2015 predictions
11 TopicsF5預測:智慧應用網路趨勢 教育邁向個人化
This is a localised version of the original article here. 科技改變了所有產業,教育也不例外,教育課題從未像今天這樣受到關注。我相信大家都同意教育已歷經了重大的改變,學生和教師不再像以前那樣被局限在一間掛著黑板的教室。 現在,網際網路成為主要的促成機制,學生藉由它聚集在一起,傳播理念和發掘經濟機會。教育資源已成為一個熱門的主題,對學生的學習方式帶來改變。Johns Hopkins大學教育研究與改革中心教授Steven Ross認為,運用資料建立客製化教育將成為未來促成學生學習的關鍵。這項科技革命產生了大量的線上學習課程,讓任何人都可以透過智慧型裝置存取。 哈佛和MIT針對大規模網路免費公開課程(massive open online course; MOOC)所做的二年評估發現,68個MOOC共有170萬筆課程註冊[2]。相當於約100萬參與者,平均每人參加1.7個課程。 毫無疑問的,此種公平教育為全球學生提供了龐大的機會,並且改善他們獲得教育的方式。iOS和Android等平台提供超過50萬個app,讓教師與學生都能輕易取得任何主題的數位資源。 教育隨著數位年代的發展而改變,以下幾點是教育機構應注意的: 應用為中心的規模與安全性 眾多MOOC供應者例如Coursera和edX的出現,已改變了今日教育的傳統地理和科技藩籬。數位學習將繼續成長,而人們也更加需要一個具備親和性的無縫學習環境。 再者,教育科技的發展也為政府和企業帶來新機會。如果這些組織有能力可以快速延展並順應嶄新的數位世界 - 讓資訊服務更容易提供、取得並確保安全,那將是最有效率的方法。 許多教育機構擁有一如大型跨國公司的龐大使用者數量,而在應用的交付上也面對了延展方面的問題。現在的目標不再是如何設法讓學生獲得快速連接,而是要如何快速的配置和提供內容服務,以及建立無縫接軌般的使用經驗。 傳統方法不再能夠為我們的客戶提供所需的水平延展。他們需要一個智慧化且彈性的架構,以支援部署和管理應用與資源。因此,現在的關鍵在於必須建構一個以應用為中心的基礎設施,讓課程能夠快速提供給用戶群,並且確保整體環境的使用者存取與流量安全。 無縫存取連接性的確保 我們生活在Y世代,對於任何人任何事都要求高度的便利性與速度。 對於便利的要求,也涵蓋了將教育提供給學生的方式。再者,物聯網(Internet of things; IoT)已開啟了全新的可能性,讓教師有更多方法可以教育他們的學生。 不論教育與學習是否透過連網裝置例如Smart Board或iPad為之,最重要的是必須確保資料與內容的無縫存取。我們對於網際網路頻寬越來越依賴,學生頻繁利用Web,因此教科書已不再是主要的教育方法。此種改變讓教育機構能夠根據他們收集到的學生與課業資料,建立更具個人化的課程。 安全責任與義務 雲端技術持續測試和改變全球教育。教育機構選擇一種集中化的服務模型,可以輕易的從中選擇希望提供給學生的服務以強化學習經驗。 因此,教育機構對於內容的選擇以及學生取得服務的方式,必須肩負安全責任與義務(duty of care)。他們可以透過政策,藉由強化的使用者身分識別與存取權限以確保將正確申請課程內容提供給各申請學生。 透過對app安全性的強化,教育機構將可以有效防護其環境的惡意程式與病毒威脅。教育者可以確保學生只取得他們確實希望取得的內容。 F5提供解決方案 BIG-IP LTM為教育組織提供一個穩固的礎石,支援配置、優化和交付服務。它讓教育機構能夠以一種快速且高時效的方式,在一個控制且安全的環境將應用發行到網際網路。F5方案提供所需的效能和水平延展能力,以確保最高層級的資料吞吐效能。 同時,BIG-IP APM讓學校能夠運用虛擬桌面基礎設施(virtual desktop infrastructure; VDI)應用,向上與向下延展而無需安裝昂貴的VDI閘道,並且提供集中化的安全性。再者,學校可以開發客製化iApps以便快速且一致的交付應用,以及以一種安全、無間隙且可管理的方式為那些已發行到網際網路的應用進行重新組態。 BIG-IP Application Security Manager (ASM)提供一個應用層安全性,保護重要的教育資產以及持續發行的應用和內容。ASM允許教育機構建立量身訂製的安全政策,無間隙的保護每一個應用,確保所有應用都能以安全的方式交付。 明日數位化的教育 我們很難不察覺科技對教育所造成的深遠衝擊。數位年代的科技建立了一種新層級的個人化學習。 教育數位化的時機已成熟,科技必須站在第一線確保內容與資料的安全、延展和交付。 科技促成的公平教育,協助解決教育的取得途徑、語言、經濟、距離和公平性等問題。再者,它破除了地理疆界,在妥善的政策保護下,促成高品質教育的大規模普及。255Views0likes0CommentsF5 Predicts: Identity theft going viral in Southeast Asia
According to a Symantec report, in Singapore alone, cybercrime cost the average victim S$1,448 (US$1,056) in 2013, three-and-a-half times the global average of US$298. By 2020, the overall impact of cyberattacks on the global economy is estimated to be as high as US$3 trillion. The continued rise in these figures is driven by several key trends: more people spending more time online, thanks to the proliferation of broadband connectivity; an increase in financial transactions online, including e-commerce; and rapid adoption of mobile devices, often with fewer security measures in place than traditional computers. Trend Micro’s report The Invisible Becomes Visible anticipates that in 2015 data breaches will more frequently hit the mobile devices that carry consumer data, and the companies that store it. Southeast Asia is a nexus of all of these developments – which is why we can expect identity theft to explode in the region in the coming few years. Smartphone and tablet penetration is skyrocketing there, bringing online millions of new users; 62% of Internet users in Indonesia and 41% in Thailand use only a smartphone to connect, compared with 11% and 6% in the US and UK respectively. And 37% of Singaporeans and 32% of Malaysians made their latest purchase online, beating out the 29% in the US (Google Consumer Barometer). While