Divert Unencrypted Traffic through an IPS with Local Traffic Manager
The Challenge
A customer had a request of fellow St Louisan and F5er Brent Imhoff. They wanted the BIG-IP to decrypt traffic, send it through an in-line pass through IPS, receive the traffic back, then re-encrypt before sending on to the servers.
The Solution
Leveraging route domains and a back-end vlan group, the solution is shockingly simple to implement. Before jumping into the configuration, I’ll start with a diagram
From a flow perspective, the client hits the outside vip with encrypted traffic. The traffic is decrypted and handed off to the IPS via pool member PM1 in the pool.outside_example_app. The IPS itself is strictly an L2 pass through device, the arp for PM1 is actually answered by the virtual vip.inside_example_app. If you look at the addressing scheme for the outside_L2 vlan and the vlan group comprised of the inside_L2 and inside vlans, you’ll notice it’s the same IP subnet, it just belongs to different route domains. At this point, the inside vip re-encrypts the traffic and hands it back to the servers.
The Setup
I don’t happen to have a pass through IPS in my lab arsenal, but I do have a BIG-IP that can switch, so with a couple BIG-IP LTM Virtual Edition machines and a single Ubuntu VM, I can recreate the scenario above on my laptop. the BIG-IP VE wouldn’t let me place two interfaces in a single vlan (just a limitation on the VE platform) so I created a vlan group to bridge that traffic. That’s the only configuration required for VE #2.
1: net vlan vl.a {
2: if-index 128
3: interfaces {
4: 1.3 { }
5: }
6: tag 4094
7: }
8: net vlan vl.b {
9: if-index 144
10: interfaces {
11: 1.4 { }
12: }
13: tag 4093
14: }
15: net vlan-group vg.ab {
16: bridge-traffic enabled
17: members {
18: vl.a
19: vl.b
20: }
21: mode transparent
22: }
The configuration for the primary VE image starts with the vlans. Create the outside and outside_L2 vlans and assign interfaces 1.1 and 1.2 respectively, then create the inside_L2 and inside vlans and assign interfaces 1.3 and 1.4 respectively.
1: net vlan outside {
2: if-index 112
3: interfaces {
4: 1.1 { }
5: }
6: tag 4094
7: }
8: net vlan outside_L2 {
9: if-index 128
10: interfaces {
11: 1.2 { }
12: }
13: tag 4093
14: }
15: net vlan inside_L2 {
16: if-index 144
17: interfaces {
18: 1.3 { }
19: }
20: tag 4092
21: }
22: net vlan inside {
23: if-index 160
24: interfaces {
25: 1.4 { }
26: }
27: tag 4091
28: }
Next, Create the vlan group. Make sure to bridge all traffic and set the mode to transparent.
1: net vlan-group inside_VG {
2: bridge-traffic enabled
3: members {
4: inside
5: inside_L2
6: }
7: mode transparent
8: }
Now, create the route domains. Make sure strict isolation is enabled and there is no parent selected (both defaults).
1: net route-domain outside {
2: id 20
3: vlans {
4: outside_L2
5: outside
6: }
7: }
8: net route-domain inside {
9: id 10
10: vlans {
11: inside_VG
12: inside
13: inside_L2
14: }
15: }
Now that the route domains are in place, assign the self IP addresses for the outside and outside_L2 vlans and the inside_VG vlan-group. Note again that the IP subnet for the outside_L2 and the inside_VG self is the same.
1: net self self.outside {
2: address
3: allow-service all
4: traffic-group traffic-group-local-only
5: vlan outside
6: }
7: net self self.outside_L2 {
8: address
9: allow-service all
10: traffic-group traffic-group-local-only
11: vlan outside_L2
12: }
13: net self self.inside_VG {
14: address
15: allow-service all
16: traffic-group traffic-group-local-only
17: vlan inside_VG
18: }
The infrastructure is now in place. Next, create the pools. The outside pool pool member is the inside virtual, which is still decrypted, so the port with be 80. The route-domain, for this pool member should still be local, however. The inside pool pool members are the actual servers, which are ssl so the port numbers will be 443 and the route-domain will be inside. The monitors for both are set to 60/181 for lab purposes, most likely that will not be desirable for production.
1: ltm pool pool.outside_example_app {
2: members {
3: {
4: address
5: session monitor-enabled
6: state up
7: }
8: }
9: monitor http_60s
10: }
11: ltm pool pool.inside_example_app {
12: members {
13: {
14: address
15: session monitor-enabled
16: state up
17: }
18: {
19: address
20: session monitor-enabled
21: state up
22: }
23: {
24: address
25: session monitor-enabled
26: state up
27: }
28: }
29: monitor https_60s
30: }
Now, create the ssl profile for the outside vip. In this lab, I used a self-signed cert on the BIG-IP and the apache server. For the re-encryption, just use the default serverssl profile.
