Forum Discussion

mj16othman's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Oct 26, 2020

Loadbalancing issue

Guys i have two pool members listening on same ports 443, 3151 and 8090. They want the F5 to loadbalncer to the second node if the primary node stops listening on just one port for example 80 and c...
  • wlopez's avatar
    Oct 27, 2020

    You can do something like:

    One virtual server (Ex.*), with one pool with two wildcard pool members (* Priority 2,* Priority 1).

    The pool will need several settings like Action on Service Down set to Reject, and Priority Group Activation set to 'Less than 1'.

    Last but not least you will need to create and assign the pool three custom monitors (one per port, 80, 3151, 8090).


    Hope that helps.