shopping and entertainment services, as well as public services, increasingly move online, education and awareness about online privacy and safety remains low. More people are routinely sharing data loosely with more organizations than ever, and through unsecured channels, putting personal identity data at greater risk than ever. What does this mean for my business? Business IT infrastructure and applications continue to be the main targets of hackers, who often aim to acquire user data and financial records from enterprises. The dire consequences an attack can have on a business have become increasingly apparent; one recent EIU study indicated that almost 40% of firms have experienced significant economic loss as a result of data security breaches. From a macro perspective, the survival of online commerce and services relies on continued consumer confidence that they can share their information online without exposing themselves to a significant risk of identity theft. Already, privacy and security are major barriers in the take-up of online and mobile payment services. Businesses need to counterbalance with strong, proactive security measures that reflect the increasing sophistication, frequency, and diversity of today’s attacks. Conventional stateful security devices at the edge of the data center are ill-equipped to handle such attacks, there is a need for modern threat mitigation platforms that provide complete protection from the bottom to the top of the network stack, from apps hosted in on-premise data centers to apps sitting in the cloud. Hackers use poorly protected public facing web channels as a means of entry into an organization – compromising servers, stealing data and performing mischievous defacement – as such, these channels have to be sufficiently protected. Replicating and enforcing consistent and proven web application security policies across traditional and cloud (i.e. hybrid) environments, however, involves significant cost and complexity; organizations must choose between employing specialized IT security teams in-house or adopting solutions such as F5’s hybrid security offerings and offloading complex policy management and compliance to drive efficiencies. F5 Silverline Web Application Firewall (WAF), for example, is supported by highly specialized security experts who build and maintain WAF policies for organizations to defend against web attacks and help achieve regulatory compliance in hybrid environments. Corporations are at risk when their employee’s identities or accounts are compromised as well. The underground financial marketplace was recently buzzing with activity with the launch of the Dyreza or Dyre malware, which has targeted hundreds of bank websites and stolen over US$1 million from corporate bank accounts, becoming one of the most dangerous banking Trojans ever. After successful infection of the endpoint, Dyre is able to steal users’ login credentials and perform illicit financial transactions, unbeknownst to the user. F5’s anti-fraud solution, WebSafe, is able to prevent such man-in-the-middle and man-in-the-browser attacks where hackers intercept unencrypted web traffic allowing users mistakenly believe they have a secure connection with their online banking site. Malware also has the ability to perform web injections and embed fake fields into the seemingly real website, tricking users into entering details like credit card information, birth dates and other personal information. They