64 TopicsDevCentral Visits BlackHat 2023 !!!
Once again,is headed to BlackHat in Las Vegas! Find the F5 Booth at Black Hat: A talk with Kara Sprague, Chief Product Officer at F5 Bots, AI, and Social Engineering with Dan Woods at Black Hat 2023 Quantum Cryptography with Keyfactor at Black Hat 2023 Check out PQC Labs educational resources here! MazeBolt's RADAR Dashboard Fighting security alert fatigue with Stellar Cyber App and Security teams working together with Venafi The API security journey with WWT Until next time, Black Hat! Once again, buulam is headed to BlackHat in Las Vegas! He's super-excited to hit the ground in the desert to meet up with the community and some F5 partners! He'll be bringing the experience back to you, right here, so bookmark this article for all the latest news! Find the F5 Booth at Black Hat: Looking for the F5 Booth? Here it is! Check out the prize vending machine, Lego give aways, and the new Frankenstack plushies. 🎁 If you're at the show, keep your peepers peeled 👀 for buulam who would love to say "hi!" A talk with Kara Sprague, Chief Product Officer at F5 Buu Lam talks with F5 Chief Product Officer Kara Sprague about F5 solutions, particularly around APIs and Multi-Cloud Networking, and what's in store for the future. 00:30 - What does the role of Chief Product Officer entail? 01:30 - Why API security has suddenly become so important in recent years? 03:40 - The exponential increase in API sprawl. 04:11 - Multi-Cloud Networking growth as a use case. 05:45 - F5 being able to deliver security embedded within Multi-Cloud networking architecture. 06:30 - What does the future hold for F5? Bots, AI, and Social Engineering with Dan Woods at Black Hat 2023 Buu Lam talks with Dan Woods (Global Head of Bot and Risk Management at F5) about bots and AI bring used to create social influence and enhance the damage of social engineering. 00:45 - Ticket bots and Sneaker bots 01:46 - Are businesses actually trying to fix this? 03:10 - Bots and AI being used to create mass social influence 06:10 - AI being used to greatly enhance the damage of social engineering Quantum Cryptography with Keyfactor at Black Hat 2023 Ted Shorter from Keyfactor talks about post-quantum cryptography, its impact, and how organizations can stay ahead of the curve. 00:40 - Post-Quantum Cryptography 01:00 - KeyFactor's PQC Lab: an educational resources 02:20 - Strategies for thriving in a post-quantum world Check out PQC Labs educational resources here! MazeBolt's RADAR Dashboard Matthew Andriani (Founder and CEO of MazeBolt) walks us through a demo of MazeBolt's RADAR dashboard--showing how vulnerabilities can be remediated, then re-checked with updated results within 5 minutes. Fighting security alert fatigue with Stellar Cyber SOC teams face alert fatigue and the burden of so many tools. Stephen Salinas shares how Stellar Cyber uses AL and ML to reduce the noise. This allows security analysts to use information gathered across all their security tools to reach conclusions quickly. For more coverage from Buu Lam at #BlackHat, check out the DevCentral overview here: https://community.f5.com/t5/devcentral-news/devcentral-visits-blackhat-2023/ta-p/319253 App and Security teams working together with Venafi Teamwork makes the dream work. Paul from Venafi sees app and security teams coming together to resolve conflicts by reaching the outcomes they want without getting in each others way. The API security journey with WWT Where are you at in your API security journey? David and Clint from WWT share their perspective, their education-focused engagement with customers, the importance of real world scenario training. Until next time, Black Hat! That's a wrap for DevCentral at Black Hat 2023! Buu Lam shares some takeaways and observations: API security dominating discussions Hybrid and Multi-Cloud is the new norm Frankenstacks are cool, look for them at future events3.4KViews4likes0CommentsRevolutionize F5 BIG-IP Deployment Automation with HashiCorp’s No-Code Ready Terraform Modules
