big-ip next
11 TopicsBIG-IP Next does not work on KubeVirt
Hi all, I use a KubeVirt based Hypervisor called Harvester ( and tried to start a BIG-IP Next Instance with the BIG-IP-Next-20.3.0-2.716.2+0.0.50.qcow2.tar.gz image. The VM does start but I cannot see any service on tcp port 5443 running after doing setup. What I have seen when I checked the logs of the f5-platform-manager deployment is the following: 2025-02-06T12:52:25.985842479Z stdout F "ts"="2025-02-06 12:52:25.985"|"l"="info"|"m"="Found an unknown Bios vendor"|"id"="19093-000230"|"lt"="A"|"vendor"="KubeVirt"|"pod"="f5-platform-manager-6f78695744-p48tr"|"ct"="f5-platform-manager"|"v"="1.0"|"src"="surveyor/z100_detector.go:60" 2025-02-06T12:52:25.98585795Z stdout F "ts"="2025-02-06 12:52:25.985"|"l"="error"|"m"="Failed to run surveyor probe"|"id"="19093-000259"|"lt"="A"|"error"="Unsupported virtual platform: '{ChassisAssetTag: MachineId: Mfr:KubeVirt Product:None Serial: Uuid:aeada22c-3bf3-5220-a678-91f04ac6db0d Version:pc-q35-7.1}'"|"pod"="f5-platform-manager-6f78695744-p48tr"|"ct"="f5-platform-manager"|"v"="1.0"|"src"="surveyor/surveyor.go:344" So what can I do to get this BIG-IP Next Instance running on the VM? Thanks, Peter29Views1like0CommentsiRule LX replacement on bigip-Next
Hi all - we use ILX on our current bigip platform and wanted to understand what will be alternate for it in the NEXT platform. my use case is - when a HTTP request comes in the F5 extracts some information out of the request along with the client IP . the ILX part makes a REST call to an external URL with that information . if it returns a 200 response - the HTTP request is allowed to move forward to the pool . if a 403 is returned from the external service a reset is sent back. how can i do the same in bigip-Next - as we have nodejs code performing this tak. ThanksSolved172Views0likes5CommentsF5 Next - how to reference irule procedures
Hi, Anyone figured how references works for irule objects with the call command? and if it is possible do i need to assign it to the vs? This is my stack: I manage to use the call command to a proc within the samle irule but i haven't found a way how to reference proclibrary (irule) from my_irule { "_embedded": { "stacks": [ { "_links": { "self": "/applications/a95e7451-d077-4ec3-a9c1-d0f3bea7f615/stacks/e87175a1-34f3-43d2-b52a-7b7466ed8851" }, "clientSide": { "l4ClientSide": "default:service_2:vs", "persistence": { "cookieMethod": { "method": "COOKIE_INSERT_METHOD" }, "template": "COOKIE_TEMPLATE" } }, "enabled": true, "id": "e87175a1-34f3-43d2-b52a-7b7466ed8851", "irules": [ { "description": "default:service_2:proclibrary", "rule": "when RULE_INIT {\nlog local0. \"proclib started\"\n}\nproc responder {} {\n HTTP::respond 200 content {hell from proc}\n}" }, { "description": "default:service_2:my_irule", "rule": "proc test {} {\nHTTP::respond 200 content [virtual name]\n}\nwhen HTTP_REQUEST {\nset vs_name [virtual name]\nlog local0. \"hello there\"\ncall /app/default:service_2/proclibrary::responder\n\n}" } ], "name": "vs", "serverSide": { "l4ServerSide": "default:service_2:vs" }, "stackType": "HttpAdvancedProxy" } ] }, "_links": { "self": "/applications/a95e7451-d077-4ec3-a9c1-d0f3bea7f615/stacks?" }, "count": 1, "total": 1 }66Views0likes1CommentApplication observability (Open Telemetry Tracing)
Hello, do you, or your customers, need BIG-IP to deliver OTEL tracing? It won't (AFAIK) be implemented in BIG-IP classic, but I've opened a RFE to ask for implementation of Open Telemetry (distributed) Tracing on BIG-IP Next: RFE: (Bug alias 1621853) [RFE] Implement OTEL traces If you'll need it, don't hesitate to open a support case to link that RFE-ID, that will give it more weight for prioritization.105Views0likes2CommentsBigIP Next - Health Monitors / Template
