Swan Dive, into the best device of your life


A bit of twitter inspired silliness for you today:


Hello admins, how are you? Fantastic.
Does your network run like mine? No.
Can it work like mine? Yes

Should you use F5 to manage your network?
I don't know, do you like feeling secure?

Do you want an ADC that works like a combination of an App FireWall, WAN Accelerator and App Integrator that can block bad requests at the edge of the network that it's seamlessly accelerating while dealing with business intelligence all at the same time? Of course you do.

Swan Dive, into the best device of your life.
So admins, should your network run on F5? You tell me.


Credit goes to Old Spice for their amazing commercials that inspired the parody.



Published Jan 26, 2011
Version 1.0

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