Introduction In organizations today, application infrastructure deployment involves teams such as platform teams, Ops teams, and dev teams all working together to ensure consistency and compliance. This is no easy task as because of siloed teams and expertise and deploying application infrastructure is time-consuming. Platform teams typically address this challenge with automation and by enabling their ops team and developers with self-service infrastructure – which abstracts most steps of deployment. HashiCorp Terraform No-Code Provisioning enables self-service of BIG-IP infrastructure as it allows the platform teams to create and maintain a library of pre-built Terraform modules that can be used by ops teams and developers to deploy multi-cloud BIG-IP infrastructure and services for their applications. This help to ensure consistency and reduce the amount of time organizations need to set up and configure infrastructure. Taking this one step further, the Terraform no-code modules enable infrastructure teams to streamline automation by combining CI/CD pipelines, any custom scripts, and other automation tools in the deployment chain allowing developers and operations teams to deploy F5 application services and infrastructure anywhere with a few clicks from the Terraform Cloud GUI – all while maintaining compliance. What is No-Code? No-code provisioning in Terraform Cloud lets users deploy infrastructure resources without writing Terraform configuration. This lets organizations provide a self-service model to developers with limited infrastructure knowledge and a way to deploy the resources they need. It allows individuals with limited Terraform coding experience or knowledge to provision infrastructure with Terraform. It can accelerate the development process by eliminating the need for coding and testing. It can reduce the reliance on scarce technical resources or expertise. It can improve the flexibility and agility of BIG-IP deployment. How to set up Terraform Cloud for BIG-IP No-Code Module? You need the following: Terraform Cloud account AWS account Terraform Cloud variables set configured with your AWS credentials Fork the example GitHub repository https://github.com/f5businessdevelopment/terraform-aws-bigip-nocode Then, clone your forked repository. Replacing USER with your username. Git clone https://github.com/USER/terraform-aws-bigip-nocode-1 Navigate to the repository directory. Navigate to terraform-aws-bigip-nocode1 directory Make sure you have variables defined as shown below variable "prefix" { description = "provide some prefix for deployment" } variable "region" { description = "AWS region you can define example is us-west-2 " } variable "allow_from" { description = "IP Address/Network to allow traffic from your machine (i.e." } These variable definitions facilitate the exposure of parameters while deploying the BIG-IP instance, you can add/delete any new parameters you need to expose. How to Publish No-code ready module? First, create a tag for your module. Tags are required to create a release on the GitHub repository, Terraform Cloud will use this tag to register the module. git tag 1.0.0 git push –tags Once your release is ready on the Github repository Navigate to Terraform Cloud at https://app.terraform.iohttps://terraform.io Click Registry 🡪 Publish 🡪 Module On the Add Module option select GitHub in Connect to VCS option Browse through your repository and select the repository as shown below. Confirm the selection as shown below Click on Add Module to no-code provision allow list and then hit Publish as shown below. Confirm the selection as shown below Click on Add Module to no-code provision allow list and then hit Publish as shown below. It will take a couple of seconds to Publish the module, once done you will see the screen below as shown. Now you are ready to use the module, to deploy the BIG-IP instance you click on the Provision workspace tab. How to use the BIG-IP No-Code Terraform Module? Once we have the No-Code module published on Terraform Cloud we are ready to use it. Login to Terraform Cloud at https://app.terraform.io and choose an organization Click on Registry 🡪 Module (bigip-1nic-nocode) as shown Click on the Provision workspace button as shown below. Workspaces in Terraform Cloud separate infrastructure configurations to help provide a multi-tenant environment. Provide the 3 parameters below as shown, you can give any name as a prefix, this helps in further providing more multi-tenancy if multiple people are provisioning. Provide workspace name, you can give any name. And finally hit the “Create Workspace” button to deploy the BIG-IP instance. BIG-IP instance will be ready with the Management IP address and password for you. Conclusion: Finally, the Infrastructure team can help to ensure the security and compliance of the infrastructure deployed using the Terraform No-Code Provisioning by implementing security best practices controls and monitoring. Reference Video2.5KViews2likes0CommentsAgility 2020 - you're invited!
