35 TopicsHow is SDN disrupting the way businesses develop technology?
You must have read so much about software-defined networking (SDN) by now that you probably think you know it inside and out. However, such a nascent industry is constantly evolving and there are always new aspects to discover and learn about. While much of the focus on SDN has focused on the technological benefits it brings, potential challenges are beginning to trouble some SDN watchers. While many businesses acknowledge that the benefits of SDN are too big to ignore, there are challenges to overcome, particularly with the cultural changes that it brings. In fact, according to attendees at the Open Networking Summit (ONS) recently the cultural changes required to embrace SDN outweigh the technological challenges. One example, outlined in this TechTarget piece, is that the (metaphorical) wall separating network operators and software developers needs to be torn down; network operators need coding skills and software developers will need to be able to program networking services into their applications. That’s because SDN represents a huge disruption to how organisations develop technology. With SDN, the speed of service provisioning is dramatically increased; provisioning networks becomes like setting up a VM... a few clicks of the button and you’re done. This centralised network provision means the networking element of development is no longer a bottleneck; it’s ready and available right when it’s needed. There’s another element to consider when it comes to SDN, tech development and its culture. Much of what drives software-defined networking is open source, and dealing with that is something many businesses may not have a lot of experience with. Using open source SDN technologies means a company will have to contribute something back to the community - that’s how open source works. But for some that may prove to be a bit of an issue: some SDN users such as banks or telecoms companies may feel protective of their technology and not want is source code to be released to the world. But that is the reality of the open source SDN market, so it is something companies will have to think carefully about. Are the benefits of SDN for tech development worth going down the open source route? That’s a question only the companies themselves can answer. Software-defined networking represents a huge disruption to the way businesses develop technology. It makes things faster, easier and more convenient during the process and from a management and scalability point of view going forward. There will be challenges - there always are when disruption is on the agenda - but if they can be overcome SDN could well usher in a new era of technological development.1.1KViews0likes6CommentsGetting Around the Logon/Legal Banner Issues when using APM PCoIP Proxy and Horizon
If you're using APM's PCoIP Proxy and require a logon banner, you've probably figured out that the PCoIP Proxy integration stops working when you turn on the integrated logon banner from within the Horizon Administrator. Adding to the pain, internal users can't get any logon banner since you had to turn it off in order for your external access to work! Well, the wait is over! With the use of a nifty iRule that you can attach to your internal Horizon Connection Servers virtual server, you can now present a banner BOTH internal users as well as external users who access Horizon resources using APM PCoIP Proxy. Here's how it works: Disable the logon banner through Horizon Administrator - the BIG-IP will handle presenting the banners for internal users (through the iRule) and external users (through the View iApp) instead of Horizon. Modify the text in the iRule with the text you want to show in the logon banner. Apply the iRule to your LTM Virtual Server that services internal Horizon users (either manually to the LTM virtual server or through the View iApp). You're done! A couple of things to think about when you implement this: If you need to present a legal disclaimer your external users using the PCoIP Proxy, you can still do that through the Horizon View iApp. Do not apply this to any virtual server running the APM PCoIP Proxy - it's only for providing the logon banner to internal Horizon users. The banner for PCoIP Proxy can be easily enabled through the iApp It's important to ensure the PCoIP Proxy's Connection Server settings are pointing to the individual connection server(s) and NOT the LTM virtual server that