2 TopicsImageTragick - ImageMagick Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Abstract Recently, a number of vulnerabilities have been found in a very popular library, which is used to process image files. The vulnerabilities allow the attacker to execute code, move, read or delete remote files and issue outgoing requests from a web server. In certain scenarios, the vulnerability even can be exploited without authentication, making this a very powerful vulnerability and dangerous to unpatched web servers. This article will explain how those vulnerabilities can be mitigated using F5s Big-IP with ASM provisioned. ImageMagic ImageMagick is very popular piece of software, many programming languages have interface for ImageMagick allowing the programmatic access to image processing and editing. It runs on Linux, Windows, Mac, iOS and many more: Quoting the The functionality of ImageMagick® is typically utilized from the command-line or you can use the features from programs written in your favorite language. Choose from these interfaces: G2F (Ada), MagickCore (C), MagickWand (C), ChMagick (Ch), ImageMagickObject (COM+), Magick++ (C++), JMagick (Java), L-Magick (Lisp), Lua (LuaJIT), NMagick (Neko/haXe), Magick.NET (.NET), PascalMagick (Pascal),PerlMagick (Perl), MagickWand for PHP (PHP), IMagick (PHP), PythonMagick (Python), RMagick (Ruby), or TclMagick (Tcl/TK). With a language interface, use ImageMagick to modify or create images dynamically and automagically . MVG format MVG stands for Magick Vector Graphics, and it is a modularized language for describing two-dimensional vector graphics using the ImageMagick engine. It can look like this: push graphic-context viewbox 0 0 400 400 image over 0,0 0,0 'label:@/home/files/nice_text' pop graphic-context In this example, the ImageMagick engine reads the text from the 'nice_text' file and draws a label with its contents over the picture. Vulnerability - ImageTragick The group of vulnerabilities was named ImageTragick because they exploit the ImageMagick package. The package contains several “coders” supporting instructions and commands for image manipulation. For instance, using the “label” instruction one can add a free text from a file to an image. Several instructions were found to be vulnerable to different types of attack. More detailed information on each vulnerability can be found in the researchers’ website: We could distinguish those findings as three types of vulnerabilities: Shell Command Execution Application Abuse of Functionality Server Side Request Forgery Shell Command Execution CVE-2016-3714 By abusing this type of vulnerability, the attacker can cause the ImageMagick library to pass commands to the operation system shell potentially ending up in complete system compromise. Considering ImageMagick’s availability for all the popular operating systems and programming languages makes this vulnerability a very dangerous one. Attacker can create a file in ImageMagick MVG and SVG format and upload it to a webserver, which will process this file. Successfully performing this operation will cause ImageMagick to execute the command from the crafted file. Example: fill 'url(";|ls -la")' The vulnerable code takes the URL and without proper validation concatenates it to the “wget” system command to fetch the image. Attacker is able to provide a URL ending with a double quote character and concatenate additional arbitrary system commands, such as a “ping” command (“ping”) in the above example. If the server is vulnerable, it will contact Attackers can replace the “ping” command by something less naive, such as, changing the password of the 'root' account or installing a malware or a backdoor to gain control over the server. ImageTragick Application Abuse It was found that some coders include functionality that could be misused in order to perform the following operations on the server: CVE-2016-3715 – Delete file CVE-2016-3716 – File moving CVE-2016-3717 – Local File Read The “EPHEMERAL” coder could be abused to delete files from the server just by providing a file name, as it deletes the file after reading it. Example : image over 0,0 0,0 'ephemeral://critical.file' The “label” instruction of the MVG coder could be abused to read the content of an arbitrary file on the server. Example : image over 0,0 0,0 'label:@/etc/passwd' However, CVE-2016-3716 is even more interesting application abuse use case as, just by using the “read” and “write” directives of the MSL coder an attacker could potentially compromise a remote server. In the full attack scenario, attacker will upload an “image” file containing PHP code with a valid image extension, say “image.gif”. <?php phpinfo(); //Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL ?> <!-- image.gif that will be renamed to backdoor.php --> The next step will be uploading an MSL file with the “read” directive which will read the content of the previously uploaded “image” file and also with the “write” directive which will write this content to a web accessible directive while renaming the file to have a PHP extension to make it executable. Example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <image> <read filename="/tmp/image.gif" /> <write filename="/var/www/shell.php" /> </image> <!-- script.msl --!> Finally, the attacker will upload another MVG file that will execute previously uploaded MSL file using the “msl” pseudo protocol. Example: image over 0,0 0,0 'msl:/files/script.msl' This example uses the 'phpinfo()' function in the PHP backdoor file, as a simple indication that the exploit worked, however attacker can replace this command with a webshell such as described in our previous posts. Server Side Request Forgery Same “url” directive used in the MVG/SVG format could be also abused to cause the server send HTTP or FTP requests for example to another server inside the server’s internal network that could not be accessible from the outside world, by providing a URL with an IP address of the internal network. This vulnerability is tracked as CVE-2016-3718. Mitigation It is possible to protect against the ImageTragick vulnerabilities using Big-IP ASM. Using WAF for “virtually patching” the application could be even critical as a protection tool especially before the patch for the backend code is available or has been deployed. Although the “Shell Command Execution” vulnerabilities are 0-day vulnerabilities, meaning previously unknown attack vector, the post-exploitation has the same pattern, attempting to smuggle and execute operation system commands on the attacked server and will be mitigated by the existing “Command Execution” attack signatures. For instance, signature ID 200003041 (“ls” execution attempt) will spot an attacker who is trying to smuggle the “ls –la” system command while exploiting CVE-2016-3714. We have also released Attack Signature Update to detect and mitigate the specific ImageMagick application abuse and server side request forgery vulnerabilities. It is recommended to patch the vulnerabilities in the code and follow some basic remediation steps: Consider disabling the unsafe coders Consult the ImageMagick recommendation: Webserver should run with the lowest permissions Always patch the systems5.9KViews0likes0CommentsImageTragick - The Tragick continues
Abstract We keep talking about the fact that ASM is an effective tool for protecting the 0-day attacks. Two years ago we were able to detect the shellshock exploitations attempts by detecting the carried commands that the shellshock was used to execute. More details are here: Mitigating the Unknown. ImageMagick ImageMagick, a very popular image editing library, has a new vulnerability which allows a code execution abusing an incorrectly parsed file format. We already wrote about ImageMagick in June because there were multiple CVEs about mishandling the MVG and SVG file formats, allowing abuse of ImageMagick based software to create and delete files, move them, and run commands, only by abusing incomplete input validation in ImageMagick’s file format. Sometime after the original CVEs another CVE showed up, allowing another attacker to execute an arbitrary shell command using the pipe character (“|”) at the start of the processed filename. CVE-2016-5118 CVE ID for the new vulnerability is CVE-2016-5118 and just like the earlier CVE-2016-3714, it may allow the attacker to remotely smuggle and run shell commands on the server. Luckily for us, ASM is great with mitigating the 0-day shell and code execution vectors and, therefore, nothing had to be reconfigured to keep our server safe from this attack. In this particular example, ASM has detected using 3 ASM signatures: echo sig_id 200003045, cat sig_id 200003065 /usr sig_id 200003060 Conclusion I believe that we have not seen the last CVE for the ImageMagick based software but ASM should be able to detect and block the exploitation attempts for the vulnerabilities that were already discovered and those which are yet to come. We will continue to follow the issue and update the signatures when needed.370Views0likes0Comments