Forum Discussion

Rory_Hewitt_139's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 04, 2014

Determining processing based on flags in a URL

I have a URL which will come in as   /features?features=10010001   where each '1' or '0' is a 'flag'. I need to check each flag in turn and depending on its value, XOR it with a matching flag s...
  • nitass_89166's avatar
    Jun 04, 2014

    that kinda works, except that the characters could potentially be 0, 1 or -

    may we remove - before scanning?

    % scan [string map {"-" ""} 10--01-00---01] %2d%2d%2d%2d a b c d
    % put "$a $b $c $d"
    10 1 0 1

    by the way, if flag is only one digit each, can we use split?

    % split [string map {"-" ""} 10--01-00---01] {}
    1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1