Mohamed_Ahmed_Kansoh's avatar
Jun 05, 2023

English vocabulary Detections and corrections

Hello all , 
I hope you are all fine, 

Because not all F5 users aren't native in English , I suggest to use something like Microsoft word to detect any wrong spelled word to make it easy for the writer to modify while writing an answer in technical forum or adding technical Article. 

Also this will save a lot of time in writing and eliminate any misunderstanding may happen 🙂 


  • Status changed:
    Needs Info

    Mohamed_Ahmed_Kansoh - thatnks. That is what I understood to be the request. Glad to have the clarification.

    I'll set this as investigating for now; I'll be back with some thoughts on possibilities soon.

  • Thanks LiefZimmerman , 
    Okay I will set an example , Below is two words I wrote in MS Word application : 

    If I write the word wrong in spelling , I will see a zigzag line under the wrong spelled word. 
    and No Zigzag line under the Correct spelled word. 
    I meant that , something make anyone not English native to detect his wrong words and correct it to make his Answer or Article more Clear. 

  • Status changed:
    Needs Info

    Thanks Mohamed_Ahmed_Kansoh. (Somehow I didn't see this suggestion until just today - my apologies)

    Localization overall is in the back of our minds. This would probably help with some things (buttons and other interface items) but generally speaking, in the editor, we tend not to try to be over-prescriptive about how a member writes. Just like a verbal conversation, with stutters, uhhs', and clarifications our forum is designed to be accepting of styles**. 

    THAT SAID - being clear is pretty critical. Since our toolsets are web-based I think users who are more concerned about spelling and accuracy tend to invoke browser plugins which work quite well for spell-checking etc.

    One other thing - there are changes coming to the interface in the next several months that may include such tools (or at least enable us to add such tools easier than we can now) but that is coming out of the platform vendor and I don't have clear visibility *yet* about how much / how fast that may arrive.

    If you have examples or more ideas please add them here - I'll set this to Needs Info in case you (or anyone else has something to contribute).



    ** For that matter - this is just an idea - with the proliferation of translation tools I even welcome writing an answer in your native language and then copy/pasting out of something like Google Translate and including them BOTH in your answer.