10 TopicsPwned Passwords Check
Problem this snippet solves: This snippet makes it possible to use Troy Hunt’s ‘Pwned Passwords’ API. By using this API one can check if the password being used was exposed in earlier data breaches. You can use this information to deny access to highly secure resources or to force a user to first change it’s password to one that isn’t known to be exposed to earlier data breaches. Or you could choose to just to inform a user that it would be wise to change it’s password. It’s good to note that the password itself will not be shared while using this API. This snippet uses a mathematical property called k-anonymity. For more information about k-anonymity and Troy Hunt’s ‘Pwned Passwords’ API see: This snippet also uses Patt-tom McDonnell’s hibp-checker node package. How to use this snippet: Prepare the BIG-IP Provision the BIG-IP with iRuleLX. Create LX Workspace: hibp Add iRule: hibp-irule Add Extension: hibp-extension Add LX Plugin: hibp-plugin -> From Workspace: hibp Install the node.js hibp-checker module # cd /var/ilx/workspaces/Common/hibp/extensions/hibp-extension/ # npm install hibp-checker --save /var/ilx/workspaces/Common/hibp/extensions/hibp-extension └── hibp-checker@1.0.0 # irule To make it works, you need to install the irule on the Virtual Server that publish your application with APM authentication. access profile If you already have an existing access profile, you will need to modify it and include some additionnal configuration in your VPE. If you have no access profile, you can starts building your own based on the description we provide below. Configuring the Visual Policy Editor The printscreen below is an example Visual Policy Editor on how you can use the Pnwed Password snippet. VA – Force Password Change This is a Variable Assignment agent that triggers APM to show a Change Password window. Set variable: session.logon.last.change_password to Custom Expression: expr { 1 } VA – Get Password This is a Variable Assignment agent that copies the password to a session variable that can be read by the hibp irule. Set variable: session.custom.hibp.password to Custom Expression: return [mcget -secure {session.logon.last.password}] IE - HIBP This is an irule event with the ID set to ‘hibp’. This will trigger the hibp_irule to come into action. EA – HIBP Verdict This is an Empty Action with two branches. The branch named "Not Pwned" contains the following expression : expr { [mcget -nocache {session.custom.hibp.status} ] == 0 } MB – Exposed Password This is a message box that will inform the user that it’s password was exposed in earlier data breaches and a password change is needed. The message could be something like this: The password you are using was found in %{session.custom.hibp.status} data breaches. In order to be compliant with our security policy, you must change your password. hibp_irule when ACCESS_POLICY_AGENT_EVENT { if { [ACCESS::policy agent_id ] eq "hibp" } { set password [ACCESS::session data get session.custom.hibp.password] set failonerror 0 if { $password eq "" } { log local0. "Error: no password set" ACCESS::session data set session.custom.hibp.status $failonerror return } set rpc_handle [ ILX::init hibp-plugin hibp-extension ] if {[ catch { ILX::call $rpc_handle -timeout 12000 hibpCheck $password } result ] } { log local0. "hibpCheck failed. ILX failure: $result" ACCESS::session data set session.custom.hibp.status $failonerror return } ACCESS::session data set session.custom.hibp.status [expr { $result }] } } Code : var f5 = require('f5-nodejs'); const checkPassword = require('hibp-checker'); // Create a new rpc server for listening to TCL iRule calls. var ilx = new f5.ILXServer(); ilx.addMethod('hibpCheck', function(req, res) { var password = req.params()[0]; var breachCount = checkPassword(password); breachCount.then(function(result) { return res.reply(result); }, function(err) { return res.reply(err); }); }); // Start listening for ILX::call and ILX::notify events. ilx.listen(); Tested this on version: 13.01.7KViews3likes15CommentsProtecting APIs with Access Policy Manager and custom iRules
The problem: Unprotected API - Vulnerable to Overload Without Rate-Limiting Enforcement Our customer in the B2B sector is encountering a challenge with their public API. Despite having implemented a custom method for generating long-lived API keys, they find themselves unable to enforce rate-limiting effectively. This absence of rate-limiting mechanisms poses significant challenges, potentially resulting in the overloading of their system due to excessive requests or the exploitation of their API by unauthorized users. Without proper rate-limiting controls in place, the customer faces risks to both the performance and security of their API infrastructure, necessitating a solution to mitigate these concerns and ensure the smooth operation of their services for their clients. Our customers wants to offer two tiers of service level agreements (SLAs) - gold and standard. Complicating matters further, the API key, integral to authentication, is transmitted via a custom HTTP header. The solution: BIG-IP APM and Custom iRules for Effective Rate-Limiting My solution involves leveraging the API Protection feature of BIG-IP APM in conjunction with a custom iRule. By utilizing this combination, our customer can effectively extract the API Keys from HTTP requests and enforce rate limiting on specific API endpoints. As for now they only want to enforce rate limiting on the POST endpoints. This approach empowers the customer to secure their API while efficiently managing and controlling access to critical endpoints, ensuring optimal performance and safeguarding against abuse or overload. With this iRule we can to extract the API key from the HTTP Requests and store it in a variable, that can later be used by the API Protection feature of the APM. API Keys and the associated SLA level are stored in a Data Group of the type string. # Enable (1) or disable (0) logging globally when RULE_INIT { set static::debug 1 } # Access and analyze the HTTP header data for SLA value when HTTP_REQUEST { set sla [class lookup [HTTP::header value apikey] dg_apikeys] if { $static::debug } {log local0. "Made it to HTTP_REQUEST event with SLA value $sla."