1: ltm profile client-ssl clientssl.example_app {
2: app-service none
3: cert example_app.crt
4: defaults-from clientssl
5: key example_app.key
6: }
Finally, create the virtual servers. The outside virtual references the clientssl.example_app profile created earlier, as well as the pool.outside_example_app pool. The inside virtual shares the same IP as the outside pool pool member, but different route domain IDs. Both virtuals utilize snat automap and http and oneconnect profiles.
1: ltm virtual vip.outside_example_app {
2: destination
3: ip-protocol tcp
4: mask
5: pool pool.outside_example_app
6: profiles {
7: clientssl.example_app {
8: context clientside
9: }
10: http { }
11: oneconnect { }
12: tcp { }
13: }
14: snat automap
15: vlans {
16: outside
17: outside_L2
18: }
19: vlans-enabled
20: }
21: ltm virtual vip.inside_example_app {
22: destination
23: ip-protocol tcp
24: mask
25: pool pool.inside_example_app
26: profiles {
27: http { }
28: oneconnect { }
29: serverssl {
30: context serverside
31: }
32: tcp { }
33: }
34: snat automap
35: vlans {
36: inside
37: inside_L2
38: inside_VG
39: }
40: vlans-enabled
41: }
The Test
Now we get to see the magic happen. First, take a look at the network map. BIG-IP is reporting all systems go from front to back:
Hitting the outside virtual server in my browser, I successfully hit the back end application server:
Under the hood, you can see the arp progression of that request:
#Windows client request
10:51:08.424559 arp who-has (00:0c:29:99:ef:0a) tell
#outside virtual response
10:51:08.424577 arp reply is-at 00:0c:29:99:ef:0a
#outside snat request
10:51:08.433823 arp who-has (00:0c:29:99:ef:28) tell
#inside virtual response
10:51:08.435652 arp reply is-at 00:0c:29:99:ef:28
Emulated IPS (Secondary BIG-IP LTM VE)
#outside snat request
10:51:08.434317 arp who-has (00:0c:29:99:ef:28) tell
#inside virtual response
10:51:08.435173 arp reply is-at 00:0c:29:99:ef:28
And finally, whereas all the traffic client->BIG-IP LTM VE and BIG-IP LTM VE->server is encrypted, you can see that the traffic hitting the pass through is decrypted:
Update (10/21/2015): Recorded a Lightboard Lesson for this solution:
- sachin_thatte_8
Jason, this is a great solution and even better write up -Thx - Michael_Skreeno
This was a great configuration to work with. It easily leaves the existing environment's addressing on the internal network the same while shunting traffic off to a layer 2 transparent device to be inspected. Creative use of route domains and vlangroups. Great write up! - justinbeckham
Hi Jason, Do you think this configuration could be modified to load balance multiple transparent IPS-like devices? For example if you added additional VIPs in RD10 and then used VLAN segregation on an external switch (so as to not burn interfaces on the BIG-IP)? Thanks! - Craig_Lockhart_
What if I want to decrypt everything on the network? How do I re-encrypt that traffic to backend servers? - Craig_Lockhart_
Clarification: I already have the decrypt/encrypt running through a L2/3 IPS for individual Virtual Servers. It's easy to encrypt going to the backend servers because I have a vip on my backend LTM to my server farm pool. But if I need to do an entire network for the listener, how do I re-encrypt that traffic? - Karim
Many thanks for this tutorial. For the failsafe senario I would suggest attaching the following irule to the outside_vs : when LB_FAILED { if { [active_members [LB::server pool]] == 0 } { pool pool_inside } } - John_Moody_4481
Is the only reason for the Volume group because the servers and the interfaces IP's on the inside are on the same Subnet? I have a config where the servers and the F5 "can" be on different IP subnets, do I still need the volume group? - kmurphy_130520
I've tried for hours to get this config setup in my lab with no luck yet. One basic problem I have (that I've verified thru tcpdumps) is this: the "main" F5 sends an arp request asking who has the IP of my backend web server ("tell", the self-IP on the inside_VG), the "IPS" F5 passes this ARP along, the backend web server receives the ARP and then sends an ARP reply. However, this ARP reply never makes it back anywhere. It's not seen by the "IPS" F5, or the "main" F5. I have this environment setup entirely on ESX, using 2 BIG-IPs and an Ubuntu web server. I have a feeling the virtual networking setup could be incorrect. Could someone who has this working describe or provide a screenshot of their virtual networking setup (ESX or Workstation) please? Thanks in advance for any help - John_Fauber_162
Craig Lockhart,
Im not sure if you still need an answer to this but, you could try and use TLS SNI. I know this is an old post but wanted to throw that out there!
- Brandon
I have this working on a 3900 trying to move the config to VIPRION. Having issuse with traffic going over the IPS loop. Anything different as far as the interfaces on Viprion Chassis?