Just getting feet wet on BigIP Next. Q: Where are the heath monitor (node/pool) created and reconfiguration. Do they support versioning? Q: In the Classic LTM, there was a iAPP for VMWARE Horizon. I know iApps are not supported. Appear the template have replace them. I found a default list of template, but that appeared a little light in vendor application. Are there more template like the VMWARE published somewhere else.39Views0likes1CommentBig-IP Next 20.2.0-2.375.1+0.0.43 iRule count problem
I have very simple iRule to show the problem: when HTTP_REQUEST { set Client_IP [IP::client_addr] if { ($Client_IP starts_with "x.x.x.x") && ([HTTP::uri] equals "/seed") } { table set -subtable TABLE "key1" "value1" 30 table set -subtable TABLE "key2" "value2" 15 table set -subtable TABLE "key3" "value3" 45 HTTP::respond 200 content "Done" TCP::close return } set key_value "key1" set key_value2 "key2" set key_value3 "key3" set count [table keys -subtable TABLE -count] HTTP::respond 200 content " Remaining timeout / defined timeout for ${key_value} => [table lookup -notouch -subtable TABLE ${key_value}] [table timeout -subtable TABLE -remaining ${key_value}]/[table timeout -subtable TABLE ${key_value}] Remaining timeout / defined timeout for ${key_value2} => [table lookup -notouch -subtable TABLE ${key_value2}] [table timeout -subtable TABLE -remaining ${key_value2}]/[table timeout -subtable TABLE ${key_value2}] Remaining timeout / defined timeout for ${key_value3} => [table lookup -notouch -subtable TABLE ${key_value3}] [table timeout -subtable TABLE -remaining ${key_value3}]/[table timeout -subtable TABLE ${key_value3}] Count TABLE ${count}" } It looks like table -keys -subtable <tablename> -count don't work properly: Remaining timeout / defined timeout for key1 => value1 27/30 Remaining timeout / defined timeout for key2 => value2 12/15 Remaining timeout / defined timeout for key3 => value3 42/45 Count TABLE 0 My expected output would be 3 (as it is not timeouted), not 0. Can someone check if I am correct? Or tell me how I can count not expired entries in table.147Views0likes4CommentsNEXT CM - multiple GTM pool updates simultaneously
Using REST today on version 15 against the F5 GTM (DNS), it appears there's no support for updating multiple GTM pools in a single REST call. We're increasingly being asked to drive down the time it takes to facilitate an application's failover time from one datacenter to another. In some cases, I need to somehow disable a pool member from 100+ GTM pools in under a minute and REST can't keep up. In the NEXT model, I'm guessing we'll have to re-declare the whole GTM config to disable a pool member. Can you think of a way of meeting this type of timing need in NEXT CM?64Views0likes3CommentsBIG-IP Next HA Pair Onboarding REST API
I've been playing around with BIG-IP Next in my home lab for the past few days and have managed to successfully onboard an HA pair of BIG-IP Next instances via the BIG-IP Next Central Manager GUI. I am now trying to do the same thing, but this time with the REST API. However, when I attempt to do this, I receive the following error when checking the onboarding task from Postman : "failure_reason": "failed to save details about new onboarding node (address", I am using the following JSON documented under the 'Deploy an Onboarding Manifest' heading (I have just substituted the property values to reflect my lab environment) and I am sending the API call to the Central Manager management IP. Out of interest, has anyone managed to get this working?248Views2likes0CommentsBIG-IP Next Access presentation/demo
Hi everyone! Luke Lehman, BIG-IP Next Access product manager, will be joining us for a zoom presentation/demo on December 12th at 9am pacific standard time. Come see what's brewing for APM! If you have any questions before the session, drop them below. Zoom Session Link Oh...and we just might have an ugly sweater or two to give away to attendees!521Views3likes6Comments