has the Logon Banner iRule applied. The iRule source is below. # Attach iRule to iApp created virtual server named "<iapp_name>_internal_https" # Replace the section “This is a XXX computer system that is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. This # system is subject to monitoring. Therefore, no expectation of privacy is to be assumed. # Individuals found performing unauthorized activities are subject to disciplinary action # including criminal prosecution.” with your desired text. when RULE_INIT { # Debug Level 0=off, 1=on, 2=verbose set static::internal_disclaimer_debug 0 } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set log_prefix_cs "[IP::remote_addr]:[TCP::remote_port clientside] <-> [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port clientside]" if { $static::internal_disclaimer_debug > 1 } { log local0. "<$log_prefix_cs>: CLIENT_ACCEPTED" } } when HTTP_REQUEST { set bypass 0 if {[HTTP::uri] starts_with "/portal/info.jsp"} { if { $static::internal_disclaimer_debug > 0 } { log local0. "<$log_prefix_cs>: Portal Info request, bypassing further processing"} set bypass 1 } else { if {[HTTP::header exists "Content-Length"]} { set content_length [HTTP::header "Content-Length"] } else { # If the header is missing, use a sufficiently large number set content_length 5000 } if { $static::internal_disclaimer_debug > 1 } { log local0. "<$log_prefix_cs>: Set content-length to $content_length"} HTTP::collect $content_length if { [HTTP::path] == "/broker/xml" && [HTTP::header Expect] == "100-continue" } { SSL::respond "HTTP/1.0 100 Continue\r\n\r\n" if { $static::internal_disclaimer_debug > 1 } { log local0. "<$log_prefix_cs>: Application requested: client requires 100 continue response, sending 100-continue"} } } } when HTTP_REQUEST_DATA { if { [HTTP::payload] contains "set-locale" and ( not ($bypass)) } { HTTP::respond 200 content {<?xml version="1.0"?><broker version="9.0"><configuration><result>ok</result><broker-guid>aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddddddddddddddddd</broker-guid><authentication><screen><name>disclaimer</name><params><param><name>text</name><values><value>This is a XXX computer system that is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. This system is subject to monitoring. Therefore, no expectation of privacy is to be assumed. Individuals found performing unauthorized activities are subject to disciplinary action including criminal prosecution.</value></values></param></params></screen></authentication></configuration><set-locale><result>ok</result></set-locale></broker>} noserver "Connection" "close" "Content-Type" "text/xml;charset=UTF-8" if { $static::internal_disclaimer_debug > 1 } { log local0. "<$log_prefix_cs>: Sending Disclaimer Message"} } if { [HTTP::payload] contains "disclaimer" } { if { $static::internal_disclaimer_debug > 1 } { log local0. "<$log_prefix_cs>: Disclaimer Message Accepted - waiting for credentials."} } } This solution has been tested using Horizon 6.0 (and later) as well as the Horizon 3.0 (and later) Client. Earlier versions of the client and/or Horizon Connection Server could produce unexpected results. Big shout-out to Greg Crosby for his work on the iRule!689Views0likes1CommentF5 Anti-Fraud Solutions: Frictionless Protection for the Masses
Anti-Fraud Solutions: Why F5? In 2013, F5 Networks grew its security portfolio to include advanced Anti-Fraud services with the acquisition of the Israeli-based security company Versafe. At the RSA Conference in San Francisco this week, we have a section of our F5 booth dedicated to the Anti-Fraud solution where we are talking about the technology, answering questions and demonstrating the capabilities all week. If you cannot make it to the conference or even if you attended but missed us at our booth, that’s not a problem. I’ll fill you in on some of the details. First, just walking around the RSA Conference, it’s clear that there is no shortage of anti-fraud solutions on the market. The number is mind blowing and continuously growing. As new threats emerge, new technologies are introduced to combat them. But if you look at the approaches each company takes, they are often quite different. So that begs the question: why F5? Well, from a feature and function standpoint, we cover a wide range of web-based fraud detection and protection capabilities. The WebSafe solution, which protects web-based applications, safeguards against various forms of malicious activity including phishing attacks, Man-In-The-Middle, Man-In-The-Browser and Trojan activity such as web injections, form hijacking, page modifications and transaction modification. But what makes the solution unique is that it enables 100% coverage of the user base in a completely clientless manner, without impacting the user experience. We inject our obfuscated code via an iRule, into the web application code as part of the response data. In other words, the solution is completely frictionless, which is key differentiator number one. And because the solution leverages common browser-based technologies, we protect users who are navigating from all types of devices: laptops, PCs, tablets, smart TVs, mobile devices, etc. As long as the user is navigating with a standard web browser, they will be protected. This is key differentiator number two. From a deployment standpoint, today the WebSafe solution is implemented via an iRule on an F5 device (either physical or virtual), so there is no need to introduce changes to the web applications our customers are looking to protect from online fraud. This saves time when deploying the solution because there is no need to engage web development resources which are often outsourced or already engaged in critical projects. Our ability to deploy without these web application changes equates to savings and is key value proposition number three. As a matter of fact, many F5 customers can leverage their current F5 investment and deploy the Anti-Fraud services on their existing infrastructure, requiring no additional hardware investment: differentiator number four. Lastly, WebSafe provides protection against online fraud without a client install and with no change in the online users’ experience. Introducing CAPTCHAs, popups, etc is often too intrusive to the end user, so we are looking to protect the users without introducing friction in the process. Summary If you are at the RSA Conference, stop by booth 1801. We would be happy to demonstrate our Anti-Fraud solution and help to enhance your fraud protection capabilities. If you are not at RSA, look for further details here. We will be posting more details about F5’s Anti-Fraud solutions throughout the coming weeks.690Views0likes2CommentsBlog Roll 2015
It’s that time of year when we gift and re-gift, just like this text from last year. And the perfect opportunity to re-post, re-purpose and re-use all my 2015 blog entries. If you missed any of the 89 attempts including 59 videos, here they are wrapped in one simple entry. I read somewhere that lists in blogs are good. I broke it out by month to see what was happening at the time and let's be honest, pure self-promotion. Thanks for reading and watching throughout 2015. Have a Safe and Happy New Year. January 2015 OK 2015, Now What? The Analog Generation Application Availability Between Hybrid Data Centers Will Deflate-Gate Lead to Micro-Chipped Footballs? VMware Partner Exchange 2015: Video Preview February VMware PEX 2015 – Find F5 VMware PEX 2015 – What Customers Want From Security Vendors VMware PEX 2015 – BIG-IP on vCloud Air VMware PEX 2015 – F5 Channel Partner Ecosystem VMware PEX 2015 – That’s a Wrap! 5 Ways #IamF5 The Internet of Me, Myself & I Intelligent DNS Animated Whiteboard Mobile World Congress 2015 - The Preview Video March MWC 2015 - Find F5 MWC 2015 – NFV for Service Providers (feat Yue) MWC 2015 – Threats to Mobile Carrier Networks (feat George) MWC 2015 – How LTE Roaming Works (feat Nas) MWC 2015 – Getting Work Done on the Go (feat Carovano) MWC 2015 - SDN Demystified (feat Duncan) MWC 2015 – TCP Opt for Service Providers (feat Yue) MWC 2015 – Enhancing Subscriber’s Quality of Experience (feat Mahmoodi) MWC 2015 – The Mobile Revolution with F5 CEO John McAdam MWC 2015 – That’s a Wrap! Lost in Italy April Healthcare in the Crosshairs What are These "Things”? IoT Influence on Society RSA 2015 - The Preview Video RSA2015 – Find F5 RSA2015 Partner Spotlight - RSA Risk Based Authentication RSA2015 – Defending the New Perimeter RSA2015 – The InfoSec Landscape with Jeremiah Grossman RSA2015 Partner Spotlight: FireEye Partnership RSA2015 – SSL Everywhere (feat Holmes) RSA2015 – That’s a Wrap! IoT Effect on Applications May IoT Ready Infrastructure F5 Agility EMEA 2015 - The Preview Video F5 EMEA Agility 2015 - Welcome to Edinburgh What Are You Looking Forward To At F5 Agility 2015? F5 Agility 2015 EMEA – ACI with F5 & Cisco F5 Agility 2015 EMEA – King Robert the Bruce F5 Agility 2015 EMEA – Sir William Wallace That’s a Wrap from EMEA F5 Agility 2015 June The IoT Ready Platform I Almost Bit...and Would've Been Bitten July F5 Animated Whiteboards Is 2015 Half Empty or Half Full? F5Agility15 - The Preview Video August Welcome to F5 Agility 2015 Innovate, Expand, Deliver with F5 CEO Manny Rivelo Get F5 Certified at F5 Agility 2015 Software Defined Data Center Made Easy with F5 and VMware F5 DevCentral Solves Your BIG-IP Questions That's a Wrap from #F5Agility15 Our Five Senses on Sensors VMworld2015 – The Preview Video VMworld2015 – Find F5 VMworld2015 – Realize the Virtual Possibilities (feat. de la Motte) September VMworld2015 – Business Mobility Made Easy with F5 and VMware (feat. Venezia) Software Defined Data Center Made Simple (feat. Pindell) - VMworld2015 That’s a Wrap from VMworld2015 F5 + Blue Medora: Gain Control of Your Applications with vRealize Is Your DNS Vulnerable? October AWS re:Invent 2015 – The Preview Video IoT: Tabs to be Read Later Find F5 at AWS re:Invent 2015 AWS re:Invent 2015 - Value of App Services in the Cloud (feat Vrankic) AWS re:Invent 2015 – SSL Everywhere…Including the Cloud (feat Stanley) AWS re:Invent 2015 – Web Application Firewall in the Cloud (feat Haynes) AWS re:Invent 2015 – Programmability in the Cloud (feat Applebaum) AWS re:Invent 2015 – The F5 Ready Program (feat Pickering) That’s a Wrap from AWS re:Invent 2015 The Wave of Change at Tech Events F5 + SimpliVity: Deploy and Simplify Application Deployments Together Wearables Head to Tail F5 + Nutanix: Invisible Infrastructure and SDAS Joining Forces November Ask the Expert – Are WAFs Dead? Ask the Expert – Why SSL Everywhere? Ask the Expert – Why Web Fraud Protection? Ask the Expert – Why Identity and Access Management? Connecting the Threads Identity Theft: Not So Scary Anymore? F5 Blog: Backseat Drivers, Your Wish Has Come True Inside the ALOHA! December Arguing with Things Punchbowl, Pearl Harbor and my Grandparents The Top 10, Top 10 Predictions for 2016 And a couple special holiday themed entries from years past. e-card Malware X marks the Games ps Related Blog Roll 2014 Blog Roll 2013 Blog Roll 2012 Blog Roll 2011 Technorati Tags: f5,big-ip,security,cloud,mobile,video,silva,2015,blogs,iot,things Connect with Peter: Connect with F5:302Views0likes0CommentsF5 SOC webinject Analysis
Recently several e-banking Trojans (Dyre, Cridex, and Tinba, for instance) have used script injection techniques to modify the original web page. The modification may enable the attacker to perform money transactions using victims’ credentials. This may be perpetrated by a Trojan injecting a malicious JavaScript code to the client’s browser, once the client is connected to the website. The injected code performs different functions, including attempting a money transfer from the client’s account, gaining control on mobile devices, and much more. To maintain the information sent by the Trojans, attackers have developed different types of command and control (C&C) systems that enable them to grab and manage the injected code and its functions these systems are usually PHP-based systems accompanied by a SQL database. In his research, Elman Reyes, F5 SOC Analyst in the Anti-Fraud team reveal another webinject that was detected by WebSafe and blocked by F5 SOC within just couple of hours. Please click here to download the full analysis report.232Views0likes0CommentsLa transition vers HTTP/2, l'envisager, s'y préparer, la réaliser
HTTP/2 est désormais un standard avec son support intégré dans les browsers modernes. Les serveurs Web, proposent aussi dans leurs dernières versions, la compatiliblité avec cette évolution. Ce qu'il faut retenir est qu'HTTP/2 vient accéler le transport du contenu Web en maintenant la confidentialité à travers SSL. Un des bénéfices pour les developpeurs et fournisseurs de contenu est la capacité à se rendre compte des apports de ce protocole sans remettre en cause toute son infrastructure. Les démonstrations montrent bien les gains à travers un browser sur un ordinateur portable, choses encore plus appréciables sur les plateformes mobiles. La version 12.0 de TMOS permet de se comporter comme un serveur HTTP/2 vis à vis des clients tout en continuant à solliciter le contenu en HTTP/1.0 et HTTP/1.1 auprès des serveurs. Pour trouver des raisons de s'interesser à ce protocole, plusieurs sources d'information peuvent y aider : Making the journey to HTTP/2 HTTP/2 home255Views0likes0CommentsBillionaires, Icons and Movie Stars – Why Geek Is Now Chic
