Restoring VCMP guest from UCS
I'm recreating a VCMP guest from a UCS. This is a new virtual disk on the host. I followed the steps to reset the master key. After uploading the UCS and issuing "load sys ucs archive.ucs include-chassis-level-config reset-trust" the process errors out: load_config_files[8300]: "/usr/bin/tmsh -n -g -a load sys config partitions all base " - failed. -- 010713d0:3: Symmetric Unit Key decrypt failure - decrypt failure Unexpected Error: Loading configuration process failed. 2021 Jun 9 15:38:40 bigip1 load_config_files[8300]: "/usr/bin/tmsh -n -g -a load sys config partitions all base " - failed. -- 010713d0:3: Symmetric Unit Key decrypt failure - decrypt failure Jun 9 15:38:40 bigip1 emerg load_config_files[8300]: "/usr/bin/tmsh -n -g -a load sys config partitions all base " - failed. -- 010713d0:3: Symmetric Unit Key decrypt failure - decrypt failure Jun 9 15:38:40 bigip1 err mcpd[5935]: 01070422:3: Base configuration load failed. Jun 9 15:38:44 bigip1 info[32165]: Configuration loading error: base-config-load-failed Jun 9 15:38:48 bigip1 notice logger[9127]: /bin/sh /usr/lib/csyncd/ /var/named/config/named.conf change ==> /bin/bigstart start zrd Jun 9 15:39:01 bigip1 info[32165]: ERROR: UCS installation failed. Jun 9 15:39:01 bigip1 err tmsh[12777]: 01110001:3: Error running config installSolved2.2KViews0likes6CommentsHA pair UCS backups - file sizes very different from each other
I've noticed with a few of the UCS backup files I'm pulling from some HA pairs that the file size of one may be larger than the other (50-100 meg) and I'm trying to figure out why. These are ones with APM licensed. Earlier I deleted all but the most current anti-virus update packages on each, so it's not that. Any idea what else I could look at? I tried comparing the actual UCS file contents, but there are so many folders and subfolders I gave that idea up. Thanks!Solved1.6KViews2likes9CommentsUnable to Create UCS files
I am working with a VE F5 in an Azure environment. I've been able to create encrypted backups on this F5 in the past, but not today. Last successful back up was a month ago. For some reason, after attempting to create a new back up today; the other 4 previous back ups I had on the F5 have disappeared. Has anyone come across this? v/rSolved1KViews0likes10CommentsRestoring a VE with a UCS
Hello All, I am fairly new (1 year or so) working with the Virtual edition and am now writing a disaster recovery document for our deployment. I am hoping someone out there has done it before I attempt it. I took the troubleshooting class so I know that if the vm crashes and you have to import a new ovf that when you recover from the UCS you have to issue a no license switch. What I would like to know before that would be how much of the networking do you need to rebuild before you use the UCS. We do not have a management network so I have to access the VEs from a self-ip that allows HTTPS and SSH. Could I create the external vlan, the self-ip that allows me to scp the ucs to the new re-licensed (I would have already released the license and using the offline license tool relicensed it) and restore from tmsh the rest of the configuration, or do I need to create all of the vlans, and the external, internal and HA sef-ips as well? Any input would be much appreciated!827Views0likes1CommentComparing two UCS backup files
Is there anyway to compare two ucs files? A customer did an upgrade without follow thesoftware compatibility matrix, apparently everything worked ok untiluntil I detected a high cpu consume. F5 support team recommended us to do a rollback and then upgrade again followingthesoftware compatibility matrix rebuilding the configuration changes by hand. The problem is my customer doesn´t know how many changes have been made since the bad upgrade so I want to compare the current UCS and the UCS that I will get after doing the correct update process to find the configuration changes801Views0likes2CommentsSpace in /var on physical device
I have been trying to run a BIGIP upgrade and keep getting stuck at the final part of the install where it checks for space in /var. This seems to be when the config has been put into a ucs and it wants to extract it. We have symlinked /var/local/ucs to a different location but it still fails as it seems to check just /var. We have removed everything possible but cannot get it to a point where there is enough space to work. What solutions is there for this problem on a physical device? As I understand it you can only resize /var on a VE. Thanks in advance799Views0likes4CommentsUCS Platform Migration
Hi all, I'm looking for some assistance with moving the configuration from an old BIGIP to a new platform. Both boxes are running different code versions at the moment (old box is running 11.5.4, the new box is on 12.1.2), and are two different platforms. I haven't had much success with the platform-migrate option (the new BIGIP has a different hostname, and management address), and it throws up an error when loading it (and locks me out of the config utility at the same time!). I'm guessing that I can create an SCF on the old box, modify it, and load it onto the new box? However, i do have a concern that the SCF contains platform specific information and the software versions won't match. Would i need to merge the SCF from the old box, with an SCF on the new box? Any assistance would be much appreciated! Thanks.752Views0likes7CommentsMigrating from Physical to Virtual f5
We are running a physical f5 (BIG-IP 11.3) and wondering if there is a way to restore the ucs (from the physical setup) onto a virtual f5? (Note: Our physical f5 is in appliance mode) We originally ran into a platform issue which we resolved with SOL13136 Now we don't see that error, but it still fails. If any additional information is needed. Please ask!598Views0likes5Comments01071aca:3: Client SSL profile (/Common/crypto-server-default-clientssl): Certificate matching the configured cipher suites doesn't exist.
I was making test with a Strongbox unit, and after relicensed with the same modules, I got this error and the config doesn't load correctly. I cant save config, load config. I didnt find any hint about whet to check, the config files are ok with the config, but the device is not loading them. I was running - Point Release 2.525Views0likes1Comment