70 TopicsRedirect iRule differences...
We have a situation where we need to redirect users from one domain to another and had been using Method 1 ( shown below ) of redirection via iRule. It was recently brought to our attention by our web team that the way we were doing the redirects for one of their sites in particular was "really bad" for SEO and we ended up making them happy with doing it via Method 2 ( shown below ). While my team officially maintains our BIG-IP's, we are not network/web savvy and don't really understand the difference here. We have a new site that needs to be redirected and we are not sure which method to use. Would someone please explain in what cases you would use one over the other. Thanks. Method 1 when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::host] eq "" } { HTTP::redirect } } Method 2 when HTTP_REQUEST { if { ([string tolower [HTTP::host]] eq "")} { HTTP::respond 301 Location "" return } }53Views1like1Comment