Announcing The State of Application Delivery 2015 Report

I am excited to say that after many references The State of Application Delivery 2015 Report is finally here.

And along with the report - which is filled with data about application services, security, SDN and programmability - comes a series of webinars that I'm hoping you'll want to attend. 

And I'm not saying that because I'll be a part of the webinars (okay, I'm not saying that just because of that) but rather because a lot of this data is focused on things that aren't found in other reports.

Application service adoption, for example, isn't something you typically see in a report. In fact, this is the first report I'm aware of that takes the time to dive into just which of the many application (layer 4-7) services organizations are deploying now and considering deploying in the near future. And not only which ones they're deploying, but which ones they rely on most to deliver an exceptional application experience.

For example, which service do you think is most important for applications: security or availability? The answer might surprise you.

Attitudes toward not just programmability but the various faces of programmability, too, are rarely asked asked and reported on. What automation frameworks and systems are your peers using? What's their perspective on the importance of programmability to DevOps? To SDN? To goals like accelerating time to market and reducing operating expenses?

How do they feel about their security posture and what trends do they consider most strategic as they plan for the next 3-5 years?

We asked about all that and more. 

So in addition to just grabbing the report or the nifty infographic, you'll want to check out one (or two or three or all four) of the webinars we have planned to discuss the results. The first one is coming up fast - Jan 28 - and I will join host Cindy Borovick, Dir. Market Intelligence, and EVP of Strategic Solutions, Manny Rivelo, to review the results and offer insights on how trends like DevOps, hybrid cloud and SDN will impact application services in the future.

You can grab the State of Application Delivery 2015 report and/or infographic  here as well as sign up for the first webinar.

Stay tuned to this space for more information about the next webinar sessions in which we'll get more detailed about availability, security and finally SDN and programmability. You can also follow us on Twitter @f5networks to ask questions about the report, get informed about the next webinars or just generally keep up with us and the industry at large. 

Published Jan 14, 2015
Version 1.0