also perform automated transactions to steal or transfer funds to unauthorized accounts. F5’s WebSafe has the added ability to proactively detect phishing websites as they are being set up, allowing organizations to arrest these in almost near real time. Full name. Date of birth. Occupation. Phone number. Address. We encounter these form fields and blank spaces online almost every day, but how many of us think before filling them in? Or stop to question where that information is going, how it’s being transmitted and stored, and what security measures are in place? We may not be thinking too much about the questions – but hackers certainly are. They are constantly identifying vulnerabilities and exploiting them, stealing our Personal Identifiable Information, and if the proper gates are not put in place to mitigate these, the consequences will be insurmountable.242Views0likes0Comments2015년도 IT 업계의 새로운 물결 : 소비자 인식의 증대, 공공서비스의 디지털화 및 클라우드에 대한 인식의 변화
Please find the English language post from which this was adapted here. IT 업계 종사자들 대부분이 그렇듯이 나 역시 신기술을 사랑한다. 또한 이런 기술들이 많은 사람들을 위해 기회를 창출하고, 인류의 지식을 발전시키며, 사람과 사람을 연결시켜주는 것과 같이 사실상 우리 삶의 모든 면을 바꾸어 나가는 것을 좋아한다. 작년 한 해 동안만 하더라도 새로운 기술이라고 인식되던 웨어러블 기술이 주류 기술로 자리잡고, 무인항공기 드론 관련 산업이 크게 도약했으며, 빅데이터가 단지 기대치가 높은 개념의 수준에서 현실로 큰 발전을 했고, 금융과 IT가 융합된 핀테크 산업과 전자상거래가 눈부시게 성장했으며, 일부 시장에서는 스마트폰의 가격이 50달러 대로 떨어지는 등의 엄청난 변화를 목격했다. 하지만 일부 부정적인 면도 생겨났는데, 과거에는 없었던 하트블리드나 쉘쇼크 등의 제로데이(zero-day) 취약점들, 더욱 정교해진 해킹 및 보안공격들, 그리고 기존과는 규모나 복잡성에서 차원이 다른 DDoS 공격들이 여기에 포함된다. 2015년을 맞이하여 F5 네트웍스에서는 앞으로 기술, 비즈니스, 정부, 엔드유저, 소비자 그리고 일반 시민들에게까지 큰 영향을 미칠 주요 트렌드들을 정리해보았다. 첫 번째, 소비자 성향에 대한 초고도의 이해력 어떤 조직이든 간에 비즈니스 성공을 위해서는 고객들이 무엇을 원하고 무엇이 고객들을 행동하도록 만드는지를 파악해야만 한다는 것은 거스를 수 없는 사실이 되었다. 2015년에는 소비자에 대한 더 많은 정보와 이 많은 정보로부터 얻는 통찰력을 통해 경쟁우위를 점하기 위한 기업들 간의 경쟁이 그 어느 때보다 치열해짐에 따라 고객에 대한 이해는 더욱 중요해질 것이다. 우리는 이처럼 소비자에 대한 새로운 차원의 이해를 ‘소비자에 대한 초고도 이해력’이라고 부르며, 이 개념은 조직들이 제품, 서비스, 고객지원을 맞춤화하고 제공하는 방법을 바꿔서, 이전에는 상상할 수 없었을 만큼 정확하게 소비자들의 니즈를 식별하고 충족시키도록 만든다. 이를 통해 기업과 소비자 모두가 혜택을 입게 된다. 어디에나 존재하는 네트워크, 강력한 데이터처리 능력 및 분석 솔루션 등은 이 모든 것을 실현시킬 수 있을 정도로 발달되어 있으며, 소셜미디어 혁명으로 인해 사람들이 정보를 나누고 그를 통해 얻게 되는 많은 혜택들을 누리는 것에 대해 그 어느 때보다 편안하게 생각하고 있는 지금이 바로 최적기라고 할 수 있겠다. 두 번째, 공공서비스 제공의 디지털화를 위한 변곡점 사람들이 네트워크를 통해 연결되고 기술에 대한 지식을 습득하는 속도가 기하급수적으로 빨라지고 있으며, 그들은 이제 정부기관도 기업들이 제공하는 온라인 서비스와 같은 수준의 편리함 및 속도로 서비스를 제공할 것을 요구하고 있다. 따라서 향후엔 정부 및 공공기관들도 공공서비스를 디지털로 제공하는 것을 시도해 보는 단계를 넘어서 이런 디지털 서비스를 본격화해야만 한다. 사람들이 정보를 공유하고 심지어 상거래와 같이 주의가 필요한 거래들조차 온라인으로 처리하는 것을 편안하게 받아들이면서 이러한 변화가 가속되었다. 결국에는 현재 사람들이 자신이 먹는 음식을 Facebook 상에서 공유하고 있다면, 아마도 그들은 정부가 실시하는 여론조사에도 그만큼 쉽고 빠르게 응답할 것이며, 한 예로 보건당국은 국민영양 상태를 개선하고 비만을 감소시켜 나가는 데 도움을 받게 될 것이다. 또한, 정부기관이 학생 또는 그들의 학업결과로부터 수집된 데이터를 바탕으로 더욱 개인에 맞춤화된 교육을 제공해 교육기관도 이러한 혜택을 누릴 수 있을 것이다. 그러나 사람들이 온라인 상에서 시민이자 소비자로서 그들의 존재감을 더욱 확장해 감에 따라 보안은 이들에게 여전히 중요한 문제이며, 정보 도용 방지는 반드시 보장되어야 하는 핵심 요소로 생각할 것이다. 세 번째, 모든 클라우드가 동일한 것은 아니다 지난 수년간 IT 업계는 기업들이 기술을 클라우드 상으로 옮겨 기존의 물리적 데이터센터를 클라우드 형태로 대체하거나, 경우에 따라서는 복제하도록 유도하려고 노력해왔다. 하지만 효율성에 대한 고려가 충분히 이루어지지 않았는데, 이로 인해 기업들이 부담해야 하는 운영비용(OPEX)을 그들이 줄이기를 원하는 설비투자비용(CAPEX)과 비슷하거나 더 큰 규모가 되도록 만들 수 있다. 향후에는 클라우드 최적화에 대한 관심이 더 커질 것이며, 더 많은 기업들이 비즈니스와 관련된 기술 선정에 있어 ‘클라우드 우선’ 전략을 채택할 것이 예상된다. 특히, 신흥시장들에서는 그간 여러 기술 세대에 걸쳐 뒤쳐진 것을 한 번에 뛰어넘는 흥미롭고 강력한 새로운 기술들과 비즈니스 모델들이 신속하게 채택될 것으로 기대된다. 현재 많은 수의 국내 기업들도 IT 인프라 운영비용 절감 및 효율성 극대화를 위해 소프트웨어 정의 데이터센터(SDDC)를 도입하거나 고려하고 있는 상황인 만큼, 향후 효율적인 클라우드의 도입은 비즈니스의 성패를 가르는 중요한 요소가 될 것임이 확실하다.212Views0likes0CommentsF5 Predicts: Where will innovation come from in 2015?