Over the past few years we’ve seen the unstoppable rise of the geek. From popular culture to big business, the geeks have inherited the earth. They’re the billionaires, the modern day rock stars, and their many achievements have resulted in a significant change to their status in popular society. They are now often championed, given the limelight or even imitated - geek is now chic! So let’s take some time out to look how the geek – and our perception of the geek – has evolved… The Geek Revolution Before the dawn of the information age, being an IT expert was associated with social ineptitude, a stereotype amplified by films such as 'Revenge of the Nerds.’ Although this negative stigma has not quite been completely reversed, the rise of the geek has been prolific, driven by the mainstream rise of tech and the acute relevance of previously niche skills. Whether consumers or enterprises, society relies heavily on certain technologies, making IT experts and their knowledge indispensable. Employment of ‘Genius’ assistants in Apple stores show the change in status and dependence of society on the geek, as customers compete for the attention of who can fix their gadgets. The behaviour of geek idols such as Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates also helped make geeks cool, by having the audacity to drop out of (a Harvard) education to follow their dreams. The relevance of geek knowledge to businesses has been demonstrated by the scramble to fill the tech skills gap, but it spreads beyond classic computing know-how. Political forecaster Nate Silver received attention after mathematically predicting an Obama victory in 2012, resulting in a call to ‘hire geeks not pundits’ if you want to win a presidential election. The government introduction of compulsory IT-based aspects to school curriculums also shows the value attributed to IT know-how. The Omni-Present Geek Popular culture too is now exploring the techie as an unorthodox hero. This is perhaps most evident on the screen, demonstrated recently through television shows such as 'The Big Bang Theory' and 'The IT Crowd,' which explicitly focus their stories around stereotypical geeks. 'The Social Network' saw an entire film made about the rise of the IT genius. Characters are by no means portrayed with model good looks and bulging muscles, but the idea that the geek can 'win' is becoming more prevalent. In fashion, thick-rimmed, non-prescriptive glasses have become popular as an optional accessory rather than an optical necessity and been embraced by stars and school children alike. T-shirts sold by 'Topshop' emblazoned with the word 'NERD' or 'GEEK' were hugely successful when launched in 2013; it seems the implication of intellect, whether genuine or ironic, is now considered fashionable. Geek Power If society has progressed through the Iron Age and the Industrial Age, we are undoubtedly in the Tech Age. IT geeks have done amazing things with their inventions and innovations: Sir Tim Berners-Lee revolutionised global society by giving life to the World Wide Web; the inventions of Steve Jobs and Apple are omnipresent and envelop popular society and business; Mark Zuckerberg has helped shape a generation through social media – just try to escape social networks today! Despite geeks hitting the headlines for all the right reasons, there remains a significant gap between the level of demand for staff with specialist knowledge and the number of prospective employees who possess it. A number of recent high-profile hacking scandals show that IT experts have the potential to mould the business landscape in a variety of ways and have catapulted the cyber-security skills shortage to up the national agenda. These achievements have not gone unnoticed by businesses or the government, who have increased IT spending budgets and launched recruitment drives. The success of tech companies and individuals has seen expert knowledge come to be associated with entrepreneurial flair, with the stories of innovators like Zuckerberg carrying the geek into the unchartered realms of, dare we say it, coolness. Now that geek is chic, how about meeting some of the F5 geeks keeping businesses current in the age of tech? Why not join us at F5 Agility in Scotland in May? There will be F5 experts on hand to discuss your ideas and answer questions, as well as a host of sessions from a range of executives, from our CTO to our field engineers.277Views0likes1CommentHow the cloud can improve your security solutions?
