Thanks for your support. Regards,24Views0likes0CommentsBIGIP ASM Json File Upload Violations
Hi Guys, Another issue I'm having is ASM is triggering violations of file uploads done via a json playload (SharePoint 2016 files bigger than 100MB) ASM is inspecting the payload and finding lots of forbidden stuff. And this driving users nuts :-) I read about the json profiles. I'm running V13 and I will be testing the url/parameters configurations/exclusions in the ASM policy but if you guys have any feedback on this that would speed thing up for me. Cheers !546Views0likes1Comment