HTTP Session Limit
Problem this snippet solves:
Limits total concurrent HTTP sessions to a pre-defined threshhold, allowing those clients with a session cookie to continue once the limit is reached, while redirecting new clients until concurrent sessions are again below the theshhold.
Code :
rule HTTP_session_limit { when RULE_INIT { set ::total_active_clients 0 set ::max_active_clients 100 log local0. "rule session_limit initialized: total/max: $::total_active_clients/$::max_active_clients" } when HTTP_REQUEST { ;# test cookie presence if {[HTTP::cookie exists "ClientID"]} { set need_cookie 0 set client_id [HTTP::cookie "ClientID"] ;# if cookie not present & connection limit not reached, set up client_id } else { if {$::total_active_clients < $::max_active_clients} { set need_cookie 1 set client_id [format "%08d" [expr { int(100000000 * rand()) }]] # Only count this request if it's the first on the TCP connection if {[HTTP::request_num] == 1}{ incr ::total_active_clients } ;# otherwise redirect } else { HTTP::redirect "" return } } } when HTTP_RESPONSE { ;# insert cookie if needed if {$need_cookie == 1} { HTTP::cookie insert name "ClientID" value $client_id path "/" } } when CLIENT_CLOSED { ;# decrement current connection counter for this client_id if {$::total_active_clients > 0} { incr ::total_active_clients -1 } } }
- brad_11480Nimbostratus
If the intention is to keep the connections to the pool of servers below a certain threshold, this would work. But I don't see how this would not end up interfering with an active application session if that user happens to return a transaction at a time that it was over the connection limit-- they may get a 'sorry' redirect in mid-session. For most web-based application sessions, it is a series of transactions where each transaction may be in a separate connection.
- anatolyel_34600Nimbostratus
Hello . This one will work for a multiple domains?
- kridsanaCirrocumulus
Hi @brad
From your comment, Is active session will get interfere ? because active session will have existing session cookie "ClientID" and then they will continue using application normally even though $::max_active_clients is reach .
I want to using this but still not sure if it will working.
- brad_11480Nimbostratus
you are correct they have a ClientId cookie and will not drop a user. But this code seems to be more of a connection count limit and not a session count limit. A session spans multiple HTTP_REQUEST / HTTP_RESPONSE&CLIENT_CLOSED. Since it decrements the counter at close it makes it available for others even though this user still has a session active (a cookie active).
There are a couple other articles that I feel accomplish the session limit. I adapted one.. but look at:
- kridsanaCirrocumulus
I lookup irule in your comment. Why It's look like the same as this irule? (have same client_closed event with delete table = this irule decrement counter)
ps. I'll comment more in those link instead to not confusing.