103 TopicsOAuth SSO
Hi All, we'd like to secure the access to a backend portal with OAuth (F5 Authorization Server and F5 Client/Ressource Server). We aleady configured 2 Virtual Servers and 2 Access Profiles access profile 1 for the backend application (OAuth Client and Scope Agents) access profile 2 for the OAuth AS (Logon Page, LDAP Auth and OAuth AS Agent) The login and the OAuth (OIDC) works with the backend via id_token. Idea was to ask the user ONCE for his LDAP Credentials and then authorize the user in subsequent authorization requests from client applications WITHOUT asking for entering his credentials again. What we see in the session logs is, that the authorization server session always ends with "session deleted (oauth_finished)" once the authorization request has successfully ended, hence the users LDAP information is destroyed together with the "session deleted" Is it possible to get some kind of SSO so that the users credentials is stored in the client for subsequent authorization requests and that the logon page can make use those credentials without prompting the user to login manually again? Thanks Steffen491Views2likes3CommentsBIG-IP APM: RADIUS and SSO mapping broken
Hi All I think that using a combination of RADIUS authentication (with one-time token) and SSO credential mapping within APM is broken. Credentials entered on the logon page are stored in the username & password session variables. If you do a RADIUS authentication with one-time token, the password variable will be overwritten with the token. So an SSO credential mapping after the RADIUS authentication will get a wrong password. You can prevent this with either putting the SSO credential mapping before the RADIUS block, or "caching" the initial password in a separate variable with variable assign before ( password2 = password ) and after ( password = password2 ) the RADIUS block. However, this fix will not work if the user enters the wrong password initially. The RADIUS block will reload the login page and show you the "wrong credential" warning as often as you define, but the SSO credential mapping or variable assign defined BEFORE the RADIUS authentication won't be updated with the correct password. I know that I could set the "max. attempts allowed" to 1 and have a completely new APM session after every wrong credential or I could build a loop and lose the "wrong credential" message, but those 2 options are not that pretty in my opinion. I'm just wondering if someone has a nice solution to this problem. Cheers PatrickSolved1.6KViews1like4CommentsAPM Single Sign-On: Forms - Client Initiated j_security_check issue
Hi, I'm trying to use "Single Sign-On: Forms - Client Initiated" to pass the Okta credentials to a web application running on Tomcat. The web application is returning the following form: <form data-empty-path="/APG/empty.html" id="login-form" method="post" action="j_security_check" > <input type="text" id="username" name="j_username" value="" tabindex="1" placeholder="User Name"/> <input type="password" id="password" name="j_password" value="" tabindex="2" placeholder="Password"/> <span class="error-message"> </span> <button type="submit" tabindex="3" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-state-disabled ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only"><span class="ui-button-text">Login</span></button> </form> My Form Definition settings are the following: - name = insightful_java - Detect request for form by: "URI" with Request URI: "/APG" - Identify Form by: Form Parameters with j_username=%{session.sso.token.last.username} and j_password=%{session.sso.token.last.password} - Disable Auto detect submit = No - Detect Login by = None - Javascript Injection = Auto Under these conditions I see that the form is not automatically filled in the /APG/j_security_check?f5-sso-form: insightful_java sent by my browser. Or better, I can see that the request is sent with query string parameter = "f5-sso-form: insightful_java", but the "Form Data" is empty My understanding is that the auto generated javascript code used with this setup is the following: <script> document.body.onkeydown=function(e){return false;};'hidden';'none'; function __f5submit() { var __f5form = document.forms[0]; __f5form.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); __f5form['j_username'].value='giv'; __f5form['j_password'].value='f5-sso-token'; ; var __f5action = __f5form.action; var __f5qsep = (__f5action.indexOf('?') == -1) ? '?' : '&'; __f5form.action = __f5action + __f5qsep + 'f5-sso-form=insightful_java'; ; __f5form.submit(); } if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load',__f5submit,false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onload',__f5submit); } else { window.onload=__f5submit; } </script> Can you please help me to address this issue? Thanks. Roberto727Views1like0CommentsAssigning SSO profiles to different Portal Access items on a full Webtop
I have a webtop that displays an array of portal access objects based on APM's authentication and authorization (v12.1.2). There is an SSO profile assigned to the APM profile, but many of the portals link to apps that require a different SSO profile. On the portal access object, there is a single resource with a host name matching the Application URI, and a path of '/'. A different SSO profile is set here for those apps that can't use the default profile. It appears that the new profile is not assigned. APM Debug logging shows it attempting (and failing) to match against the URI list for the default SSO, not this app's SSO. I know that the individual SSO profiles are good, because I can change each one in for the default, and the apps that want that profile do SSO correctly. The rest go to double logons. How is this supposed to work?360Views1like4CommentsF5 IDP - ASP.NET SAML SSO example
Looking to add F5 IDP (APM) to our product SSO providers. We already connect to Azure AD (, Okta ( and others using owin. There is an sdk or guide we can follow? Thanks!569Views1like0Comments