Complete F5 Automated Backup Solution #2
Problem this snippet solves:
On TMOS 12.1 smbclient do not exist any more. But mount.cifs still exist.
In attachment you can find modified original iApp by Thomas Schockaert which use mount.cifs.
Code :
Tested this on version:
12.0- aaperson_255899
Thank you for pointing out that TMOS 12.1 is missing SMB. Been trying to figure out why I couldn't get the original to work. Also getting error. "script did not successfully complete: (The connection to mcpd has been lost, try again. while executing "tmsh::cd .." line:4)"
- amjadb_4287
Hi All,
We recently installed the HF2 for 12.1.2 and the iApp stopped placing the backup file into the remote server. It is saying "Permission denied"...We are using SCP and I suspect its related to the encryption key. Any suggestions out here?
- Seven11
Hi All,
i want to use the iapp with scp and private key. Which is the correct format to enter the key in the gui? TMOS 13.0.0 HF3.
- Daniel_Tavernie
This is now available on GitHub! Please look here for the latest version, and submit any bugs or questions as an "Issue" on GitHub:
As a BACKUP, look in the DevCentral CodeShare. This MAY NOT HAVE THE LATEST VERSION:
I needed to troubleshoot an issue and ended up rolling in many of the proposed and posted fixes into a new iApp.
iApp VERSIONS (From what I gathered perusing DevCentral) ~v2.0 - 20140312 - Initially posted releases (v11.4.0-11.6.x? compatibility). (Developed/posted by Thomas Schockaert) v2.1.1 - 20160916 - Retooled SMB upload from smbclient to "mount -t cifs" (v12.1+ compatibility). (Developed/posted by MAG) v2.2.1 - 20171214 - Allowed multiple instances of iApp by leveraging $tmsh::app_name to create unique object names. (Developed by Daniel Tavernier/tabernarious) v2.2.2 - 20171214 - Added "/" to "mount -t cifs" command and clarified/expanded help for SMB (CIFS) Destination Parameters. (Developed by Daniel Tavernier/tabernarious) v2.2.3 - 20171214 - Set many fields to "required" and set reasonable default values to prevent loading/configuration errors. Expanded help regarding private keys. (Developed by Daniel Tavernier/tabernarious) v2.2.4 - 20171214 - Added fix to force FTP to use binary upload. (Copied code posted by Roy van Dongen, posted by Daniel Tavernier/tabernarious) v2.2.4a - 20171215 - Added items to FUTURE list. v2.2.5 - 20171228 - Added notes about special characters in passwords. Added Deployment Information and ConfigSync sections. (Developed by Daniel Tavernier/tabernarious) v2.2.5a - 20180117 - Added items to FUTURE list. v2.2.5b4 - 20180118 - Moved encrypted values for SMB/CIFS to shell script which eliminates ConfigSync issues. Fixed long-password issue by using "-A" with openssl so that base64 encoded strings are written and read as a single line. (Developed by Daniel Tavernier/tabernarious) v2.2.5b4+ - 20180118 - Refining changes to SMB/CIFS and replicating to other remote copy types. (Developed by Daniel Tavernier/tabernarious) v3.0.0 - 20180124 - (Developed by Daniel Tavernier/tabernarious) - Eliminated ConfigSync issues and removed ConfigSync notes section. (Encrypted values now in $script instead of local file.) - Passwords now have no length limits. (Using "-A" with openssl which reads/writes base64 encoded strings as a single line.) - Added $script error checking for all remote backup types. (Using 'catch' to prevent tcl errors when $script aborts.) - Backup files are cleaned up after $script error due to new error checking. - Added logging. (Run logs sent to '/var/log/ltm' via logger command which is compatible with BIG-IP Remote Logging configuration (syslog). Run logs AND errors sent to '/var/tmp/scriptd.out'. Errors may include plain-text passwords which should not be in /var/log/ltm or syslog.) - Added custom cipher option for SCP. - Added StrictHostKeyChecking=no option. - Combined SCP and SFTP because they are both using SCP to perform the remote copy. v3.1.0 - 20180201 - (Developed by Daniel Tavernier/tabernarious) - Removed "app-service none" from iCall objects. The iCall objects are now created as part of the Application Service (iApp) and are properly cleaned up if the iApp is redeployed or deleted. - Reasonably tested on 11.5.4 HF2 (SMB worked fine using "mount -t cifs") and altered requires-bigip-version-min to match. - Fixing error regarding "script did not successfully complete: (can't read "::destination_parameters__protocol_enable": no such variable" by encompassing most of the "implementation" in a block that first checks $::backup_schedule__frequency_select for "Disable". - Added default value to "filename format". - Changed UCS default value for $backup_file_name_extension to ".ucs" and added $fname_noext. - Removed old SFTP sections and references (now handled through SCP/SFTP). - Adjusted logging: added "sleep 1" to ensure proper logging; added $backup_directory to log message. - Adjusted some help messages.
- AN
same issue iAPP doesn't work... Has anyone had success working with 12.1.1?
- Daniel_Tavernie
AN, What issues are you having? Can you post screenshots or error messages or a more detailed description? Also, have you tried the latest version of the iApp I posted just above your comment? Version 3.0.0.
- Daniel_Tavernie
Check out GitHub for the latest version of the F5 Automated Backup iApp, and submit any bugs or questions as an "Issue" on GitHub: