python bigsuds - Device Certificate Info

Problem this snippet solves:

This python bigsuds script prints device certificate information from multiple devices specified as arguments. The script accepts multiple hostnames or IP addresses and can be passed from stdin.

How to use this snippet:

Single host <username> <hostname>

Multiple hosts <username> <hostname1> <hostname2>

Pass from File (Linux)

cat bigip-hosts | xargs <username>

Code :

#!/usr/bin/env python

__author__ = 'buzzsurfr'
__version__ = '0.1'

def get_device_certificate(api):
Gets device certificate information from multiple F5 BIG-IP devices.

dict get_device_certificate(
BIGIP.bigip api,

api of type BIGIP.bigip contains the established connection.

Return Type
dict containing the certificate properties.

return api.Management.KeyCertificate.get_certificate_list_v2('MANAGEMENT_MODE_WEBSERVER')[0]['certificate']

#  Standard Library
import sys
import re

#  Related Third-Party
import getpass

#  Local Application/Library Specific
import bigsuds

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print "\n\n\tUsage: %s user host ..." % sys.argv[0]

#  Get login password from CLI
userpass = getpass.getpass()

#  Store results in variables for all hosts as dict
result = {}

#  Iterate over hosts
for host in sys.argv[2:]:

#  Connect to BIG-IP
api = bigsuds.BIGIP(host, sys.argv[1], userpass)
api = api.with_session_id()

result[host] = get_device_certificate(api)

#  Get console output column widths
space = 2
columns = {}
columns['host'] = max([len(host) for host in result])
columns['subject'] = max([len(cert['subject']['common_name']) for cert in result.values()])
columns['issuer'] = max([len(cert['issuer']['common_name']) for cert in result.values()])
columns['bit_length'] = 4
columns['expiration_string'] = max([len(cert['expiration_string']) for cert in result.values()])
print_string = "%-"+str(columns['host'])+"s"+(' '*space)+\
               "%-"+str(columns['subject'])+"s"+(' '*space)+\
   "%-"+str(columns['issuer'])+"s"+(' '*space)+\
   "%"+str(columns['bit_length'])+"s"+(' '*space)+\

#  Output to console
print print_string % ("Host", "Subject", "Issuer", "Bits", "Expiration Date")
print print_string % ('='*columns['host'], '='*columns['subject'], '='*columns['issuer'], '====', '='*columns['expiration_string'])
for host, certificate in result.iteritems():
print print_string % (host, certificate['subject']['common_name'], certificate['issuer']['common_name'], str(certificate['bit_length']), certificate['expiration_string'])

Tested this on version:

Updated Jun 06, 2023
Version 2.0

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