Forum Discussion

George_33482's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 27, 2012

LC load balancing three links through a router




I have a requirement to configure LC in order to load balance three ISPs through a router.



LAN -> LC -> Router -> 3 Internet ISP links.



I cannot change the customer's topology LAN- >Router->3 Internet ISP links.(because the topology is much more complicated).



Any idea how to do this???



I configured LCs in which the Links are directly connected or there is one link on each router.



Thank you in advance for your support.








  • i cannot do this, the links are actually WAN links and they are connected to the Router through a serial cable and not ethernet, as i said the topology much more complicated.



    Any ideas on how to make the setup/design work:: LAN -> LC -> Router -> 3 links ???





  • first,


    I recommend is that you have 3 routers, there is no logic to have 3 links in a router.



    But can you do the following.



    configure a trunk link between the router and LC.


    there you will have 3 links.


    You know very well the networking so you wont have problems.





  • first,


    I recommend is that you have 3 routers, there is no logic to have 3 links in a router.



    But can you do the following.



    configure a trunk link between the router and LC.


    there you will have 3 links.


    You know very well the networking so you wont have problems.





  • first,


    I recommend is that you have 3 routers, there is no logic to have 3 links in a router.



    But can you do the following.



    configure a trunk link between the router and LC.


    there you will have 3 links.


    You know very well the networking so you wont have problems.





  • hi george, you can configured bridge interface






    you have LAN => LC =dot1q=> ROUTER => ISP