In-person event for Agility 2020 has been cancelled. Please see the Agility Event Page for more details. (Update 2/28/2020) In an abundance of caution for our customers, partners and employees, we have made the tough decision to cancel our in-person event for Agility 2020 due to the escalating travel and safety concerns related to the global COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak. While we are disappointed to miss sharing ideas and solving problems with customers and partners from around the globe in person, we believe this is the best decision for everyone's welfare. We are rapidly developing an alternative to Agility as a virtual experience in the near term to deliver valuable Lab, Break-out Session, Certification and Keynote content to our customers and partners. Check back regularly for more details on the virtual event or email F5Agility@F5.com for additional information. <Professor Farnsworth imitation> Good news, everybody! </Professor Farnsworth imitation> As you know, there was no Agility 2019. This was in part so that we could reset the time of year for the conference from August to March. Agility 2020 will be held from March 16-19, 2020 at the Swan & Dolphin in Orlando, Florida. Orlando, and Disney, and putt-putt golfing... That's right, *puts on ears* we're going to Disneyworld - and you are all cordially invited to participate in labs and breakouts, meet fellow F5 users, talk with F5 and partner subject-matter experts, learn to develop and deploy applications in days instead of months, secure your apps at scale in a multi-cloud environment, and hear about our vision for the future of F5 and NGINX. Registration is now open! The DevCentral team will be busy as usual that week. We are all flying over, and will be: hosting our usual booth and giving out swag in the expo hall, hosting a walk-in Nerdery zone next to our booth, where folks can drop in to speak with one of our subject-matter experts, presenting breakout sessions, hanging out at Geekfest, connecting community, enjoying the exclusive community area at the final night party, and of course, spoiling the dev/central MVPs during the joint 2019-20 MVP Summit at Agility with special sessions and activities. If you'd like to do more than pick up all the knowledge being dropped, if you have some cool technical stories or lessons-learned to share, please stay tuned for the open call for proposals which should go live in early December - so please start getting those great breakout, lightening round, and open talk ideas ready. Hope to see you there!2.4KViews3likes1CommentSecurity Automation with F5 BIG-IP and Event Driven Ansible
Updated (September 19th 2023) INTRODUCTION TO EVENT DRIVEN SECURITY: Event Driven Security is one of the projects I have been working on for the last year or so. The idea of creating automated security that can react similarly to how I would react in situations is fascinating to me, and then comes the BIG Question.... "Can I code it?" Originally our solution we had utilized ELK (Elastic Logstash Kibana) where Elasticsearch was my logging and monitoring tool, Kibana was the frontend GUI for helping me visualize and set up my watchers for my webhook triggers, Logstash would be an intermediary to receive my webhooks to help me execute Ansible related code. While using Logstash, if the Ansible code was simple it had no issues, however when things got more complex (i.e., taking payloads from Elastic and feeding them through Logstash to my playbooks), I would sometimes get intermittent results. Some of this could be my lack of knowledge of the software but for me it needed to be simple! As I want to become more complex with my Event Driven Security, I needed a product that would follow those needs. And luckily in October 2022 that product was announced "Event Driven Ansible" it made it so I didn’t need Logstash anymore i could call Ansible related code directly, it even took in webhooks (JSON based) to trigger the code, so I was already half way there! CODE FOR EVENT DRIVEN SECURITY: So now I have setup the preface let’s get down to the good stuff! I have setup a GitHub repository for the code i have been testing with https://github.com/f5devcentral/f5-bd-ansible-eda-demo which is free for all to use and please feel free to take/fork/expand!!! There are some cool things worth noting in the code specifically the transformation of the watch code into something usable in playbooks. This