LTM: Per-VLAN Default Gateways
Load balancing is only a part of the work LTM is asked to perform in most networks. In addition to handling inbound load balanced requests, LTM is often the default path to the rest of the network o...
Published Jul 01, 2008
Version 1.0Deb_Allen_18
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Joined September 25, 2004
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The routing table would not be consulted to make routing decisions under this configuration, so direct routing between the VLANs would not be possible. In the scenario given (separate customer networks), one of the unstated goals would be to avoid that possibility. If you require routing of specific traffic between VLAN A and VLAN B, you could use apply an iRule to the wildcard VS which inspects the traffic and conditionally uses the 'pool' command to select the appropriate gateway pool , or the 'forward' command to route the traffic according to the routing table. HTH!