In 2014, the charismatic leader of one of the world’s largest democracies, who won the presidency with promises of change and savvy use of social media, turned to the Internet to crowdsource his Cabinet – inviting average citizens to provide input and suggestions online. No, it wasn’t President Obama. In fact, it was President Joko Widodo of Indonesia. Surprised? Well, maybe you shouldn’t be. While, the West – and only more recently Japan and Korea – has long been at the forefront of digital and market innovation, that pattern of leadership is about to change. The nexus of new ideas and new applications of technology is rapidly shifting to other regions, particularly emerging economies, where broadband and mobile penetration is reaching critical mass, apps have deeply proliferated in daily life, and there are fewer legacy investments or entrenched models. According to the GSMA, China, India and Indonesia are already among the top ten top global smartphone markets with the most number of smartphone connections. Findings from Google’s Consumer Barometer also reveal that markets such as the Philippines, Indonesia and China are adopting smartphones at a higher rate than computers – a trend that is absent in the West. Without “tried and tested” successes that constrict their imagination, along with the rapid, opportunistic adoption of powerful technologies, these emerging economies have demonstrated their innovation leadership in not just politics, but also a wide range of business sectors such as finance, retail and marketing. A startup company in Indonesia brought social network game, Farmville, to life using a concept called “Cloud Farming”. The startup develops a cloud-based platform that enables users to invest (and also gain profits) on agricultural activities, just like the game! This micro-financed farming business model is able to link the increasing adoption of internet in Indonesia with the country’s agricultural potential. How it works is simple. Through the online platform, users are able to choose from a variety of crops, select the amount of seeds to be planted, then transfer their funds to the company- who acts as a link between sponsors, farmers and other stakeholders. Instead of getting points or tokens, the users receive cash; 40% of the returns from their harvest. In China, smart phones have become the choice for shopping and financial management among youths. Alibaba’s yearly shopping campaign on November 11, better known as “Double 11” drew an astonishing turnover of 9.3 billion US dollars in revenue last year. Of which almost half - approximately 4.1 billion US dollars, were paid via smart phones. With the constant growth of smart phone users in China as well as the implementation of 4G service, smart phone not only exerts an influence upon traditional industries but also changes traditional Chinese customs. For instance, Alibaba and Tencent launched a “Handing out Red Envelops” app service before the Spring Festival and it sky rocketed on the eve of Spring Festival, users handed out 240 million red envelops via Alipay, which was worth a total of 670 million US dollars, and via the WeChat platform about 88 million US dollars. Emerging markets in Asia Pacific, from China to India to Indonesia, will continue to experiment, innovate and challenge the industry status quo. Without the shackles of legacy systems or costly infrastructure, these markets will neatly side-step the pitfalls that have plagued the more mature markets and use their inherent speed and agility to leap-frog generations of outdated technology. These markets might also create an OPEX driven business culture that is more focused on performance and results than the current CAPEX-oriented economy, where investment has typically been the principle concern. While businesses elsewhere are still working on migrating to the cloud, many in emerging markets are already thinking “Cloud-First” as easy access to public cloud services from the likes of AWS, Microsoft, IBM and Google allows them to quickly get their services to market. And in most emerging markets, time to market makes all the difference between making it and breaking it due to hypercompetitive pressures. This truly cloud-first approach is a significant reason why here at F5, we’re moving towards offering our leading security, optimization, and availability solutions as-a-service through the industry-first Silverline platform, and so that organizations can benefit from our offerings regardless of what their infrastructure model is. Whether in emerging markets or developed, we’re ready to support new innovations and ensure applications are delivered quickly, securely and with high availability as they and their users multiply exponentially around the world.218Views0likes0CommentsF5 2015 網路世界預測之三 : 雲端並非生而平等