code will take all the times the watcher finds a match in its filter and then then copies the Source IP from that code and puts it into a CSV list, then it sends the list as a variable within the webhook along with the message to execute the code. Here is the code I am mentioning above about transforming and sending the payloads in an elastic watcher. See the Full code in the GitHub repo. (Github Repo --> elastic --> watch_blocked_ips.json) "actions": { "logstash_exec": { "transform": { "script": { "source": """ def hits = ctx.payload.hits.hits; def transform = ''; for (hit in hits) { transform += hit._source.src_ip; transform += ', ' } return transform; """, "lang": "painless" } }, "webhook": { "scheme": "http", "host": "", "port": 5000, "method": "post", "path": "/endpoint", "params": {}, "headers": {}, "body": """{ "message": "Ansible Please Block Some IPs", "payload": "{{ctx.payload._value}}" }""" } } } } In the Ansible Rulebook the big thing to note is that from the Pre-GA code (which was all CLI ansible-rulebook based) to the GA version (EDA GUI) rulebooks now are setup to call Ansible Automation Platform (AAP) templates. In the code below you can see that its looking for an existing template "Block IPs" in the organization "Default" to be able to run correctly. (Github Repo --> rulebooks --> webhook-block-ips.yaml) --- - name: Listen for events on a webhook hosts: all ## Define our source for events sources: - ansible.eda.webhook: host: port: 5000 ## Define the conditions we are looking for rules: - name: Block IPs condition: event.payload.message == "Ansible Please Block Some IPs" action: run_job_template: name: "Block IPs" organization: "Default" This shows my template setup in Ansible Automation Platform 2.4.x, there is one CRITICAL piece of information i wanted to share about using EDA GA and AAP 2.4 code is that within the template you MUST tick the checkbox on the "Prompt on launch" in the "variables section". This will allow the payload from EDA (given to it from Elastic) to pass on to the playbook. In the Playbook you can see how we extract the payload from the event using the ansible_eda variable, this allows us to pull in the event we were sent from Elastic to Event Driven Ansible and then sent to the Ansible Automation Platform template to narrow down the specific fields we needed (Message and Payload) from there we create an array from that payload so we can pass it along to our F5 code to start adding Blocked IPs to the WAF Policy. (Github Repo --> playbooks --> block-ips.yaml) --- - name: ASM Policy Update with Blocked IPs hosts: lb connection: local gather_facts: false vars: Blocked_IPs_Events: "{{ ansible_eda.event.payload }}" F5_VIP_Name: VS_WEB F5_VIP_Port: "80" F5_Admin_Port: "443" ASM_Policy_Name: "WAF-POLICY" ASM_Policy_Directory: "/tmp/f5/" ASM_Policy_File: "WAF-POLICY.xml" tasks: - name: Setup provider ansible.builtin.set_fact: provider: server: "{{ ansible_host }}" user: "{{ ansible_user }}" password: "{{ ansible_password }}" server_port: "{{ F5_Admin_Port }}" validate_certs: "no" - name: Blocked IP Events From EDA debug: msg: "{{ Blocked_IPs_Events.payload }}" - name: Create Array from BlockedIPs ansible.builtin.set_fact: Blocked_IPs: "{{ Blocked_IPs_Events.payload.split(', ') }}" when: Blocked_IPs_Events is defined - name: Remove Last Object from Array which is empty array object ansible.builtin.set_fact: Blocked_IPs: "{{ Blocked_IPs[:-1] }}" when: Blocked_IPs_Events is defined ... All of this combined, creates a well-oiled setup that looks like the following diagram below, with the code and the flows setup we can now create proactive event based security! Here is the flow of the code that is in the GitHub repo when executed. The F5 BIG-IP is pushing all the monitoring logs to Elastic. Elastic is taking all that data and storing it while utilizing a watcher with its filters and criteria, The Watcher finds something that matches its criteria and sends the webhook with payload to Event Driven Ansible. Event Driven Ansible's Rulebook triggers and calls a template within Ansible Automation Platform and sends along the payload given to it from Elastic. Ansible Automation Platforms Template executes a playbook to secure the F5 BIG-IP using the payload given to it from EDA (originally from Elastic). In the End we go Full Circle, starting from the F5 BIG-IP and ending at the F5 BIG-IP! Full Demonstration Video: Check out our full demonstration video we recently posted (Sept 13th 2023) is available on-demand via https://www.f5.com/company/events/webinars/f5-and-red-hat-3-part-demo-series This page does require a registration and you can check out our 3 part series. The one related to this lab is the "Event-Driven Automation and Security with F5 and Red Hat Ansible" Proactive Securiy with F5 & Event Driven Ansible Video Demo LINKS TO CODE: https://github.com/f5devcentral/f5-bd-ansible-eda-demo2KViews10likes0CommentsRSA Conference 2022 - That's a wrap! Here's what you may have missed