The advantage of being in this industry for a while is that you get to see first hand how things change. Mostly for the better, and usually quite quickly, too. Some of these changes have a knock-on effect on other parts of the industry. One recent example of this is security. In days gone by security was very much focused within a company’s network; all the necessary data and applications sat behind the firewall so that’s where defences were concentrated. These days, that’s simply not the case. Thanks to a raft of industry developments, primarily mobile devices and cloud computing, network perimeters are no longer contained within a company’s (metaphorical) four walls. That’s made security a slightly more difficult task - how can you be expected to use on-premises security solutions to protect apps, data, devices and so on, when they themselves are far beyond the traditional network perimeter? That’s why security solutions delivered via the cloud could help protect today’s businesses. It means workers - and all that important, sensitive data - are protected, no matter where they are, what device they’re using or what service/application they’re connecting to. It simply isn’t feasible for a company to protect each endpoint, inside and outside the perimeter. Using cloud-based security solutions can help with a variety of different threats. Take DDoS attacks, for example. DDoS attacks are getting bigger in scale, and when you’re talking about attacks around 300 Gbps in size (and up), the only way to stop these is with cloud-based technologies, as local network appliances won’t be able to cope with the bandwidth required. Delivering DDoS protection from the cloud also means (depending on the service provided) companies can call on a globally-distributed DDoS mitigation network operated by experts. On-premises DDoS protection is unlikely to be able to say the same. When you think about it, if you need to protect cloud-based devices, applications, data and so on, it makes sense to do that in the cloud, right? Cloud-based security can stop many attacks before they reach a corporate network and can use intelligence from its entire network to spot anomalies and new threats as they emerge. That real-time defence is something that on-premises software can struggle with, as databases have to be updated and new versions rolled out before the corporate network is secure. It’s worth noting that many of the benefits of cloud computing - cost reduction, better scaling, automation and so on - apply when it comes to using cloud-based security services. As we trust more and more of our critical applications, services and systems to the cloud there is no reason why security should not be on that list.346Views0likes0CommentsOn Cloud Nine: Lucky 7 questions you have about Singapore’s journey to becoming a Smart Nation
The Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) wants to make Singapore the world’s first Smart Nation, and this vision means connecting devices, things and people to provide better quality of life in an era of mobility, urban density, aging population and so on. IDA's executive deputy chairman, Steve Leonard, has said that when tackling difficult urban challenges in areas such as healthcare and energy, enterprises in Singapore need to capture and analyze massive amounts of data, and use that situational awareness to take meaningful actions (link). From a technology perspective, cloud has reached a tipping point in the enterprise. An exciting new era of cloud deployments is being ushered in, one characterised by high levels of flexibility, agility and innovation. Today, cloud is no longer just a buzzword, but an integral fabric of the modern enterprise. Conversation nowadays have shifted from cloud deployments to optimizing those resources and thus improving the overall user experience. Singapore’s Smart Nation vision has entered the “build” phase. What gives? The focus on infrastructure and services will serve as the nation’s framework. There are three areas of innovation: Smart Logistics, Smart Nation Tech Challenges and Smart Health-Assist. The vision to connect devices, things and people is a grand one, and starts with ensuring the integrity of the nation’s framework is built on a strong foundation. Applications and connectivity are at the heart of this vision and the technologies enabling flow of information are increasingly cloud-based. Enterprises are fast adopting a hybrid-cloud infrastructure, so sensitive data can be stored in a private cloud while the public cloud can be leveraged for computational resources to provide for the running of less critical applications. 