Adapted from What’s new in 2015: consumer hyperawareness, public services going digital, and a shift in the way we view clouds. 雲端重心從促進採納轉向優化 這幾年來,IT產業積極將他們的技術轉移到雲端 - 取代或者複製既有的實體資料中心到雲端。然而,大家對於效率方面並沒有多大的重視,導致一些企業的營運成本甚至超過他們試圖免除的投資成本。 未來幾年,我們預期將看到人們對於雲端優化越來越感興趣,透過一些技術例如流量管理以管控雲端使用。一個能夠優化IT預算與使用者經驗的企業將能產生均衡的成果。 事實上,一些企業已開始朝這個方向進行。F5利用這個方法,協助Samsung減少50-60%的雲端使用,削減營運成本並將1,500台server instance減少至600台。這其實很簡單就可以做到 - 只要將我們在實體世界的資源利用效率複製到雲端就可以了。 綠色紅利 雲端優化除了幫企業降低成本之外,也意謂著資料中心可以降低伺服器數量需求,以及減少資料中心總數。其結果將減少能源消耗,因此減輕環境負擔。 新興市場帶動數位創新 直到最近,西方國家(以及最近的日本和韓國)推動技術創新,而其餘的國家則只是單純的採納。這即將改變,因為新興市場運用龐大的人口優勢,透過關鍵多數和經濟規模快速進行技術測試並因此有了成果。 新興亞太市場,從中國到印度、印尼和菲律賓,將帶動數位創新。一些比較成功的經濟體甚至將加緊腳步,快速採納新而強大的技術與商務模式。 他們也將巧妙的繞過那些普遍存在於較成熟市場與商務模式的障礙,利用他們本身的速度和敏捷性,就像三級跳那樣的跨越過時技術。這將建立一種比較傾向營運成本考量的商業文化,重視績效和成果,而不同於現在首重投資的經濟模式。 再者,藉由遶過數個世代的技術以建置符合他們民眾特定需求的新方案 - 銀行、教育、政府服務 - 這些市場將提供紮實的概念驗證,讓其餘的世界追隨144Views0likes0CommentsF5 2015 網路世界預測之二 : 公眾服務轉捩點
Adapted from What’s new in 2015: consumer hyperawareness, public services going digital, and a shift in the way we view clouds. 公眾隱私門檻的降低,促成更完整的線上量身定製服務 人們似乎對於提供過多資訊給政府感到遲疑,然而社交網路的爆炸性成長已讓人們對於分享多樣化的個人資訊感到較為自在。 此種隱私門檻的降低帶來一種正面而且完全意外的結果,亦即它讓政府有一個新的機會可以為民眾提供更完整、更有效率且更趨向量身定製的服務。畢竟,如果人們已在Facebook分享他們吃些什麼東西,那麼就沒有太多理由拒絕政府在相關主題上的意見調查,這或許能提供很大的助益,協助健康當局採行步驟以改善營養或減少肥胖。 連同智慧型電話和寬頻成長,此種Facebook效應將在亞洲和全世界出現一個轉捩點,充分運用Internet潛能,以更有效和成本效益的方式服務民眾。 寬頻被視為一種普世權 隨著越來越多日常活動走向線上 - 從簡單的查詢巴士時刻表到更重要的社會義務,例如投票 - 處於數位差距(digital divide)錯誤一邊所產生的後果從未如此顯著。 人們與世界互動方式的改變步調非但不會減緩,而且將加速進行。如果未能隨手取得高速連接性,那麼其結果將不只是讓人們感到緊張,甚至連現在只是覺得沒Internet就不方便的事務也將變成不可能執行。 這意謂著寬頻連接的重要性將直接和企業與政府重新配置現有服務並在雲端建構新服務的步調成正比。事實上,不用太久的時間,寬頻存取將不再只是一種便利,而會變成全球各國民眾的一項必要且普世的權利。 告別功能型手機 忠實的舊式功能型手機快要撐不下去了。便宜的智慧型電話(很多賣低於100美元)無可抗拒的壓力,加上不願意錯失現代化數位世界的客戶,正加速功能型手機的滅絕。 很少人會哀悼它的滅絕。可以確定的是,哀悼的人不會是那些站在數位差距錯誤一邊的人們 - 特別是文盲 - 因為對他們而言一支使用圖像(icon)的智慧型電話代表的是一個生命線而不是障礙。以印度為例,Modi總理政府正在推動每個人擁有一個銀行帳戶,而智慧型電話提供一個更彈性且有效率的平台。這因此也將帶動線上商務成長。 教育更趨個人化 數位教育背後的驅策力一向來自資訊的普及。今天,我們的挑戰是要把正確的資訊交到學生手上,而且要讓他們可以輕易存取並依照自己步調吸收。 光是將課程表放到線上是不夠的。成功的關鍵在於正確掌握學生的技術環境 - PC或平板電腦、3G或光纖到府 - 以及他們的學習志向,然後量身定製提供到線上。課堂教學也應根據線上教學所收集的資訊進行調整。線上課程的增加 - 特別是那些提供專業認證的課程 - 也引發了到底誰在做功課的問題。可靠的認證將成為未來一項關鍵的課題。 物聯網時代的穿戴式技術資料 穿戴式技術持續朝更多功能性發展,提供更廣更深度的資訊 - 從生命徵象到體能活動等。我們逐漸成為所謂物聯網的一部分。 很明顯的,消費者將受惠於這些額外的資料,以及以其為基礎的分析和遊戲化健康平台,協助改善飲食、運動和健康習慣。不過,下一個重大的發展將把這些利益延伸到超越個人和他們的裝置。 社會將受惠於整體的資料彙整,醫學研究人員和政府機構可以辨識運動、飲食、生命徵象及其他資料如何與健康條件和社經因素相連結,並因此採取相應措施。 例如,穿戴式裝置可以監測生活型態,讓醫療專業人員在醫學狀況惡化之前施以必要的改善。它們甚至將成為健康或人壽保險的一個要素,讓保險人員可以提供不同的折扣給擁有健康生活型態的個人並監控其對相關條件的遵循狀態。政府也可以將個人裝置綁到健康計畫和規範體系,以鼓勵民眾遵循較健康的生活。155Views0likes0CommentsF5 2015 網路世界預測之一: 消費者超意識的興起
Adapted from What’s new in 2015: consumer hyperawareness, public services going digital, and a shift in the way we view clouds. 在2014年,整個科技技術改變了世界許多重大的新事物並造就了新的生活型態與企業運作。全球正在準備迎接物聯網(IoT)時代的來臨時,雲端運算、穿戴式裝置、行動化與行動運算生活、BigData分析技術日漸成熟,這些新思維新技術的運用讓顧客與企業有了新觀點去劃擘新的服務。這些關鍵發展又會造成甚麼樣的趨勢未來。F5專家提出了2015年網路世界的預測。 追隨數位足跡 對於消費者需求的了解,已成為任何企業成功的必要條件。然而,如果期望單憑內部資料去找出線索,將不足以勾勒出一個有用的圖像。甚至連接近真實都做不到! 明天的贏家將是那些找到橋接方法的企業,要能夠將個別消費者時時刻刻產生的無數資訊連接起來。不光只是介於不同的事業單位,而且跨越了觸及個人生活的整個組織生態系統 - 私人與公眾、商業與民生。 這些數位足跡為企業提供一個獨特的新機會,促成開發一種新層級的客戶知識 - 消費者超意識(Consumer Hyperawareness)。企業若能掌握此種有關個別客戶需求與期望的完整知識,將能夠以前所無法想像的精準度,針對客戶期望而量身定製產品、服務與支援基礎設施。 完美的時機:無所不在的網路、處理能力和分析方案等,現在將能實現上述目標。再者,社交媒體革命已讓人們對於資訊的提供感到較為自在,並且因此而受惠於豐富的利益。 事實上,我們已朝實現真正消費者超意識跨出第一步。現在有更多的管道 - 例如線上交易、社交網路、藍牙信標(beacon)和NFC感應器等 - 擷取更多資料,而企業也開始主動的分析和分享這些資訊。銀行和電信服務供應商是這些活動的明顯例子。隨著更多組織加入資訊鏈,企業商機和客戶潛在利益必將湧現。 電子化成為常規商務 以往,我們用小寫"e"來代表某項交易的線上本質,但現在這種區別已不再具有任何意義。 在app和高度行動化的世代,數位交易在大多數成熟市場已成為一種常規而非例外。它們在企業已形成大多數,不管有沒有"e",它就是商務。 "e"的消除將連帶的去除人們對於數位交易的心理障礙。隨著實體商店以創新方法利用新技術強化實體零售經驗,線上與離線世界的界線將進一步模糊並且逐漸融合。 例如,商品展示用的NFC和RFID標籤讓商店變得更具互動性,並且可以運用消費者超意識以提供更多價值,讓客戶有一個正當的理由去實際的「購物」,而非只是在線上下單。 他們可以藉由智慧型裝置提供客戶有關材料、顏色或尺寸資訊。通曉技術的零售商人也將可以運用客戶的數位資料以提供真正的個人化經驗,利用來自線上世界的資訊輕鬆的引導和提供建議,例如提醒粗心的父母有關他們小孩的鞋子尺寸,讓他們不用為了打電話回家詢問而感到窘困。 忠誠計畫演變成忠誠聯盟 忠誠計畫的設計目的是為了讓企業可以增加其與個別客戶的黏著度,這是20世紀的一個老舊觀念。忠誠計畫最常利用卡片為之,而客戶通常會覺得欠缺人性化且不容易使用。許多情形下,這會產生相當大的作業成本,但實際的忠誠效果很低。 互連雲的出現讓這有了改變 - 變得更快速。企業希望更加了解他們的客戶,而客戶們則和比以往更多的企業互動。我們認為忠誠聯盟將是下一波趨勢 - 互連的客戶回饋體系 - 讓客戶可以累積福利並且因為能與一個組織生態系統往來而受惠。 這是一種雙贏的發展,因為忠誠聯盟可以讓企業主動且有效率的「分享」客戶。再者,由於能夠存取更多資料,組織生態系統能夠建立更好的知識並且更深入了解這些客戶。 這將可以讓企業提供更符合使用者需求的產品與服務,同時帶動他們的商務成長。例如,如果一位客戶購買一間房子、一部汽車或滑雪板,那麼保險公司或許希望為那個客戶提供更有效率的貸款、更便宜的汽車保險、以及一份旅遊保險。 不一樣的貨幣 外匯匯率將成為過去,線上消費者為求速度和便利而轉向使用線上貨幣。 Bitcoin只是冰山一角,許多遊戲已允許玩家用服務交換貨幣,然後用來購買遊戲世界的其他道具,或者甚至轉換成現金。這非僅衝擊了金融服務業,而且也波及肩負保護本國貨幣與人民儲蓄的政府。 真實與數位貨幣的碰撞,以及其所產生的結果,將在未來數年形成關鍵的影響,而將貨幣從特定國家或經濟體解構出來的趨勢將繼續在未來數十年改變數位世界。隨著不受政府或金融機構管控之無國籍貨幣機制的興起,貨幣將走向民主化。 身分識別竊盜 網際網路的普及,線上購物和娛樂服務的爆炸性成長,使得越來越多人們經常在沒有嚴格防備的情形下和更多組織分享資料。多樣化app和網站的大量興起,形成管控上的混亂。這加上在社交網路平台以及非安全管道上的個人資訊分享,使得身分識別資料面臨比以往更嚴重的風險,而且某些情形下等同於幫詐欺者打開大門。 單以新加坡為例,2013年網路犯罪造成受害者的平均損失為1,448新加坡幣,包括頻繁的信用卡詐欺和身分識別竊盜事件。如果這些和其他資料可以從資料流量盜用或從非安全的商務網站竊取,那麼風險程度將呈現數量級的增加。東南亞地區對於安全意識的普遍缺乏,意謂著數位犯罪風潮必將湧現。178Views0likes0Comments雲端並非一體通用 雲端也需最佳化
