F5 ASM with fortisandbox
Hi i want to integrate f5 ASM with fortisandbox as a icap server for file upload inspection i found this articalehttps://support.f5.com/csp/article/K70941653 butValue of virus_header_name for fortisandbox is not mentioned any one has experince of integration with fortisandbox. please let me know if anyone knowvirus_header_name for fortisandbox1.3KViews1like1CommentModify HTTP response from ICAP server on BigIP
Hi all, I'm facing the following problem with an ICAP setup: What we want is AV scanning of file uploads to a web page using ICAP on the BigIP. This is done by using a request adapt profile in conjunction with an internal virtual with ICAP profile. We want all POST requests to a specific upload path to be sent to an ICAP server that performs AV scanning. When finding an infected upload, the ICAP server will respond with an ICAP result "respond" (instead of "modify") and return an http 403 error page (we cannot change that behaviour). The upload (POST request) will not reach the webserver in that case. Up to that point, we could get all of this working properly. Unfortunately, the client application (third party product) will throw an unexpected and undefined error upon receiving an http 403 status code. In order to display a meaningful error message to the end user, the application expects an http status code 901 instead. As already mentioned, we can neither change the http 403 error returned by the ICAP server (third party product), nor the need/expectation for an http 901 status by the web application (also third party product). Hence, we plan to rewrite the http 403 reply (of the ICAP server) into an http 901 status on the bigip, resulting in the following setup: click here I tried to address this issue with the following iRule: when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/some/path/to/file/uploads" } { log local0. "Upload detected - activating ICAP" ADAPT::enable request true set icap_enabled 1 set icap_respond 0 } else { ADAPT::enable request false set icap_enabled 0 set icap_respond 0 } } when ADAPT_REQUEST_RESULT { set result [ADAPT::result] log local0. "ICAP RESULT received. Result: $result" if { $result == "respond" } { set icap_respond 1 log local0. "ICAP MATCH respond" } } when HTTP_RESPONSE { if { $icap_enabled == 1 } { if { $icap_respond == 1 } { HTTP::respond 901 log local0. "Upload ICAP response detected - sending http 901 to client." } } } Unfortunately, this does not work, since the HTTP_RESPONSE event will not be triggered by the ICAP response, because it is not coming from a server as the wiki page states: HTTP_RESPONSE is specific to a server response passing through the load balancer, and is not triggered for locally-generated responses HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE is also not a suitable event, because it does not allow HTTP::respond actions. Trying to do the HTTP::respond action within the ADAPT_REQUEST_RESULT event block will result in TCL errors during execution and break down the whole virtual. Does anybody have ideas on how to address this issue properly? I'm running out of ideas. Many thanks in advance! Martin1.1KViews1like2CommentsASM and OPSWAT Metadefender Blank Page after file upload
Hi, I am trying to integrate F5 ASM WAF with OPSWAT metadefender but when I try and upload and EICAR file browser just shows a blank white page. I am using a default security policy in blocking mode and have configured the settings according to the F5 BIG IP ASM (WAF) OPSAWT guide. I have configured the ICAP server under Security>Options>Application Security>Integrated Services>Anti-Virus Protection. I have configured the antivirus block settings under Security>Application Security>Policy Building>Learning and Blocking Settings>Advanced Configuration. I have antivirus scanning for HTTP file uploads and SOAP attachments Security>Application Security>Integrated Services>Anti-Virus Protection. When I try to upload the test file I get a blank browser and if I check the source code in the browser I see the following: window["bobcmn"] = "101110101010102000000022ffffffff2ffffffff20000000220156c0ea200000000200000000200000000300000044multipart%2fform%2ddata%3b%20boundary%3d%2d%2d%2d%2dWebKitFormBounda300000000300000000300000000300000000300000007httpsc3000000b008a59e5661ab20000adb568196d38950bf7928e988d64266cafbda4956605335d523cb0c44e211db089aede8158b2800a5d271c7e2a6f9d94d8c4ad7cd49022d5f72b236f5ca5943b07c111a9484727f3b29e542d2d2302b300000002TS300000165%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2dWebKitFormBoundaryxbm3Qt79jKjmxoOz Content%2dDisposition%3a%20form%2ddata%3b%20name%3d%22filename%22%3b%20filename%3d%22eicar.com%22 Content%2dType%3a%20application%2foctet%2dstream X5O!P%25@AP[4%5cPZX54(P%5e)7CC)7}%24EICAR%2dSTANDARD%2dANTIVIRUS%2dTEST%2dFILE!%24H%2bH%2a %2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2dWebKitFormBoundaryxbm3Qt79jKjmxoOz%2d%2d 200000000"; "</script> </APM_DO_NOT_TOUCH> <script type="text/javascript" src="/TSbd/08a59e5661ab2000a21cb91986bc897b6b354965ec350caba4c8ca55a7b089798844a4727e8dc553?type=5"></script><noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the page content.<br/>Your support ID is:8648386876400468880.</noscript> </head><body> </body></html>" Is there something in the ASM policy that needs to be changed?1.4KViews1like11Comments