1 TopiciRule redirect based on uri or user-agent match logic.
Hello, looking for some direction here. I am trying create a rule which will match a specific set of uri and redirect if true to a prefered site and quit processing the irule. If the uri doesn't match, it will continue to the next match test for mobile in the header user-agent. If a match is found the redirect is to an other site. Problem is, I can match the uri, but if it doesn't match the uri it doesn't seem to continue nor match when the user-agent is mobile. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here. I hope the formatting looks correct. Thanks.... ///pvr when HTTP_REQUEST { switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] { "/about_news" - "/*.pdf" { HTTP::redirect "https://www.mysite.com[HTTP::uri]" } } switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::header User-Agent]] { "*mobile*" { HTTP::redirect "https://www.myothersite.com[HTTP::uri]" } } }680Views0likes4Comments