Adapted from Solving security and performance challenges of cloud and SaaS applications in 2015 and F5 Predictions 2015 – Not all clouds are created equal. 多年來,IT界一直如火如荼地想要促使企業將其技術移轉到雲端上-以雲端對等物來取代現有實體資料中心(在許多實例情況下是直接複製到雲端上)。然而,在走向雲端化的過程中卻鮮少聚焦在效率上,結果導致企業出現營運支出(OPEX)過大,甚至還比長久想要消除的資本支出(CAPEX)還大的情形。 隨著新一年的到來,業界將日漸提升對於「雲端最佳化」(Cloud Optimisation)技術的興趣,所謂「雲端最佳化」意指流量管理機制之類能發揮改善雲端使用率重大作用的技術而言。從中獲得適當均衡效益的企業,將會成為IT預算與使用者體驗盡皆最佳化的領先公司。 事實上,業界早有實例可尋。藉由上述機制,F5協助三星(Samsung)降低50-60%雲端耗用率、大幅削減OPEX並將1,500台伺服器縮減至600台。這並非要運用什麼尖端科技,只需採用我們在實體世界裡評價極高的相同資源善用技術,並複製到雲端上即可。如同為企業撙節成本一樣,雲端最佳化意味著資料中心只需更少的伺服器,甚至整體資料中心的減少。如此一來,勢將消耗更少的電力,並進一步地降低對整體環境的負擔。 當前亞太區中,尤其是從中國到印度、印尼到菲律賓的新興市場,預計將掀起一波帶動數位創新的高潮。一些較成功的經濟體將會更加搶得先機地採用令人振奮且強大的全新技術與商業模式。 藉由與生俱來的速度與靈活度跨越了舊世代的過時科技之餘,他們同時也會巧妙地避開那些曾使成熟市場困擾,並讓商業模式變得遙不可及的錯誤。由此打造出更OPEX導向的商業文化,比起當前投資多半特別關注的CPAEX導向經濟來說,該文化更加聚焦在效能與成效上。 此外,透過繞過舊世代技術而直接為金融、教育、政府服務等市場,實施更能符合所屬使用者特定需求的全新解決方案,這些市場可為全球其他區域提供可資遵偱的可靠概念驗證(proof-of-concept, poc)典範。 需要特別強調的,儘管當前有愈來愈多的企業採用SaaS應用服務,抑或將自身 全新應用部署或移轉到雲端上,由此獲得更多營運面與擴展面的效益,但不可諱的,其同時也伴隨著諸多安全面與效能面的挑戰:包括橫跨不同應用與SaaS服務供應商之使用者統一身分認證需求;攸關頁面載入時間與整體應用效能之端點使用者效能疑慮;外部防火牆的額外負荷與需要特別考慮的網際網路頻寬;確保非業務流量最小化,雲端及SaaS應用服務擁有保證頻寬,而能對網路頻寬提供整體安全與流量優先權控制的需求。 當前同時整合Access Policy Manager(APM)、Secure Web Gateway Services(SWG)及Application Acceleration Manager(AAM)的平台能提供簡易身分認證統一、增進員工生產力並最佳化網路頻寬與系統資源使用率,而且能同步控管並安全防護外送的Web內容,就更形重要,企業才可藉此實現協同合作與總持有成本效益,並有效因應上述挑戰。161Views0likes0CommentsF5 Predicts: A right to life, liberty and… broadband
When Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi took office, his government made its priorities clear: ““If Atal Bihari Vajpayee government was known for national highways, Narendra Modi government will be known for broadband highway,” his Communications Minister said. It might seem surprising that internet connectivity would take top priority among many other issues of national importance, but in the coming year statements like these will become more and more commonplace as we start to reach broad consensus that open and affordable broadband internet access is more a right than a privilege. One recent poll of internet users in 24 countries found that 83% of them believe that affordable access to the internet should be a basic human right. Already, the United Nations has stated in a report that "Given that the Internet has become an indispensable tool for realizing a range of human rights, combating inequality, and accelerating development and human progress, ensuring universal access to the Internet should be a priority for all states." Just today, in a move that recognizes the importance of the Internet in everyday life, the US government has officially classified it as a basic utility, in the hope that it remains accessible to the public and enterprises without exploitation. In this sense, Internet is beginning to be viewed as akin to essential public utilities like electricity, water, and telephone connectivity. This change in opinion is driven by the tectonic shift in the way that people interact with the world. Everyday activities are increasingly mediated by technology and the internet – from something as simple as checking a bus timetable to more important social duties, like registering to vote. And with digital delivery of public services reaching a tipping point in 2015, the consequences of being on the wrong side of the digital divide have never been more apparent. Of course, it’s not just individual liberties and options that are curtailed by the lack of internet access. The connectivity and tools offered by the internet builds communities, fuels economies, provides critical services and accelerates societal progress in many other broad ways. The Internet is now the principal enabling mechanism by which citizens assemble, ideas spread and economic opportunities are sowed. Without it, the oppressed are more