Adding or deleting a pool member

Problem this snippet solves:

The script you need for this task must:.

  1. Identify the Enterprise Manager through which you will access the necessary BIG-IP devices.
  2. Authenticate your client to the Enterprise Manager.
  3. Retrieve a list of the BIG-IP devices managed by Enterprise Manager.
  4. For each managed BIG-IP device, retrieve a list of pools and pool members.
  5. For each managed BIG-IP device, specify the operation you want to perform (add/delete).

How to use this snippet:

To add/delete pool members:

  1. Create a script similar to the code sample shown below. Use either the add or delete parameter to produce the required outcome.
  2. From a command prompt, run your script.
  3. When the code finishes running, the specified pool member is enabled or disabled in each pool and on each device on which it resides.

Code :

use SOAP::Lite;
use UNIVERSAL 'isa';


# Description: Adds/removes a pool member to/from all the pools on all BIG-IP devices managed by EM.
# Usage: host uid pwd pool_member add|remove

# Validate Arguments
my $sHost = $ARGV[0];        # EM Host
my $sUID = $ARGV[1];        # EM User (administrator role)
my $sPWD = $ARGV[2];        # EM Password
my $sPoolMember = $ARGV[3];    # BIG-IP Pool Member
my $sOperation = $ARGV[4];    # BIG-IP Pool Member operation: add/remove

my $proxy_uri = sprintf("https://%s:443/iControl/iControlPortal.cgi", $sHost);
my $soap = SOAP::Lite->proxy($proxy_uri);

sub SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::get_basic_credentials {
    return $sUID => $sPWD;

sub checkResponse {
    my ($resp) = (@_);
    die "$resp->faultcode $resp->faultstring\n" if $resp->fault;
    if (@{$resp->result}) {
        print "\tItem: $_\n" foreach (@{$resp->result});
    else {
        printf "\tResult: %s\n", $resp->result;

sub getPoolList()
    $soapResponse = $soap->uri("urn:iControl:LocalLB/Pool")->get_list();
    my @pool_list = @{$soapResponse->result};
    return @pool_list;

sub getMemberLists()
    my (@pool_list) = (@_);
    # Get the list of pool members for all the pools.
    $soapResponse = $soap->uri("urn:iControl:LocalLB/Pool")->get_member
        SOAP::Data->name(pool_names => [@pool_list])
    @member_lists = @{$soapResponse->result};
    return @member_lists;

sub findPoolsFromMember()
    my ($node_addr_port) = (@_);
    my ($node_addr, $node_port) = split(/:/, $node_addr_port, 2);
    my @pool_match_list;
    my @pool_list = &getPoolList();
    my @member_lists = &getMemberLists(@pool_list);

    for $i (0 .. $#pool_list)
        $pool = @pool_list[$i];
        foreach $member (@{@member_lists[$i]})
            $addr = $member->{"address"};
            $port = $member->{"port"};
            if ( ($node_addr eq $addr) && ($node_port eq $port) )
                push @pool_match_list, $pool;
    return @pool_match_list;

# Adds or removes a pool member to/from all pools.
sub performPoolMemberOperation()
    my ($node_addr_port, $operation) = (@_);
    my ($node_addr, $node_port) = split(/:/, $node_addr_port, 2);
    my $member = { address => $node_addr, port => $node_port };
    # Validate operation.
    if (($operation ne "add") and ($operation ne "remove")) {
        print "Invalid operation: $operation...";
    my @pool_list;
    # Depending on the operation, get the appropraite pool list.
    if ($operation eq "add") {
        @pool_list = &getPoolList();
    else {
        @pool_list = &findPoolsFromMember($node_addr_port);
    # memberList is the 1st dimension of the array, we need one for each pool
    push @memberList, $member;
    # memberLists is the 2nd dimension. push pool members for each pool here.
    for $i (0 .. $#pool_list)
        push @memberLists, [@memberList];
    # Perform pool member operation.
    if ($operation eq "add") {
        $resp = $soap->uri("urn:iControl:LocalLB/Pool")->add_member(
            SOAP::Data->name(pool_names => [@pool_list]),
            SOAP::Data->name(members => [@memberLists]));
    else {
        $resp = $soap->uri("urn:iControl:LocalLB/Pool")->remove_member(
            SOAP::Data->name(pool_names => [@pool_list]),
            SOAP::Data->name(members => [@memberLists]));
    print "Pool member: $node_addr_port. Operation: $operation. Affected pools: ";
    foreach $pool (@pool_list)
        print "$pool, ";
    print "\n";

# Main application entry point.

# EM: get devices.
print "\nGet devices...\n";
my $resp = $soap->uri('urn:iControl:Management/EM')->get_devices();
my $device_list = $resp->result;

# EM: generate a context ID.
print "\nGenerate context ID...\n";
$resp = $soap->uri("urn:iControl:Management/EM")->get_context_id();
my $context_id = $resp->result;

# Append context ID to SOAP URI.
$proxy_uri = sprintf("%s?context_id=%s", $proxy_uri, $context_id);
$soap = SOAP::Lite->proxy($proxy_uri);

# Iterate through the device list.
foreach (@{$device_list}) {

    # Get current device address.
    my $device = $_;

    # EM: set device context (to proxy to).
    print "\nSet device context...\n";
    $resp = $soap->uri("urn:iControl:Management/EM")->set_device_context(SOAP::Data->name("ip_address" => $device));
    # Perform pool member operation.
    &performPoolMemberOperation($sPoolMember, $sOperation);
Published Mar 07, 2015
Version 1.0

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