CLI command to look search for a node on all partition
I use this command to query for the config once I know the virtual name.
tmsh show ltm <virtual_name> detail | egrep "Virtual Server: | Destination | Ltm::Pool: | Ltm::Pool Member: | Ltm::ClientSSL Profile" | grep -v "Destination IP Bypasses" | sed 's/Ltm:://g;s/|//g;s/Destination\s*/Destination/g'
However, need a couple of different things now:
- Search on all partitions
- Search by the pool member IP
I have close to 400 pool members, each on a different partition, each one in a different pool, and need to find out the virtual name, virtual IP, pool, and pool member for all.
Playing with the following command to see if it might be possible:
tmsh -c 'cd /; show ltm virtual detail recursive' | grep -E '|'
Any ideas of an easy way to accomplish it?
Thanks Enes_Afsin_Al.
Your script works great. Sample output:
/rsync_load_balancer_vhn0wt_ste_prd/rsync_load_balancer_vhn0wt_ste_prd/serviceMain,/rsync_load_balancer_vhn0wt_ste_prd/,/rsync_load_balancer_vhn0wt_ste_prd/rsync_load_balancer_vhn0wt_ste_prd/serverpool, the end, had two options, yours plus:
tmsh -c 'cd /; show ltm virtual detail recursive' | egrep "Virtual Server: | Destination | Ltm::Pool: | Ltm::Pool Member: | Ltm::ClientSSL Profile" | grep -v "Destination IP Bypasses" | sed 's/Ltm:://g;s/|//g;s/Destination\s*/Destination/g' >> /var/tmp/virtual.outCommand 2:
egrep -B 3 '|||' virtual.outExample output:
Virtual Server: rsync_load_balancer_vhn0wt_ste_prd/rsync_load_balancer_vhn0wt_ste_prd/serviceMain
Pool: rsync_load_balancer_vhn0wt_ste_prd/rsync_load_balancer_vhn0wt_ste_prd/serverpool
Pool Member: Common/
Pool Member: Common/
Pool Member: Common/
Pool Member: Common/ outputs can be written to a file with the " > filename.csv " or " filename.txt "