Docker to BIG-IP: Map container names to DNS
Problem this snippet solves:
The associated iRule is used in the DevCentral article:
This will intercept DNS requests and return an IP address based on a name from a data group.
How to use this snippet:
Attach to LTM virtual that is the GTM listener (53).
Code :
when DNS_REQUEST { set lower_name [string tolower [DNS::question name]] if { $lower_name ends_with "" } { set container [getfield $lower_name "." 1] #log local0. "container $container" set node_addr [class match -value $container equals dg_docker_container] if {$node_addr ne "" } { set node_ip [getfield $node_addr ":" 1] DNS::answer insert "[DNS::question name]. 30 [DNS::question class] [DNS::question type] $node_ip" # Stop further processing of the query after this iRule and send the answer to the client DNS::return } else { DNS::answer clear DNS::header rcode NXDOMAIN DNS::return } } }
Published Sep 01, 2015
Version 1.0Eric_Chen
Joined May 16, 2013
Joined May 16, 2013
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