2.To cloud or not to cloud? – That is the question! As early as 2013, 83% of Singaporean companies felt they have already experienced the financial advantages of cloud deployments. This is 16% more than the global average (link). The journey of cloud adoption is aligned with the Smart Nation Initiative and Singapore is a significant investor in cloud adoption. State initiatives aside, a question to ask is “to cloud or not to cloud”? The many benefits of cloud adoption include quicker disaster recovery times and increased collaboration amongst employees since they are able to sync up and work on documents and shared apps simultaneously. All these can only result in a positive business impact as productivity goes up. More importantly the cloud provides for business agility allowing companies to scale up and down their information infrastructure in a relatively short time frame, sometimes with the benefit of paying for capacity that is being consumed. “Pay to use” versus “Buy to Depreciate” provides for a better financial argument which generally goes well with CFOs. As technologies such as IoT become mainstream and as Singapore moves forward to becoming a Smart Nation, the correct question to ask is “How do we effectively deploy and maximise the potential of cloud?” Right…so, how can we fully maximise the potential of cloud and turn them into a positive business impact? Business has reached the tipping point of cloud computing with the utilisation of cloud both inside and outside the enterprise. To fully maximize the potential of cloud, there are 4 notable considerations for an enterprise cloud strategy. Applications: Companies today run a remarkable number of workloads within their IT environments, with some enterprises running more than 100 concurrently. Most of these applications demand differing sets of requirements and characteristics. However, as cloud-based services start to demonstrate the capability and maturity to run core workloads, confidence in off-premise solutions is increasing. The result, today’s enterprises are gaining more confidence in migrating critical workloads to a cloud environment. Business Decision-makers: The self-service nature of cloud solutions is starting to evolve decision-making process away from IT, and into one that involves multiple stakeholders and business leaders. More and more, departmental heads will play major role in identifying needs and shortlisting cloud solutions. Compliance/risk directors then need to take the lead in evaluating solutions and manage risks, while the entire C-suite make the final purchase-decision. Customers: Cloud, and indeed IT in general, has traditionally focused on internal enterprise and benefits such as cost savings, resource optimization and business agility. However, this ignores a key segment of IT user pool – the Customer! Forward-thinking businesses are now beginning to evaluate what cloud means to their customers and how they can leverage it to enhance the customer experience. Defence: Security and privacy of IT environments are perennial topics to any cloud discussions, whether it is about apps, business or customers. Security is often highlighted as the biggest impediment in adopting cloud services or choosing service providers. Security considerations should never be an afterthought to any cloud migration planning and should be considered and deliberated extensively prior to any move to the cloud. A “security-first” approach to a cloud strategy will ensure that the move to the cloud does not cause any major operational or internal policy issues as well as ensure a smooth customer experience. This should be complemented with a “follow the apps” defensive posture where the app security services should be fronting the application wherever it resides. Where’s the future of cloud headed? From optimization to orchestration. Today, the primary use of cloud services is to optimize and streamline conventional business processes. This will change. Enterprises will next leverage cloud services to automate business processes and drive business transformation. There will also be more collaborative decision-making in cloud service procurement. The role of the CIO is set to shift from information to innovation. With the inclusion of customers in the IT user pool, enhancing customer experience through high availability and performance of business apps is crucial. Cloud will continue to evolve. 5. Is Cloud safe? As more applications and technology becomes increasingly cloud-based, especially as we mature into a Smart Nation, how can we ensure information transfer over Cloud is safe? Every battle is won before it is fought, says Sun Tzu. This is also the philosophy undertaken by Singapore in the march towards being a Smart Nation. And security continues to be one of the largest barriers to cloud adoption. It is also a key consideration in a hyper-connected environment and the prolific use of applications adds an additional layer of challenge. Organisations generally do a decent job securing their infrastructure but face challenges when securing applications regardless if these applications are hosted in-house, in a cloud environment or both. The security strategy should encompass considerations at the network/infrastructure area, applications and web assets, endpoints and devices, users behaviours. Security is everyone’s business and a foresight consideration. How can Cloud benefit enterprises as Singapore moves to become a Smart Nation? Companies are investing in cloud and using it for competitive reasons. 