Quick Start: Application Delivery Fundamentals
On DevCentral we often focus on the out of the box solutions. iRules, iControl, iApps and more are fantastic and exciting technologies, but there's a lot that goes into making an F5 device work ...
Published Dec 07, 2012
Version 1.0jwham20
Joined November 08, 2011
Joined November 08, 2011
Dec 16, 2012Now that you are all in the know on the fundamentals of application delivery, the cool thing is you can take the information from the first whiteboard pic above and answer a few questions and have the BIG-IP create it all for you. We call these iApps, which is a tab in the GUI just under Statistics on the left menu. To create an iApp similar to the example in the article, just navigate to iApps->Application Services, click create, and select the f5.http template. Bonus! The double bonus here is that the application service, once created, "owns" the objects for your application, so an operator can't come along and accidentally delete members from your pool or wipe out your virtual server. Powerful! For more details: https://devcentral.f5.com/wiki/iApp.HomePage.ashx