likely to remain subjugated and the economic underclass to have minimal access to upward mobility. As former International Telecommunication Union Secretary General Hamadoun Touré has said, “You will not be able to meet the Millennium Development goals in health without e-health, in education without e-education and government services will not be able to be provided without e-government services.” In Switzerland, leading telecommunications provider Swisscom has already met the need for e-education by rolling out free Internet access for all Swiss schools as part of a public-private partnership. To connect the more than 6,800 primary and secondary schools, with a potential user base of over one million pupils and teachers, Swisscom needed a stable, high- performance, and reliable solution for load balancing, URL filtering, proxy management, and security, which F5 partner eXecure was able to provide with the F5 Traffic Management and Security solutions. . Finland was the first country in the world to make broadband a legal right for all its citizens, with speed benchmarks put in place in 2010. Other nations from Estonia to Spain to Costa Rica have followed suit, defining internet access as a right or part of universal services. In the coming year, I expect countries in Asia to increasingly adopt this perspective as well, with a particular focus on mobile broadband being a key piece of the puzzle. Already we have many leaders in the region: Singapore’s Next Gen NBN, for example, has already brought high speed broadband to over 95% of the nation; South Korea, Hong Kong, and Japan boast the three highest average connection speeds in the world. This trend also means millions, or even billions, more people online in the near future. Enterprises and governments will have a tremendous wealth of new opportunities to tap into. However, they will need to be prepared to rapidly scale and adapt to a new all-digital world, all while keeping a close eye on security and privacy issues. The Belgian government, for example, faced some significant concerns when it decided to make pension data accessible over the Internet to all employed people and pensioners in the country – it had to secure this highly personal and sensitive data from unauthorized access, and it had to ensure high performance and availability for a potential user base of many millions of people. An F5 partner worked with the agency involved to deploy a F5 application delivery solution to ensure performance and availability, including instant failover in the event of a fault, along with a robust application security module with customized processes for logging in, routing traffic between web servers, and strengthening application layer security scripted with F5 iRules. Broadband becoming a universal right heralds a brave new world filled with big opportunities as well as certain risks – and I can’t wait.285Views0likes1CommentF5 Networks: Di tahun 2015, ‘Consumer Hyperawareness’ Akan Menjadi Kunci Sukses IT Di Berbagai Perusahaan dan Layanan Publik Akan Beralih Ke Digital
Please find the English language post, by Jezmynn Koh, from which this was adapted here: https://devcentral.f5.com/s/articles/whats-new-in-2015-consumer-hyperawareness-public-services-going-digital-and-a-shift-in-the-way-we-vi Pada tahun 2014 ini telah terjadi banyak hal menarik yang terjadi di dunia, khususnya dari sisi IT. Contohnya, kita telah melihat beberapa transisi dari suatu hal yang baru menjadi hal yang mainstream; seperti contoh big data yang awalnya masih berupa gagasan dan kini telah menjadi kenyataan, harga smartphone yang semakin murah bahkan hingga mencapai harga di bawah 500 ribu rupiah, banyaknya hal menarik yang terjadi di dunia e-commerce di Indonesia, dan masih banyak lagi. Khusus tentang e-commerce, industri ini sedang berkembang pesat di Indonesia; dimana baru-baru ini ada sebuah e-commerce yang mencetak rekor dengan menerima pendanaan sebesar US$100 juta dan dicanangkannya Hari Belanja Online Nasional (Harbolnas) oleh pelaku-pelaku e-commerce di negara ini. Namun, layaknya sebuah koin yang mempunyai dua buah sisi, tentu juga ada beberapa hal buruk yang terjadi di 2014. Kita tentu ingat beberapa serangan yang terjadi akibat Heartbleed dan Shellshock; bahkan salah satu situs komunitas terbesar di Indonesia sempat masuk ke dalam daftar situs yang rentan terkena serangan Heartbleed. Selain serangan yang memanfaatkan kedua celah keamanan