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JTucker_137331's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 30, 2014

View NAT / SNAT Sessions


I have recently enabled an SNAT in an iRule:

switch -exact -- "1" [IP::addr [getfield [IP::client_addr] "%" "1"] equals] {
    snat automap

and I am trying to work out how many sessions are being SNAT'd as a result of this change. Issuing the commands:

sho ltm nat 
sho ltm snat 
sho sys connection cs-client-addr

etc are not giving me any results. I am not so much interested in the details of the sessions, just totals so I can verify that I'm not exceeding the 64k limit but obviously doing something wrong.



  • Hi,

    Been doing a little more digging on this subject "show sys conn" does show thousands of connections and I'm pretty sure that the figure of 15K above from

    sho ltm virtual api_HTTP80 | grep Current

    isn't the SNAT sessions because if I then carry out the same on a high traffic VS I get a figure of

      sho ltm virtual ad_HTTP80 | grep Current
      Current Connections                   100.2K          0        -

    And SNAT is definitely not enabled in any shape or form on that VS!

    I have been playing about with "sho sys connection ss-server-addr" etc etc (previously was missing the route domain suffix, doh!) and that's now looking at bit more useful.

    I think I will enable SNAT pool to test and see how many connections I get specifically on that IP see if that 15K that can be validated in some way.

  • I will give that go in the morning, peak time now.


    I also found this on my travels that helps explain a few things regarding the perspective of the cs-client-addr etc commands:


    link text


  • Thanks I am now starting to get some figures e.g.

    (tmos) sho ltm virtual api_HTTP80 | grep Current
    Current Connections                    15.0K          0        -`

    but if I do:

    sho sys connection ss-client-addr
    Total records returned: 0

    When running a little script on that generates 3k http requests so I am wondering if I am a little confused on the definitions - as the clients making a connection to the VS, they are actually considered to be server side before they hit the VS?

  • Indeed the NAT commands won't give you anything.

    You have two options;

    • show sys connection ss-client-addr x.x.x.x
      (not cs-client-addr as you did)

    • show ltm virtual 'name' | grep Current
      (this will tell you how many current connection there are clientside and you can assume there are at least this many connections using SNAT serverside, or less if you are using OneConnect)