F5 Container Ingress Services (CIS)
1 TopicMaximizing Scalability with F5 CIS: Blue-Green Deployment on OpenShift
The following video tutorials and Github repo will help you learn how F5 Container Ingress Services (CIS) can integrate with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (ACM) to maximize scalability and provide a per-application blue-green strategy in an OpenShift multi-cluster environment. In this 20 Minute demo you will get a detailed understanding of: Redhat ACM running in a management cluster fetching KubeConfigs from the ConfigMap for worker clusters (Coffee Pod & Tea Pod) F5 CIS subscribing to KubeConfig and listening for events from worker clusters (Coffee Pod & Tea Pod) F5 CIS posting AS3 declaration to BIG-IP. BIG-IP executing all necessary commands to achieve desired end state (ie increase cluster resources to 6 instances per pod) Demo on YouTube video GitHub Repo repo Notes If you want to make sure the service doesn’t take any share of the overall traffic distribution, set the Route base service weight to “0”. Although the pool for the base service gets created (without any pool members for this case), the traffic is distributed among the extended services only. One more point to note is that in the extendedConfigmap mode is set to “ratio”. This is because currently CIS processes the weights only in two cases The route is an A/B route mode is set to ratio However, the cluster ratio doesn't play any role here as we have not defined any cluster ratio values for any of the clusters. So, each cluster will have equal weightage. Therefore, in this case, traffic distribution will be solely based on service weights. (which is the requirement for this case)216Views1like0Comments