Forum Discussion

Raghbir_Singh_S's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 21, 2011

Replace HTTPS:// with HTTP://

Our F5 is terminating SSL traffic and sending HTTP request on port 80 to back-end server. However I also would like to change the HTTP request from "HTTPS://" to "HTTP://" and send it to the back-end server. The back-end server is causing problem with request coming as "HTTPS://"



I would like have the iRule in-place in F5 to solve above problem.




Please help.








  • All you would need to do is a header replace, assuming you don't want to send a redirect back to the client. The command you're looking for is HTTP::header replace



    Click Here



    Keep in mind that you might need to deal with the content being sent back to the client as well, though, to avoid your users being redirected to the new URI by the server, depending on the response. Just something to look out for.



  • if u are using only clientssl profile, i understand bigip is already sends request in form of to server.
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi RSS,



    Can you post an anonymized copy of a request you'd like to modify? Is the https:// reference in the requested URI? Or somewhere else like the request payload? You can use a browser plugin like HttpFox for Firefox or Fiddler2 to record the request headers.



  • Colin_Walker_12's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    All you would need to do is a header replace, assuming you don't want to send a redirect back to the client. The command you're looking for is HTTP::header replace



    Click Here



    Keep in mind that you might need to deal with the content being sent back to the client as well, though, to avoid your users being redirected to the new URI by the server, depending on the response. Just something to look out for.


