Forum Discussion

Andy_Cohen_4986's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 30, 2012

Creating RAID array

I'm sure the procedure for this follows the same as that for say an 8900, but in my experience I've only replaced drives in faulty RAID configurations, and never had to create a new RAID array from scratch.



I have a Viprion blade configured and have just recently newly installed a 2nd drive. Running 'tmsh show sys raid' from the CLI shows the two drives, but the RAID status shows as none/undefined for both.



How do I create / add existing drives to a new RAID without losing the configuration/installation that is already on the current system drive? Is that possible? I cannot find any documentation around it ...



  • No one knows anything about this?



    I have a feeling I can just add each drive to an array one by one using the 'tmsh modify /sys raid array add ' , but would like confirmation as I don't have a way to test this first and don't want to cause problems on a production system...



  • you are using viprion 2400, aren't you?



    as i know, raid is not supported on viprion platform yet.