RSA Conference is one of the biggest conferences you can attend in our industry. It was last held in person in February 2020 with 36,000 attendees, although previous years saw numbers around 45,000 attendees. In 2021, it was held virtually and everyone has been excited to get back to an in-person event in 2022. This year, the show floor had a great amount of energy! I reconnected with many old friends and I met many people for the first time in person, having only seen them online otherwise, whether co-workers or other industry friends. Some common discussions happening around the F5 booth this year were: What's new with F5? and filling them in on Distributed Cloud and WAAP What are you doing for Fraud? What are APIs and how do you protect them? What is your approach to Zero Trust? These themes guided some of the videos that PSilva and I created during the week. We realize not everyone can attend the event so we wanted to document the event as best we can and share the experience with viewers. We even tried using a 360 camera to create a VR experience for everyone. And we also pulled off a Live Stream from the show floor! Below is all of the main videos we created for the week. We created some additional Bonus Content that is geared towards the members of the DevCentral Connects Group as well - please join the group in order to see that feed. Some of the shorter content will just end up on our social accounts so be sure to follow us there as well. Peter: LinkedIn / Twitter Buu: LinkedIn / Twitter Looking forward to seeing everyone again soon!1.9KViews2likes0CommentsThat's a Wrap! DevCentral Visited: GovWare 2022
A couple months ago, I was asked to attend GovWare, in Singapore. Ignorant to events outside of North America, I was surprised to find out this was an event that attracted 10,000+ attendees from all around Asia and was in fact, Asia's largest Cyber Security conference! Held in the famous Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Center, this event was bigger than I imagined and busier than I'd experienced otherwise, all year. What made the difference here was the people. The show floor was extremely energetic with people willing to learn. The talk tracks had some of the worlds brightest talents on stage. F5 even sent our very own Joel Moses, Distinguished Engineer and CTO of Platforms and Systems, as well as Dr. Aditya K. Sood, Senior Director of Threat Research and Security Strategy - 2 folks from our Office of the CTO who are some very bright thinkers. I set out to determine what are some differences in Cyber Security in Asia. In fact, I asked this of nearly everyone I met. Most replied that its not that different. If anything, I just heard amplified messages from earlier this year. API security is a real concern. Enabling security for app developers is a priority so that they can focus on code. One topic that was discussed more than I'd heard before is interesting edge computing use cases. Not just standard compute, but AI/ML use cases and security use cases. So basically, everything is the same, but different 😄 Of course, I created much content for everyone to follow along. In case you hadn't seen it all, I'll link a playlist with everything (over 20 videos) if you'd like to binge. But I'll also list some of my favorite pieces directly, as well! 🎥 DevCentral Visits: GovWare 2022 - Full Playlist 🎥1.6KViews4likes1Comment✨🎩 LIVE DevCentral @ Black Hat USA 2022