tersebut, tahun 2014 ini juga mencatat terjadinya serangan-serangan cyber yang semakin canggih, kompleks, dan masif. Masih hangat di pemberitaan saat ini tentang sebuah perusahaan produsen film terkemuka di dunia yang berhasil dibobol oleh peretas. Serangan ini mengakibatkan data-data rahasia perusahaan tersebar ke publik. Contoh-contoh diatas, contoh yang baik maupun buruk, menjadi bukti bahwa tahun 2014 menjadi tahun yang sangat dinamis bagi perkembangan IT di tanah air. Lalu bagaimana perkembangan IT di tahun 2015 yang tinggal beberapa hari lagi? Inilah saatnya kita mengintip apa saja yang telah menanti di tahun 2015. Setelah terjadi perdebatan dan diskusi yang cukup panjang bersama dengan para ahli-ahli di F5 Networks, kami mengidentifikasi tren-tren utama yang kami prediksi akan berdampak besar bagi perkembangan teknologi, di sektor bisnis dan pemerintahan. Meningkatnya “Consumer Hyperawareness” Memiliki kemampuan untuk memahami tentang apa yang menjadi faktor pendorong bagi pelanggan dalam membeli sebuah produk, layanan, ataupun solusi, telah menjadi sebuah keharusan bagi perusahaan yang ingin sukses di pasar. Di tahun 2015 nanti, seiring dengan meningkatnya kompetisi antar perusahaan dalam memanfaatkan berbagai kemampuan untuk menggali wawasan dan data-data pelanggan, perusahaan semakin didesak untuk memiliki tingkat pemahaman yang lebih tinggi lagi dari sebelumnya akan pola dan preferensi pelanggan; guna mampu meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif mereka. Kami menyebut tingkat pemahaman ini sebagai ‘consumer hyperawareness’. Consumer hyperawareness akan merubah bagaimana perusahaan menyediakan dan menyesuaikan produk, layanan, dan dukungan ke pelanggan; karena dengan tingkat pemahaman terhadap pelanggan yang tinggi, perusahaan tidak hanya akan mampu mengidentifikasi dan memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan dengan lebih tepat, tetapi juga dapat membuat penawaran mereka lebih bermanfaat bagi perusahaan itu sendiri dan juga pelanggannya. Pemanfaatan kanal digital untuk meningkatkan layanan publik Masyarakat di Indonesia kini sudah semakin terhubung dengan jaringan internet dan lebih mahir dalam menggunakan teknologi (baik smartphone maupun komputer); minimal mampu menggunakan kedua perangkat tersebut untuk mengakses sosial media. Hal ini tercermin dari data yang mengungkap bahwa Indonesia merupakan negara dengan jumlah pengguna Path terbesar di dunia dan pengguna Facebook terbesar keempat di dunia . Selain membuktikan bahwa masyarakat Indonesia semakin terhubung dengan internet, data tersebut juga menunjukan kalau masyarakat Indonesia semakin nyaman dalam berbagi informasi pribadi ke publik melalui kanal sosial media mereka. Belum lagi, pesatnya perkembangan e-commerence di Indonesia yang menunjukan bahwa masyarakat mulai nyaman berbelanja secara online. Kedepannya, informasi-informasi dari sosial media, dan berbagai kanal online lainnya dapat dimanfaatkan oleh pemerintah untuk menggali wawasan dan menjaring data guna meningkatkan pelayanan ke publik. Manfaat ini bahkan bisa menular ke sektor pendidikan dimana pemerintah dapat menemukan kurikulum terbaik berdasarkan data yang didapatkan dari pelajar dan apa yang mereka kerjakan. Namun tentu saja di sisi lain, hal ini tidak lepas dari resiko yang mungkin saja terjadi. Kesempatan ini mungkin saja dimanfaatkan oleh pihak-pihak yang bermaksud jahat untuk mengeruk keuntungan bagi mereka sendiri; seperti pencurian identitas dan peretasan. Tidak semua Cloud diciptakan setara Sejak beberapa tahun terakhir, pemindahan teknologi ke cloud; mengganti dan mereplika data center fisik ke data center yang berbasis cloud; menjadi topik perbincangan yang panas di industri IT. Namun, kini ada kecenderungan dimana fokus pada efisiensi menjadi semakin berkurang di perusahaan; karena sering kali biaya operasional (OPEX) mereka menjadi lebih besar dari biaya modal (CAPEX) yang justru hendak dihindari. Melihat permasalahan ini, kedepannya perusahaan akan semakin tertarik dengan optimalisasi cloud dan akan ada semakin banyak perusahaan yang akan mengadopsi sebuah strategi yang dinamakan “Cloud First” ; artinya produk, layanan, dan solusi yang dikembangkan khusus untuk dijalankan pada ekosistem berbasis cloud; dalam strategi bisnis mereka. Di pasar negara berkembang khususnya, kami mengantisipasi adanya adopsi teknologi baru yang cepat, dan model bisnis yang dapat mendorong terjadinya inovasi.204Views0likes0Comments