Networking is Still Networking, Integrating your F5 BIG-IP with VMware NSX
A constant question I get when talking with customers is how do I deploy my F5 BIG-IP alongside VMware NSX? Simple answer: The exact same way you would integrate with any other switch vendor in the...
Published Aug 28, 2015
Version 1.0Kent_Munson_517
Historic F5 Account
Joined February 18, 2008
Historic F5 Account
Joined February 18, 2008
Aug 31, 2015Hi ,
I think there is mistake on page number 22 on the hyper link for doc named “Design Guide” within the Web-VIP , it says VIP= , I think It should be on subnet 10.0.1.X/24 , and also load-balanced tiers is missing on the diagram