Webshells are web scripts (PHP/ASPX/etc.) that act as a control panel for the server running them. A webshell may be legitimately used by the administrator to perform actions on the server, such as:...
Updated Jun 23, 2022
Version 2.0Nir_Zigler_7297
Historic F5 Account
Joined May 12, 2008
Historic F5 Account
Joined May 12, 2008
Joined May 12, 2008
Jan 12, 2019Altostratus
" If the webshell is already on the server, ASM will detect when the application tries to reach the file using LFI and prevent access. If the webshell is already on the server and part of the application, ASM will detect when a suspicious page is requested, and prevent that page from being displayed. "
Could you please elaborate these two examples and explain how ASM can be configured to do this?