77% of senior information technology executives have placed high importance on digital transformation and count it as a key factor for driving the business growth of their organisations (link). Improving operational excellence and customer experience are some of the reasons why cloud adoption is on the rise. Innovations in IoT are evolving and continue to shape how people use and interact with the technologies. New devices will emerge and the technologies will evolve with these devices which in turn will shape how information is being delivered to users. In a Smart Nation where hyper connectivity is at the heart of everything, accessing information and applications in a secure and seamless manner is key and cloud will play a crucial part in its success. OK, so Cloud deployment and Smart Nation: they are highly intertwined but the investment outlay and management complexity remains a key barrier. How can we efficiently manage this? It is a common perception associated with the build out of a cloud strategy but the key consideration is knowing how applications are being consumed and the corresponding services they need. In reality, not all applications will be delivered from the cloud due to the nature or the intent of the application, especially if there is a high level of data sensitivity or the need for high operational in house secure management. We will likely see the emergence of a hybrid cloud architectures requiring seamless management and orchestration services with a balanced security posture both in house and in the cloud. This will be especially applicable for the delivery of citizen services in an aspiring smart nation like Singapore where mobile and internet penetration rates are high and technology adoption is prevalent in every aspect of our daily lives. The expectation for service on demand will increase as IoT adoption becomes mainstream and becomes interconnected with the social platforms. Architecting the infrastructure from this perspective allows for better and efficient management and reduce costs in deploying cloud. Organisations and Governments alike are already starting to build out their own cloud strategy in an attempt to drive business growth and national transformation. In an increasingly connected world where mobility is driving productivity and consumption of information, cloud adoption in a hyper connected Smart Nation will spur productivity and improve customer satisfaction, with the right consideration and strategy. At the end of the day, a cloud strategy is just one of the many means to an end – an end to become a smart nation, a nation where the citizens and corporations alike are empowered to harness technology for driving growth.258Views0likes0CommentsThe Inside Scoop on VMworld 2015...
It's that time of year again for VMworld in San Franciso! This year, F5 and VMware are partnering on many fronts to show the strength and capabilities of our partnership, in particular when it comes to Horizon and AirWatch. First, check out the F5 and VMware Hands-on-Lab for End User Computing. Since the initial release of the lab in May of this year (check out the blog post here), the latest lab to be released at VMworld includes load balancing of VMware Identity Manager (formerly known as Workspace Portal), the latest F5 iApp for Horizon for simple and seamless configuration, as well as Global Traffic Management (using BIG-IP DNS). Big thanks to Matt Mabis, Bryan Salek, and Mosa Emamjomeh from VMware for their help getting the latest enhancements into the lab! Next, I'll be presenting 2 End User Computing focused sessions this year at VMworld. The first session is with two great colleagues of mine from VMware - Nick Jeffries and Mark Ewert. This session, EUC5516 - Delivering the Next Generation of Hosted Applications is a panel discussion of seasoned experts who will share their real-world experience for integrating VMware and F5 technologies to support existing or new Server Based Computing (SBC) infrastructure. The second session is EUC5711-SPO - Technical Deep-Dive and Demo - Better Together with VMware End User Computing and F5. Mark Ewert and I will showcase the tight integration between VMware‘s End User Computing and F5's Traffic Management solutions. We'll show you the in's and out's of designing, implementing, and integrating real-world solutions with F5's BIG-IP platform to deliver applications securely, intelligently, and at scale. Try the labs, come and ask questions, see the demos, and take a deeper dive into the F5 and VMware solutions at VMworld 2015!241Views0likes0Comments