Join the DevCentral team (AubreyKingF5, buulam, PSilva) this week in Las Vegas for Black Hat USA 2022! Don't forget to stop by the F5 booth 2140! Grab a t-shirt, some DC trinkets, and a selfie with the gang. We'll be releasing a ton of content live as we explore Black Hat so make sure to subscribe to this post to get the latest from the team! Keep an eye for updates in the comments! Let us know if there's anything you'd like to see at Black Hat. Highlights: Black Hat USA 2022 Partner Preview in 360! @buulam and @PSilva walk the Black Hat Business Hall and give a preview of the F5 Partners they'll be interviewing this week including @Trellix, @OPSWAT (1186), @NonameSecurity (1860), @AppViewX (3144) and @Entrust_Corp. DevCentral Visits Black Hat USA 2022! @buulam and @PSilva guide you to the F5 booth 2140: the place for giveaways and learning about fraud, API security and automated attacks. Ask the Expert: What are Automated Attacks PSilva talks with Dan Woods, F5 Head of Intelligence about Automated Attacks, what they are, what they can do and what you can do about them. Partner Spotlight: OPSWAT Tom Mullen, SVP of Business Development talks about how OPSWAT integrates with F5 solutions on platform, in the cloud, or with a VE. Partner Spotlight: AppViewX buulam sits down with Mike Turner, Worldwide VP Systems Engineering from AppViewX to discuss the benefits of a joint solution with F5 and AppViewX.1.6KViews4likes7Commentsit-sa Expo & Congress in Germany - DevCentral Visits
buulam is heading to it-sa Expo & Congress 2023 in Nuremberg, Germany! Make sure to subscribe to the DevCentral Youtube channel, and follow DevCentral and Buu Lam to get the latest updates from across the pond. And we'll be sure to update this post, too. DevCentral Visitsit-sa Expo and Congress Secure Multi-Cloud Networking with Markus Hennig WebAssembly Support added to F5 NGINX Unit Using F5 for SSLO with the German Pension Fund Westcon to the rescue Daniel Wolf on what it means to be a leader in the community DevCentral Visits it-sa Expo and Congress Buu Lam says hallo from Nuremberg as he heads to it-sa Expo and Congress, one of the biggest security conferences in Europe. F5 can be found at the Weston, Computacentre, and Magellan booths. Stay tuned for more from it-sa, including Markus Hennig's talk, a live hacking demo, and more. Secure Multi-Cloud Networking with Markus Hennig Markus Hennig, F5 Distributed Cloud Services Specialist, talks secure multi-cloud networking at it-sa Expo and Congress 2023. IT security needs are global at a high level--everyone needs automation and flexible deployment options. Markus shares additional regional insights on local security adoption and prioritization. WebAssembly Support added to F5 NGINX Unit Timo Stark, Principal Technical Product Manager at F5 NGINX (and Docker Captain) talks about the new WebAssembly support added to NGINX Unit. Using F5 for SSLO with the German Pension Fund Alexander Müehleck and Oliver Tönnies from the German Pension Fund Network Infrastructure and Security Gateway team talk about their long-term experiences with F5. Most recently, they implemented an SSLO solution across multiple sites that provides outbound security services for their 60,000 users. One big benefit: flexibility--being able to switch seamlessly back and forth between their data centers enables them to do maintenance easily. Westcon to the rescue Buu Lam interviews Robert Jung (Westcon Managing Director for DACH and Eastern Europe region) about how Westcon enables F5 partners to get more value out of their products via training, go-to-market strategies, financing, and more. Robert also shares insights on what he sees in the security business regionally. Daniel Wolf on what it means to be a leader in the community Daniel_Wolf, Security Solutions Engineer at Controlware GmbH, is well-known in the DevCentral Community! Buu Lam meets up with Daniel IRL and gets the story behind his motivations to become DevCentral MVP.1.3KViews4likes0CommentsDevCentral RSA Trip Planning Guide
Well.. It's RSA season and, for me, this will be SUPER exciting, as it's my first one! The Moscone Center in San Francisco, California, will once again host the RSA Conference on April 24th through April 27th, 2023. There are quite a few things to look forward to this year, but the one that I'm most excited about so far is the theme, "Stronger Together." Through time, we've had a very bi-lateral community in security. Whether it's the Spy vs. Spy influenced White Hat / Black Hat concept from my early days or the Team Red / Blue of today, it feels clear that we need some unity... or better yet, community. At DevCentral, everything's about community, so I'm most curious to see how community is reflected in RSA message. As a community member, though, I'd like to share the things I'm most excited about there. Where to find F5? F5 will be all over the place at this show! Our booth