First post

I'm sitting here with the cursor blinking in an empty text field wondering what I'll write in my first DevCentral post.  I thought about the usual, 'Webster's defines blog as.......' or 'Hi I'm psilva, let me tell you a little about myself.'  BORING.  Rather, I'd like to start with something I call psilva's prophecies.  I have a few, as it pertains to the Internet, which I'll expose over time - particularly when I'm seeing a blinking cursor with no movement.  I've also said that I should write these down so when they do happen, The History Channel will have something to broadcast 100 years from now......if there still is TV.  Ahhh, another psilva prediction for future posts. 

So, psilva prophecy number 1 has to do with nomenclature.  Our nomenclature.  Way back when humans first roamed, individuals were known by their family name or tribe - a single string of characters.  Even today some of that occurs, 'Oh that's the Smith's boy.'  As people moved away from the tribe, then the identifier was 'So & So OF the location,' or '...OF the family' or even the profession - 'Sam the Barber.'   Then, as folks crossed borders, First names and Last names emerged and that still holds us today.  With the Internet, and specifically email, we don't (necessarily) give others our mailing address for contact information.  We give our email.  For me, that's usually been psilva@.  My prediction is (and I'm conceding that I have no time frame - maybe 100 years, 200, maybe sooner) First names and Last names will fade away to Users@domains - a single string of characters.  My family domain would be and all my descendants will be individual users.  Imagine an email entry of '' or however they decide to do it.  I usually reference the 19 that used to appear on checks last century and say the @ will be preprinted in the signature area of future checks.  That's, of course, if checks are still in use.

There you have it - psilva prophecy and blog number one wrapped in a single post.  Wow, that was easy.

Published Nov 06, 2007
Version 1.0