iControl REST 101: Deleting Objects
The goal of iControl REST 101 has been to get you up to speed on the killer new way that you can manage your BIG-IP. So far we’ve covered most of the basics. Whether you’re just trying to figure out ...
Published Mar 26, 2014
Version 1.0Colin_Walker_12
Historic F5 Account
Joined May 12, 2005
Historic F5 Account
Joined May 12, 2005
Oct 12, 2018i am trying to delete a monitor on a pool - when i try that it deletes my whole pool:
curl -sk https://densn-lbapp03.gwl.com/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/P_QA_B_EASY_SVCS_RETIREMENTPARTNER \ -H X-F5-Auth-Token:K4IJYPGG3XILN5WFIT4PHCBCVH -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X DELETE -d '{"monitor": "/Common/M_MONEYIN_4000"}'
Can you tell me what i'm doing wrong?