on the expo floor is N5435 and, of course, PSilva will be scheming a Find The Booth Video, I'd imagine! For us DevCentral crew, the booth is like a home base. We frequent it between shoots to check the action and to meet with industry experts. On Tuesday at 8:30am, F5 Labs' Sander_Vinberg will be presenting "The Evolution of CVEs, Vulnerability Management and Hybrid Architectures," with Ben Edwards, from The Cyentia Institute. Knowing Ben a bit, this should be a VERY cool talk and one to highlight if you're into community working together types of themes... oh! You are! Well.. you might see me in the audience snapping pics like Peter Parker. Friday has a couple of sessions you'll want to catch! The first is at 9:30 with Angel Grant, with "Metaspace Race, Securing Minors in the Metaverse - from the Start" and, after lunch, get your CTF on with warburtr0n and Malcolm Heath at "Learn the FUNdamentals of API Security," at 1pm! Keynotes / Speakers: Aside from the F5 presence, I'm very excited to see Tanya Janca, who's got 3 sessions! She's doing a Birds of a Feather on Thursday at 1pm, "Creating a Great DevSecOps Culture," and a lab, "Adding SAST to CI/CD, Without Losing Any Friends," Wednesday at 1:15pm, but the one I'm REALLY thrilled to see is her Keynote on Thursday at 9:40 at the South Stage called, DevSecOps Worst Practices. I'm also looking forward to seeing Alyssa Miller. I just went to see her at Security B-Sides Rochester, NY, but this RSA event is a CISO panel, "CISO Legal Risks and Liabilities," on Wednesday at 1:15 PM, Moscone West 2001. Networking Events: I'm not sure what to expect with these as a new attendee. There are a couple events focused around beer, if that's your thing, and I hear the pub crawl is semi-legendary. The Sandbox looks to offer a wide array of experiences.. also with beer. There is also a Women's Networking Reception, sponsored by Cisco, on Tuesday night at South 303. Personally, I'd like to hit up the "Inclusive Security Welcome & Networking Breakfast" on Wednesday at South, 305. To me, that sounds a bit different and, as someone who's always been passionate about the benefits of workplace diversity it seems like a fit. Also, I think it is only appropriate that I try to attend the "RSAC Loyalty Plus & First-Timer Reception" on Sunday, from 5-7:30, but I think that's up to the airline gods. I Hope To See You There! Like, Comment.. Let us know if you're going, as we'd LOVE to connect with you community members! We want to know what YOU are excited about with RSA this year, as well. If there's anything you're missing out on but would like to see covered, let us know that, as well, so we can try to get coverage for you!1.3KViews3likes1Comment2022 DevCentral MVP Announcement
Congratulations to the 2022 DevCentral MVPs! Without users who take time from their busy days to share their experience and knowledge for others, DevCentral would be more of a corporate news site and not an actual user community. To that end, the DevCentral MVP Award is given annually to the outstanding group of individuals – the experts in the technical F5 user community who go out of their way to engage with the user community. The award is our way of recognizing their significant contributions, because while all of our users collectively make DevCentral one of the top community sites around and a valuable resource for everyone, MVPs regularly go above and beyond in assisting fellow F5 users. We understand that 2021 was difficult for everyone, and we are extra-grateful to this year's MVPs for going out of their ways to help others. MVPs get badges in their DevCentral profiles so everyone can see that they are recognized experts. This year’s MVPs will receive a glass award, certificate, exclusive thank-you gifts, and invitations to exclusive webinars and behind-the-scenes looks at things like roadmaps, new product sneak-previews, and innovative concepts in development. The 2022 DevCentral MVPs are: Aditya K Vlogs AlexBCT Amine_Kadimi Austin_Geraci Boneyard Daniel_Wolf Dario_Garrido David.burgoyne Donamato 01 Enes_Afsin_Al FrancisD iaine jaikumar_f5 Jim_Schwartzme1 JoshBecigneul JTLampe Kai Wilke Kees van den Bos Kevin_Davies Lionel Deval (Lidev) LouisK Mayur_Sutare Neeeewbie Niels_van_Sluis Nikoolayy1 P K Patrik_Jonsson Philip Jönsson Rob_Carr Rodolfo_Nützmann Rodrigo_Albuquerque Samstep SanjayP ScottE Sebastian Maniak Stefan_Klotz StephanManthey Tyler.Hatton1.3KViews8likes0Comments