2 TopicsF5 Automation Toolchain Upload
Problem this snippet solves: This script uploads, installs, and verifies the three toolchain components: declarative onboarding, as3, and telemetry streaming. Note: in BIGREST must be modified to allow 202 response codes. The author will have this fixed in the next release, but you will need to modify line 183 in if response.status_code != 200 and response.status_code != 201 and response.status_code != 202: How to use this snippet: python admin admin Instantiating BIG-IP (host Uploading packages Uploading f5-declarative-onboarding-1.20.0-2.noarch.rpm Uploading f5-appsvcs-3.27.0-3.noarch.rpm Uploading f5-telemetry-1.19.0-3.noarch.rpm Installing packages Installing f5-declarative-onboarding-1.20.0-2.noarch.rpm Installing f5-appsvcs-3.27.0-3.noarch.rpm Installing f5-telemetry-1.19.0-3.noarch.rpm Quick break to register packages... Verifying packages f5-declarative-onboarding-1.20.0-2.noarch.rpm installed and verified f5-appsvcs-3.27.0-3.noarch.rpm installed and verified f5-telemetry-1.19.0-3.noarch.rpm installed and verified ---complete--- Tested this on version: No Version Found394Views0likes0Commentsas3 Python module
Problem this snippet solves: This is a python module to simplify using the F5 Networks AS3 utility. Downloads, installs and uninstalls the AS3 package How to use this snippet: Installation Install using pip: pip install as3 Example #!/usr/bin/env python import as3 t = as3.as3(host='',username='admin',password='admin') # Check whether AS3 is installed: print (str(t.isInstalled())) # Download the latest AS3 version from Github print (str(t.retrieveVersion())) # Install a specific version on a different host - if you leave out filename it will download the latest t.installAS3(host='',username='admin',password='admin',filename='f5-appsvcs-3.16.0-6.noarch.rpm') # Uninstall it t.uninstallAS3(host='',username='admin',password='admin') Methods as3([debug,host,username,password,port,usetoken]) - initialise an AS3 object isInstalled([version,host,username,password,usetoken,port]) - Checks whether AS3 is installed. Returns version dict, True or False retrieveVersion([release]) - Downloads a specific release or the latest release of the RPM package installAS3([version,filename,host,username,password,usetoken,port]) - Installs AS3 as a package. Returns True or False uninstallAS3([version,filename,host,username,password,usetoken,port]) - Uninstalls current AS3 package. Returns True or False github(url, [method,data,useragent,stream]) - this is a helper to retrieve from github F5 repository. Return True or False versionToId(version) - Returns a Github object ID related to a version number. eg version is 'v3.16.0' and ID is 22093972 Tested this on version: 13.0861Views0likes1Comment