} } # Evaluate SLA value during per-request access policy execution when ACCESS_PER_REQUEST_AGENT_EVENT { set id [ACCESS::perflow get perflow.irule_agent_id] if { $id eq "read-sla" } { if { $static::debug } {log local0. "Made it to iRule agent in perrequest policy with SLA value $sla."} ACCESS::perflow set perflow.custom "$sla" } } And this is how the Per Request Policy in the API Protection profile looks. It uses the value of the API Key (extracted with the help of the the iRule) and the Source IP of the client to enforce Rate Limiting on the POST endpoints, using two different SLAs. In the APM log you should see the following message, once the client exceeds his quota defined in the SLA. Apr 28 20:12:42 ltm-apm-16.mylab.local notice tmm[11094]: 01870075:5: (null):/Common: API request with weight (1) violated the quota in rate limiting config(/Common/demo_api_ratelimiting_auto_rate_limiting_standard). Apr 28 20:12:42 ltm-apm-16.mylab.local notice tmm[11094]: 0187008d:5: /Common/demo_api_ratelimiting_ap:Common:6600283561834577940: Execution of per request access policy (/Common/demo_api_ratelimiting_prp) done with ending type (Reject) Further reading: You can find a more detailed write-up on my GitHub page: There you can find the Per Request Policy explained in all details. The Data Group with for the iRule. A demo API for testing my solution. A Postman Collection for working with my demo API.120Views2likes0CommentsTrigger js challenge/Captcha for ip reputation/ip intelligence categories
Problem solved by this Code Snippet Because some ISP or cloud providers do not monitor their users a lot of times client ip addresses are marked as "spam sources" or "windows exploits" and as the ip addresses are dynamic and after time a legitimate user can use this ip addresses the categories are often stopped in the IP intelligence profile or under the ASM/AWAF policy. To still make use of this categories the users coming from those ip addresses can be forced to solve captcha checks or at least to be checked for javascript support! How to use this Code Snippet Have AWAF/ASM and ip intelligence licensed Add AWAF/ASM policy with irule support option (by default not enabled under the policy) or/and Bot profile under the Virtual server Optionally add IP intelligence profile or enable the Ip intelligence under the WAF policy without the categories that cause a lot of false positives, Add the irule and if needed modify the categories for which it triggers Do not forget to first create the data group, used in the code or delete that part of the code and to uncomment the Bot part of the code, if you plan to do js check and not captcha and maybe comment the captcha part ! Code Snippet Meta Information Version: 17.1.3 Coding Language: TCL Code You can find the code and further documentation in my GitHub repository: reputation-javascript-captcha-challlenge/ at main · Nikoolayy1/reputation-javascript-captcha-challlenge when HTTP_REQUEST { # Take the ip address for ip reputation/intelligence check from the XFF header if it comes from the whitelisted source ip addresses in data group "client_ip_class" if { [HTTP::header exists "X-Forwarded-For"] && [class match [IP::client_addr] equals "/Common/client_ip_class"] } { set trueIP [HTTP::header "X-Forwarded-For"] } else { set trueIP [IP::client_addr] } # Check if IP reputation is triggered and it is containing "Spam Sources" if { ([llength [IP::reputation $trueIP]] != 0) && ([IP::reputation $trueIP] contains "Spam Sources") }{ log local0. "The category is [IP::reputation $trueIP] from [IP::client_addr]" # Set the variable 1 or bulean true as to trigger ASM captcha or bot defense javascript set js_ch 1 } else { set js_ch 0 } # Custom response page just for testing if there is no real backend origin server for testing if {!$js_ch} { HTTP::respond 200 content { <html> <head> <title>Apology Page</title> </head> <body> We are sorry, but the site you are looking for is temporarily out of service<br> If you feel you have reached this page in error, please try again. </body> </html> } } } # when BOTDEFENSE_ACTION { # Trigger bot defense action javascript check for Spam Sources # if {$js_ch && (not ([BOTDEFENSE::reason] starts_with "passed browser challenge")) && ([BOTDEFENSE::action] eq "allow") }{ # BOTDEFENSE::action browser_challenge # } # } when ASM_REQUEST_DONE { # Trigger ASM captcha check only for users comming from Spam sources that have not already passed the captcha check (don't have the captcha cookie) if {$js_ch && [ASM::captcha_status] ne "correct"} { set res [ASM::captcha] if {$res ne "ok"} { log local0. "Cannot send captcha_challenge: \"$res\"" } } } Extra References: BOTDEFENSE::action ASM::captcha ASM::captcha_status50Views1like1CommentJson parsing with iRules
JSON is now the format of choice for most APIs. It's time we were able to parse JSON with F5 iRules too, as simple string matching is not always good enough. That's why I wrote a simple JSON parser for iRules. It is a validating single pass parser that processes the JSON string char by char until the JsonPath expression matches, no recursion or any other fancy stuff. As I do not wanted to reinvent the wheel, it is basically a rewrite of the JSON parser found in the mongoose webserver project in plain TCL. The usage is very simple: set token [call json::json_get_tok { $json $path }] $json is the json string to parse $path is a JsonPath expression, following operators are implemented: Operator Description $ The root element to query. This starts all path expressions. .<name> Dot-notated child. [<number>] Array index. Example Simple JSON: { "aud": "audience \"test\"", "iss": "", "iat": 1701422123, "roles": [ "role1", "role2" ], "obj": { "sub": "adcad2b8", }, "ver": "2.0" } JsonPath expression to parse this simple JSON: JsonPath Return value $.aud "audience \"test\"" $.iat 1701422123 $.obj.sub "adcad2b8" $.roles[0] "role1" To decode the extracted JSON string: set decoded [call json::json_decode_str { $token }] This removes the enclosing quotes from a string and decodes JSON escapes. Code You can find the code and further documentation in my GitHub repository: