Jul 15, 2014Nimbostratus
Automating iControlSnapIn installation from Powershell
I am trying to automate the installation of the iControlSnapIn from a Powershell script. The installation should be silent so that it can ran unsupervised and automatically.
From the script I am trying to invoke something like
Start-Process "msiexec" -ArgumentList /i iControlSnapInSetup.msi /qn -Wait -Passthru
This does not return any error; however the snapin is not installed at the end. No files are copied to the program files folder.
Has anyone successfully attempted this? Is there any other argument to be passed in to the msiexec to make this work?
UPDATE: if I remove the
option to run without UI and manually click throgh the wizard then it works. Therefore I believe there's something related to running silently that makes this installation fail (some missing parameter?)